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Swahili Verbs (all)

Lots of Swahili verbs (declinated + Infinitive forms) - all

English translationSwahili translation
I can accept that Naweza kukubali kwamba
she added it aliongeza kuwa
we admit it tunakubali
they advised him walimshauri
I can agree with that nakubaliana na hayo
she allows it anaruhusu
we announce it tunatangaza
I can apologize naomba msamaha
she appears today anaonekana leo
they arranged that walipanga hivyo
I can arrive tomorrow nitawasili kesho
she can ask him anaweza kumuuliza
she attaches that yeye huunganisha hiyo
we attack them sisi huwashambulia
they avoid her wamamuepuka
I can bake it naweza kuipikia
she is like him yeye ni kama yeye
we beat it tuliipiga
they became happy walifurahi
I can begin that nawesza kuanza
we borrowed money tulikopa pesa
they breathe air wanapumua hewa
I can bring it nitaileta
I can build that naweza kuijenga
she buys food yeye hununua chakula
we calculate it sisi hufanya hesabu hii
they carry it wao huibeba
they don't cheat hawadangayi
she chooses him yeye humchagua
we close it sisi huifunga
he comes here yeye huja hapa
I can compare that naweza kuilinganisha
she competes with me yeye hushindana nami
we complain about it sisi hulalamika juu yake
they continued reading waliendelea kusoma
he cried about that alilia juu yake
I can decide now naweza kuamua sasa
she described it to me alinielezea kuhusu
we disagree about it sisi hatukubaliani
they disappeared quickly walitoweka haraka
I discovered that niligundua kwamba
she dislikes that yeye hapendi
we do it sisi hufanya
they dream about it wao huota juu yake
I earned nimelipwa
he eats a lot yeye anakula sana
we enjoyed that sisi tulifurahia
they entered here waliingia hapa
he escaped that aliepuka hiyo
I can explain that siwezi kueleza hayo
she feels that too anahisi hivyo pia
we fled from there sisi tulitoroka toka huko
they will fly tomorrow wataondoka kwa ndege kesho
I can follow you naweza kukufuata
she forgot me alinisahau
we forgive him tumemsamehe
I can give her that naweza kumpa hiyo
she goes there yeye huenda huko
we greeted them tulimsalimu
I hate that nadharau hiyo
I can hear it Naweza kusikia
she imagine that yeye hufikiri hivyo
we invited them tuliwakaribisha
I know him Mimi namjua
she learned it alijifunza
we leave now twaondoka sasa
they lied about him walimsingizia
I can listen to that naweza kusikiliza
she lost that alipoteza
we made it yesterday tulifaulu jana
they met him walikutana naye
I misspell that siandiki vyema
I always pray mimi husali
she prefers that anapendelea hiyo
we protected them tuliwatunza
they will punish her watamuadhibu
I can put it there naweza kuiweka pale
she will read it ataisoma
we received that tulipokea hiyo
they refuse to talk wanakataa kuongea
I remember that nakumbuka hayo
she repeats that anarudia hiyo
we see it tunaona
they sell it tunaiuza
I sent that yesterday nilituma hiyo jana
he shaved his beard alimnyoa ndevu
it shrunk quickly ilipungua haraka
we will sing it tutuimamba
they sat there walikaa hapo
I can speak it nawaza kuisema
she spends money anatumia pesa
we suffered from that tuliteseka
they suggest that sisi tunadokeza kuwa
I surprised him nilimshangaza
she took that alichukua hiyo
we teach it tunaifunza
they told us Walituambia
she thanked him alimshukuru
I can think about it nitafikiria kuhusu
she threw it aliitupa
we understand that tunaelewa hivyo
they want that wanataka hiyo
I can wear it naweza kuivaa
she writes that anaandika hivyo
we talk about it tunajadili kuhusu
they have it wanayo
I watched it niliitazama
I will talk about it nitaongea kuhusu
he bought that yesterday alinunua hiyo jana
we finished it tuliimaliza
we spoke tuliongea
we wrote tuliandika
we drove tuliendesha
we loved tulipenda
we gave tulipeana
we smiled tulitabasamu
we took tulichukua
to succeed kufaolu
to sit kuketi
to fit kufaa
to be able kuweza
to accept kukubali
to accuse kushtaki
to agree kupatana
to alter kubadili
to annoy kusumbua
to answer kujibu
to appear kutokea
to ask a question kuuliza
to awaken kuamaka
to bathe kuoga
to bear fruit or childen kuzaa
to begin kuanza
to believe kusadiki
to blow kuvuma
to boast kujisifu
to boil (neutral) kuchemka
to boil (active) kuchemsha
to be born kuzaliwa
to strike kupiga kofi
to break kuvunja
to bring kuleta
to build kujenga
to burn (neutral) kuwaka
to burn (active) kuchoma
to bury kuzika
to buy kununua
to call kuita
to care for kutunza
to catch hold of kukamata
to be changed kubadilisha
to cheat kudanganya
to chew kutafuna
to choose kuchagua
to clap thehands kupiga makofi
to clean kusafisha
to climb up kupanda
to collect kukusanya
to command kamuru
to come near to kukaribia
to conqueor kushinda
to cook kupika
to cough kukohao
to cover kufunika
to cross over kuvuka
to crush kuponda
to cry kulia
to cultivate kulima
to cure kuponya
to cut; to cut down kukata
to decrease kupungua
to delay kukawia
to deny kukana
to destroy kuharibu
to dig kuchimba
to divide kugawanya
to do; to act kutenda
to drag kukokota
to draw a line kupiga mstari
to draw up water kuteka maji
to dream kuota
to drive away kufukuza
to get dry kukauka
to put out to dry kuanika
to enter kuingia
to escape kuokoka
to explain kueleza
to fail kupunguka
to fall kuanguka
to fear kuogopa
to feed kulisha
to fight kupigana
to finish kumaliza
to be finished kuisha
to fix kukaza
to flourish kusitawi
to fold kukunja
to follow kufuata
to forbid kugombeza
to forget kusahau
to forgive kusamehe
to get kupata
to get drunk kulewa
to get out kutoka
to ripen kuiva
to get up kuondoka
to get well kupona
to go kuenda
to go before kutangulia
to go; to come down kushuka
to greet kuamkia
to grind kusaga
to guard kulinda
to harm kudhuru
to hate kuchukia
to help kusaidia
to hear kusikia
to hide kuficha
to hinder kuzuia
to hold kushika
to hurt (active) kuumiza
to join kuunga
to judge kuhukumu
to jump; to fly kuruka
to kick kupiga teke
to kill kuua
to kill for food kuchinja
to know kujua
to be late kuchelewa
to laugh kucheka
to learn kujifunza
to leave kuacha
to take leave of kuaga
to life up kuinua
to light (fire; lamp; etc.) kuwasha
to listen kusikiliza
to look kutazama
to loosen kulegeza
to lose (active) kupoteza
to be lost (neutral kupotea
to lower kushusha
to make; to do kufanya
to marry a wife kuoa
to be married kuolewa
to measure kupima
to meet with kukuta
to melt (neutral) kuyeyuka
to miss kukosa
to mix kuchanganya
to order kuagiza
to overturn kupindua
to owe kuwiwa
to pain (neutral) kuuma
to pass kupita
to pay kulipa
to pick up kuokota
to play kucheza
to please kupeneza
to pour kumimina
to pound corn kutwanga
to praise kusifu
to pray kuomba
to prosper kufanikiwa
to pull; to draw kuvuta
to pull up kung'oa
to push kusukuma
to put kutia
to put on (clothes) kuvaa
to put our kutoa
to put out a light kuzima
to quarrel kugombana
to raise kupandisha
to reach kufika
to read kusoma
to receive kupokea
to refuse kukataa
to regret kujuta
to rejoice kufurahi
to remain over kubaki
to remain (in a place) kukaa
to remind kukumbusha
to rest kupumzika
to return; to go back kurudi
to return; to give back kurudisha
to roast kuoka
to rot kuoza
to be round kuviringa
to rub kusugua
to run kupiga mbio
to run away; to flee kukimbia
to save kuokoa
to scatter kutawanya
to scorn kudharau
to scratch kukuna
to see kuona
to search for kutafuta
to see one another kuonana
to send kupeleka
to sell kuuza
to sew kushona
to shake kutikisa
to shave kunyoa
to show kuonyesha
to sing kuimba
to sink kuzama
to sit down kukaa kitako
to sleep kulala
to smell nasty kunuka
to smell nice kunukia
to smell (active) kunuza
to be sorry kusikitika
to speak kunena
to spill kumwaga
to split (active) kupasua
to split (neutral) kupasuka
to spread (neutral) kuenea
to stand kusimama
to stay kukuaa
to steal kuiba
to strike; to beat kupiga
to suffice kutosha
to surround kuzunguka
to sweep kufagia
to swell kuvimba
to take kutwaa
to take away kuchukua
to take care kuangalia
to take off (clothes) kuvua
to teach kufundisha
to taste kuonja
to tear (cloth; etc.) kutatua
to tear in pieces kurarua
to tell kuambia
to think; to consider kufikiri
to think; to suppose kudhani
to throw away kutupa
to tie kufunga
to become tired kuchoka
to touch kugusa
to travel kusafiri
to try kujaribu
to turn (active) kugeuza
to turn (neutral) kugeuka
to uncover kufunua
to unfasten; to open kfungua
to wait kungoja
to walk about kutembea
to want kutaka
to wash kuosha
to wash clothes kufua
to wipe kufuta
to withhold from kunyima
to wash hands kunawa
to wonder kustaajabu
to worship kuabudu
to write kuandika
Created by: MiFu
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