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Respiratory Therapy Flashcards

Description Date Stars ▼
SPC Pharmacology Unit 10 Exam 4  (29 cards) 2016-10-09 1
SPC Pharmacology Unit 11 Exam 4  (9 cards) 2016-10-09 1
SPC Pharmacology Unit 12 Exam 4  (18 cards) 2016-10-09 1
SPC Pharmacology Unit 13 Exam 5  (38 cards) 2016-10-25 1
SPC Pharmacology Unit 14 Exam 5  (7 cards) 2016-10-25 1
SPC Pharmacology Unit 15 Exam 5  (20 cards) 2017-10-21 1
SPC Pharmacology Unit 16 Exam 5  (18 cards) 2017-11-07 1
SPC Pharmacology Unit 17 Exam 6  (44 cards) 2017-11-07 1
SPC Pharmacology Unit 18 Exam 6  (61 cards) 2017-11-07 1
SPC Pharmacology Unit 19 Exam 6  (17 cards) 2017-11-07 1
Special Procedures  (47 cards) 2010-11-07 1
Stack #183770  (16 cards) 2008-12-06 1
Stack #61656  (38 cards) 2006-12-29 1
Stack #95958  (90 cards) 2007-10-18 1
Sterilization  (10 cards) 2013-02-18 1
Steriod Drugs  (16 cards) 2010-11-12 1
Studycards for ABG Powerpoint  (5 cards) 2014-10-02 1
studyguideCOPD  (77 cards) 2023-07-26 1
Suctioning review questions  (13 cards) 2016-09-04 1
Surgical And Diagnostics  (42 cards) 2009-11-12 1
test #3  (140 cards) 2022-07-03 1
Test II Pneumonia  (36 cards) 2014-10-02 1
Test IV - Smoking Cessation  (39 cards) 2014-10-01 1
TMC REVIEW  (85 cards) 2023-05-09 1
TMC REVIEW  (76 cards) 2023-05-09 1
TMC-N  (5 cards) 2023-05-09 1
Troubleshooting Changes in Vital Signs  (9 cards) 2019-07-11 1
Tuesday Test 1/9/18  (115 cards) 2018-01-12 1
WilliamWall Adv DX chapt 8 and 9 Test 2  (249 cards) 2009-02-02 1
WilliamWall Adv DX chapt 8 PFT  (113 cards) 2022-07-03 1
WilliamWallace Hemo chapt 13  (103 cards) 2022-07-03 1
WilliamWallace Peri test 3  (153 cards) 2009-05-05 1
WillWallace Perinatology Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, 5  (102 cards) 2009-04-15 1
Words to know  (79 cards) 2019-02-28 1
wwall RX Review Chap 12, 14, 15 06/08  (43 cards) 2008-10-20 1
wwallace brth sds  (30 cards) 2008-06-14 1
wwallace pds 1  (64 cards) 2008-06-18 1
wwallace pds 2  (101 cards) 2008-06-25 1
wwallace pds final  (63 cards) 2008-06-25 1
Yomair.Respiratory Tx Formulas.Norms  (68 cards) 2009-07-28 1
125 Exam 2  (49 cards) 2023-03-18  
125 Exam 3  (52 cards) 2023-04-15  
180 Exam 2  (80 cards) 2023-03-09  
190 first final  (111 cards) 2024-07-23  
203 FINAL  (262 cards) 2023-08-22  
2nd Competency 120  (20 cards) 2022-11-03  
840 vent PP  (21 cards) 2013-04-27  
abbreviations page 2  (34 cards) 2016-09-28  
abbreviations page 3  (34 cards) 2016-10-08  
abbreviations page 4  (33 cards) 2016-10-08  
ABG quality assurance and control  (6 cards) 2015-06-03  
ABG's  (30 cards) 2013-10-17  
ABG's  (19 cards) 2013-11-12  
ABG's  (23 cards) 2013-11-13  
ABG's and their values  (22 cards) 2015-06-25  
ABGs  (33 cards) 2012-05-18  
Adrenergic bronchodi  (35 cards) 2015-04-17  
Aerolised Rx  (41 cards) 2011-10-09  
Aerosol Therapy  (95 cards) 2023-02-28  
Aerosol, IS, Pulse Ox  (35 cards) 2022-06-21  
Airway Care  (26 cards) 2016-02-16  
Airway Care/ Chest Percussion  (5 cards) 2015-07-20  
Airway Care/Autodrainage  (6 cards) 2015-07-22  
Airway management pp  (48 cards) 2013-04-11  
Airway management review  (19 cards) 2013-04-10  
Airway Suctioning  (31 cards) 2015-07-22  
All Semester 2 RT equations  (15 cards) 2014-05-02  
am RTT  (22 cards) 2015-04-12  
Analysis and Monitoring of Gas Exchange  (50 cards) 2013-05-01  
Analysis and Monitoring of Gas Exchange  (17 cards) 2012-03-17  
anatomy vanier rt  (61 cards) 2016-12-13  
and management of ARDS  (15 cards) 2010-06-28  
Anti-infective Agent  (46 cards) 2020-09-10  
Anti-infective agent  (7 cards) 2015-04-18  
Anti-InfectiveAgents Pharmacology  (39 cards) 2011-11-21  
Anti-Inflammatory/Antiasthamtic Agents  (85 cards) 2011-11-19  
Antihypertensives / thrombolytics  (18 cards) 2012-09-09  
Antimicrobials  (7 cards) 2009-07-13  
APGAR Score  (12 cards) 2016-07-31  
Arterial Blood Gas  (40 cards) 2020-01-05  
Artificial Airways  (7 cards) 2010-02-20  
Artificial Airways  (25 cards) 2023-03-01  
Assessment by Palpation/ What You Feel  (18 cards) 2016-02-08  
Assessment by Percussion  (9 cards) 2016-02-08  
Assessment of the Infant  (65 cards) 2016-02-08  
Asthma  (32 cards) 2013-01-30  
Asthma  (35 cards) 2013-11-28  

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