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Chapter 4 Vocabulary

NALS Chapter 4 Vocabulary Words

Application Sof a computer and the jobs it can perform,
Backup A second copy of computer data made to avoid data loss in the event of a computer outage.
Byte A unit that measures data. One byte is the equivalent of one letter, number, or punctuation mark. A kilobyte (KB) is one thousand bytes; a megabyte (MG) is one million bytes; a gigabyte (GB) is one million bytes.
Case Management/Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) The electronic filling system used in the federal court system.
CD-ROM Compact Disk-Read Only Memory
Central Processing Unit (CPU) The part of the computer system where all computations, sorting, selecting, and data manipulation take place; oversees the use of the main memory and monitors input and output operations.
Database A compilation of data fields and records that is collects, stored, and organized for later retrieval through sorting, searches, queries, etc.
Database Management System Software that is used to collect, store, and organize data into a database.
Electronic filing (efiling) A system used by courts, government agencies, attorneys, and the public to reduce paperwork and electronically file documents over the internet using a standard web browser,
Email a system for sending messages from one individual to another via telecommunications links between computers or terminals using dedicated software
Field One piece of information about a person or business used in a data source.
Fonts Refers to the style or design of a collection of letters, numerals, symbols, and punctuation marks.
Footers Used in documents and pleadings to place the title and page number on each page as well as other document information.
Graphical user interface A system using icons and pictures to display menus and choices on a computer.
Hardware The physical elements of a computer, such as a keyboard, monitor, printer, case or chassis, modem, scanner, and joy stick.
Headers Places text and graphics at the top of each page.
Input Device Keyboard, mouse, optical character reader, imaging scanner, and voice recognition system are all examples.
Justification Refers to 4 types of text alignment, left justification, center justification, full justification, or right justification.
Links Web address that contain an activated linkage to another location or website on the internet.
Local area network (LAN) The linking of computers within close proximity, i.e., in the same building
Macro(s) A computer feature that allows the operator to record multiple keystrokes and then play them back with just a few keystrokes.
Mainframe Computers Large, very expensive high-speed machines that require trained operators and special temperature environments, used for specific and engineering computation.
Malware A general term referring to problems that can be transmitters from computer to computer through email or Internet access, such as viruses, Trojans, and keyboard scanners.
Metadata Data stores in a computer that shows who created, accessed, or revised a document, what changes were made and by whom. and the dates and times when all of this occurred.
Microcomputers Small-sized computers often called personal or desktop computers (PCs)
Minicomputers Mid-sized, powerful computers often used as a network servers.
Open codes Codes that are invoked once to create a change in line spacing, margins, tab settings, font changes, justification, and page numbering which affect only text to the right of the code.
Operating System Software that controls the flow of information to and from the central processing unit and to and from the input and output devices.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) A scanner that converts an image into a character- based text file.
Output Device A computer peripheral such as a monitor or printer,
Paired Codes Codes that are turns on and off to invoke changes such as underlining, bold face, italics, and styles and affect only the text appearing between the paired codes.
Peripherals Devices that are connected to a computer, such as terminals, tape drives, disk drives, modems, printers, and scanners.
Portable computers Notebooks, laptops, handhelds, tablets, and even smartphones qualify as portable computers.
Record Made up of all the fields relating to one person or business in a data source.
Redline (blacklines) The feature which allows the comparison of one document to another.
Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) An injury caused by physical strain due to repetitive movement; carpal tunnel is a common RSI.
Software All programs needed to instruct, control, and operate the hardware of a computer system, such as flowcharts, manuals, programs, routines, training, and the like.
Styles The tool used to create a consistent appearance in a word processing document, while reducing keystrokes required to format the document.
Track pad A device found on many laptops that allows fingerprint control of cursor movement.
Trackball A device with a ball on top that is rolled with the fingertips to move the cursor, while the base of the device remains stationary.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) The address or code at which an Internet site ca be located.
USB drives Sometimes called memory sticks, flash drives, or thumb drives, these devices plug into USB drives or a computer and contain memory that functions like a hard drive.
Virus Computer code that can be copied into existing computer program and make itself known by in peding correct function of the program.
Web Browser A program that allows a computer user to explore the Internet.
Webcam A small, inexpensive device that functions like a camera, with its images being sent over the Internet.
Web page or Website An individual site found on the Internet.
Wide Area Network (WAN) the linking of computers that are located far apart, i.e., in different cities, through cables, fiber optics, or satellites.
Zip Drive A portable computer drive, now nearly obsolete due to the common usage of recordable CDs and DVDs.
Created by: Daejah118009
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