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BPOC Communications

Interpersonal Communication and Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Actively skillfully conceptualizing and applying reasoning or communication. Intellectually disciplined process of actively conceptualizing, applying, and evaluating info gathered
Argument a statement or proposition with supporting evidence
Reasoning Ability to infer a conclusion from one or multiple premises
Environment a person's background, history, field of experience
Point of view the way one views the world
Method of good problem solvers positive attitude, concern for accuracy, breaking problem into parts, avoiding guessing activeness in problem solving
SARA model Scanning, Analysis, Response, Assessment
Communication The transfer of meaning The process by which information is exchanged through a common system of symbols, signs, behavior. Must be sent AND comprehended to be succussful
Failure to communicate can . . . result in dire consequences
Sender Initiates communication with receiver
Encoding Method of sending message
Message Actual non verbal feeling, intention, mental picture formed in the mind of the sender being transmitted to the receiver
Decoding Act of receiving message and interpreting it into its perceived meaning
Feedback The receiver's verbal/nonverbal response to the message
Noise Internal/External factors that interfere with the ability to send/receive message
Models of Communication Linear, interactive, transactional
Obstacles concerning environment must be overcome by. . the sender
Barriers to effective communication cultural, perceptional, motivational, emotional, linguistic, gestures, slang, filtering
Helpful nonverbal techniques Eye contact, touching, body posture, vocalization, distance
Helpful Verbal Techniques Active listening, clarification, stating the obvious, summarizing
Peace Officers as Crisis Interveanor must focus on Positioning, Posturing, Observing, Listening, Ask Questions, Responding
Elements of confrontation (PACE) Problem, Audience, Constraints, Ethical Presence
Criteria Conditions that must be met for something to be judged as believable
Procedures for applying criteria Ask questions, make judgements, identify assumptions
4 reasons for errors in reasoning Fails to observe facts, Failes to approach problems in systematic manner, Fails to spell out relationships fully, Sloppy/Inaccurate collecting of info
Communication is an . . . . important professional skill
Officer's duties are ____% verbal and ____% Physical force 97%, 3%
Perception of a message is ___% due to content, ___% due to voice, and ___% due to non-verbal. 7%, 33%, 60%
3 Elements necessary for a Crime to occur Offender, Victim, Location
Helpful Tools in redirecting a person's behavior Listen, Empathize, Ask Questions
Types of verbal appeals Ethical (highly emotional), Rational (sense of right/wrong), Practical (Based on beliefs), Personal (Head strong)
Created by: DSO Academy
Popular Criminal Justice sets




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