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Penn Foster: Intro to Vet Tech: Behavior

ethology the study of animal behavior
Charles Darwin
species classification of animals
theory of evolution characterizes all related organisms as descended from common ancestors
natural selection the process that awards survival and reproductive success to individuals and groups best adjusted to their environment
classical ethology asserts that much of what animals know is instinctive, or innate
Ivan Pavlov
unconditioned response a simple reflex behavior
unconditioned stimulus something that produces an unconditioned response
John B. Watson
stimulus-response theory holds that all complex forms of behavior, including emotions, thoughts, and habits, are complex muscular and gladular responses that can be observed and measured
classical conditioning refers to the association of stimuli that occurs at approximately the same time or in roughly the same area
operant conditioning works on the principle of associating a certain activity, known as the operant, with punishment or reward
B.F. Skinner
trial-and-error learning
instrumental learning learning by trial and error
sociobiology the study of social organization in animals
fixed action patterns stereotypical or predictable behaviors
instincts inherited or genetically coded responses to environmental stumuli
positive reinforcement refers to any immediate pleasant occurrence that follows a behavior
negative reinforcement refers to any immediate unpleasant occurrence used to create a desired behavior
punishment an unpleasant occurrence used to eliminate an undesirable behavior
Konrad Z. Lorenz
imprinting a rapid learning process that enables the very young to recognize and bond with its caretaker
sensitive period the period of time when imprinting occurs
canine separation anxiety the bond between owner and pet is so strong that a dog feels anxiety when separated from its owner
dominance aggression
fear-induced aggression
predatory agression
pain-induced aggression
inter-male aggression
territorial aggression
maternal aggression
house soiling urinating or defecating inside the home
factors of problem behavior treatment methods trust, reward, reprimand, consistency
reward the most critical element of behavior modification
edible rewards
vocal rewards
common treatment techniques extinction, aversion therapy, avoidance therapy, habituation, punishment, counterconditioning, desensitization, environmental modification, surgical modification, pharmaceutical therapy
wobble a training manuever designed to disorient a bird by abruptly dropping the hand its perched on
Created by: kitttcole
Popular Veterinary sets




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