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Serology Terminology

Frequently used terms in forensic serology

Angle of Impact The acute angle formed between the direction of a blood drop and the plane of the surface it strikes
Arterial Spurting Pattern Bloodstain pattern(s) resulting from the blood exiting the body under pressure from a breached artery.
Back Spatter Blood directed back towards the source of energy or force that caused the spatter.
Cast-Off Pattern A bloodstain pattern created when blood is released or thrown from a blood-bearing object in motion.
Directionality The direction the blood was traveling when it impacted the target surface.
High Velocity Impact Spatter (HVIS) A bloodstain pattern caused by high velocity impact/force to a blood source such as that produced by a gunshot or high speed machinery.
Impact Pattern Bloodstain pattern created when blood receives a blow or force resulting in the random dispersion of smaller drops.
Low Velocity Impact Spatter (LVIS) A bloodstain pattern that is caused by a low velocity impact so a blood source such as that caused by a punch.
Medium Velocity Impact Spatter (MVIS) A bloodstain pattern that is caused by medium velocity impact to a blood source such as that caused by blunt force trauma with a weapon.
Parent Drop A drop of blood from which a wave, cast-off, or satellite spatter originated.
Passive Drop Bloodstain drop(s) created or formed by the force of gravity acting alone.
Point of Convergence The common point on a two dimensional surface, over which the directionality of several blood drops can be retraced.
Point of Origin The common point in a three dimensional space to which the trajectories of several blood drops can be retraced.
Satellite spatter Small droplets of blood that are distributed around a drop or pool of blood as a result of the blood impacting the target surface.
Spine The pointed or elongated stains which radiate away from the central area of a bloodstain.
Swipe Pattern The transfer of blood from a moving source onto an unstained surface.
Target A surface upon which blood has been deposited.
Transfer Pattern A bloodstain pattern created when a wet bloody surface comes in contact with a second surface. A recognizable image of all or portion of the original surface may be observed in the pattern.
Void An absence of stains in an otherwise continuous bloodstain pattern.
Wipe Pattern A bloodstain pattern created when an object moves through an existing stain, removing and/or altering its appearance.
Created by: cathy_box
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