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Chapter 4

Application term used to refer to the specific uses of a computer and the jobs it can perform
Backup A second copy of computer data made to avoid data loss in the event of a computer outage
Byte A unit that measures data
Case management The electronic filing system used in the Federal court system
CD-ROM Compact Disk- Read Only Memory
Central Processing Unit Part of a computer system where all computations, sorting, selecting and data management takes place
Database A compilation of data fields and records
Database Management System Software used to collect, sort, and organize data into the database
Data Source The file that contains a set of names, addresses, phone numbers, and other individual information necessary for merging
Document Management Software A computerized mechanism used for naming, storing, and labeling documents
Electronic Filing A system used by all members of the law firm to minimize paperwork and electronically file documents over the internet
Email System of delivering and receiving messages electronically over a modem or router
Field One piece of information about a person or buisness
Fonts Refers to the style of letters, numbers, and special characters
Footers Used in documents to place the title and page numbers
Graphical User Interface A system using icons to display menus and choices
Hardware The physical elements of the computer
Headers Places text and graphics at the top of each page
Input Device Keyboard, mouse, or any external devices that provide information from the user to the computer
Justification Refers to four types of text alignment. left, center, full, and right alignment
Links Web addresses that contain an activated linkage to another location
LAN Linkage of computers within close proximity
Macros A computer feature allowing the user to record multiple keystrokes and play them back with a few keystrokes
Mainframe Computers Large and expensive high-speed machine requiring trained operators
Malware A general term referring to issues that are transmitted from computer to computer including trojans and viruses
Metadata Data stored in a computer that shows who created, accessed, or revised a document
Microcomputers Small sized computers often called personal or desktop computers
Minicomputers Mid-sized, powerful computers often used as network servers
Open Codes Codes that are invoked once to create a change in line spacing
Operating System Software that controls the flow of information to and from the central processing unit
Optical Character Recognition A scanner that converts an image into a character-based text file
Output Device A computer peripheral such as a printer
Paired Codes Codes that are turned on or off to invoke changes such as underling, bolding, and italics
Peripherals Devices that are connected to a computer, such as terminals
Portable Computers Notebooks, laptops, handhelds, tablets, and cell phones are all portable computers
Record A compilation of all the fields that make up a person or business
Redline Feature that allows the comparison of one document to another
Repetitive Stress Injury An injury caused by physical strain due to repetitive movement such as carpal tunnel
Software All programs needed to instruct, control, and operator the hardware of the computer system
Styles The tool used to create a consistent appearance in a word processing document
Track Pad A device found on many laptops that allows fingertip control of cursor movement
Trackball A device with a ball in top that is rolled with the fingertips to move the cursor
Uniform Resource Locator The address or code at which a site can be located
USB Drives An external device that contains memory and services as a hard drive
Virus Computer code that can copy itself into an existing computer and destroy data or corrupt the system
Web Browser A program that allows a computer user to explore the internet
Webcam External device that serves as a camera
Website An individual site found on the internet
WAN Linkage of computers located far apart
Zip Drive A portable computer drive, now obsolete due to CD and DVD's
Created by: Aaron.Donivan
Popular Criminal Justice sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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