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Quiz 1 CRC-110

Stroke A single key or key combination depressed at one time
Outline The letter combinations used to define a word or phrase.
Captioner A conflict-free steno typist who captions television programs. Much captioning is done in a real time environment. (also called Stenocaptioner)
CAT (Computer Aided Transcription) Refers to the use of computers to translate stenotype notes.
CIC (Computer Integrated Courtroom) Refers to the use of computers by court reporters in the courtroom itself. Usually associated with realtime writing.
Conflict Using the same outline for more than one word. Since the computer does not know which word is correct, a human must make the correction during an edit phase. Conflicts are inappropriate for realtime applications.
Conflict Free A system of writing whereby every word has a unique outline. A conflict-free theory is a necessity for effective realtime writing.
CSR (certified shorthand reporter) Certification acquired by passing a state certification examination
NCRA National Court Reporters Association.
Notes The shorthand outlines on your paper tape.
JCR (Journal of Court Reporting) The magazine published by the NCRA
Realtime Instantaneous translation of stenotype notes.
Reporter One who makes a verbatim transcript of a proceeding.
RPR (Registered professional reporter) Certification acquired by passing NCRA's Examination
Scopist One who edits a reporters translation on the computer to create the final transcript.
Taking The act of writing on the stenotype machine.
Text Entry A method of Real Time translation that includes interactive editing capabilities. Use for medical transcription and other information processing fields.
STPH KWR AO What are the keys on the left side of the stenograph
Created by: dougcpht
Popular Criminal Justice sets




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