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History & Physical E

Vet Tech - Penn Foster History & Physical Examination

presenting problem the reason the animal is at the vet
body systems history detailed questions about the body sytems involved in the presenting problem
body systems review review the body systems to note any additional problems
medical history seeks information to help the vet evaluate the patient's physicals status, develop a diagnosis and offer prognosis
signalment overall patient description includes breed, age , gender and reproductive status
client complaint primary or presenting problem
enviornmental history the animal's most recent living situation
integumentary system skin and attached structures, like hair
seizure most common sign of central nervous system problem
problems in the gastrointestinal system hav etwo main symtoms vomiting and diarrhea
pulmonary edema fluid accumulation in the lungs
chief symptom of a respiratory problem cough
invertebral disk disease deteriorated cushions between the vertebrae
vital statistics weight, temperature, heart rate, respiration rate
heart-girth tape customized tape measure used to measure a horse's weight
palpation examining the body parts by touch
auscultation listening for sounds produced by the body
systematic examination examining one body system in its entirety before moving on to the next
erythroderma redness of skin
papules pustules, bruises and masses on the skin
condomes blackheads
cranial toward the head
inguinal between the legs
tugor pressure lifting a patch of skin and twisting it, measure the length of time it takes to return to normal
capillary refill time checked by pressing on the gums until they turn white then release, measure the time it takes to return to normal
the heart is separated into ______ zones on the thorax 4
there are _____ zones on the left side 3
MAPiT Mitral valve, Aortic Valve, Pulmonary valve, Tricuspid valve
palperbral reflex evaluate the reflex by touching the medial corner of the eye to elecit a blink
menace reflex evaluated by moving an open palm rapidly toward the animals eye
proprioception righting reflex
alopecia loss of body hair
bilateral occuring on two sides
cardiovascular system the body system that circulates the blood
caudal a directional term that means towards the tail
cephalic venipuncture the taking of a blood sample from the foreleg of an animal
choana a slitlike opening on the roof of the mouth in a bird
cradle a device that consists of wooden slats or rods that go around a horse's neck to prevent it from chewing itself
dorsal a directional term that means toward the back
jugular venipuncture the taking of a blood sample from the jugular vein of an animal
keel the breastbone of a bird
master problem list the first page of a chart which serves as a index or table of contents for the record
medial a directional term which means toward the middle
mouth gag a wedge shaped structure that prevents a horse from biting down on someone
nares nostrils
neuro hammer an instrument used to check an animal's reflexes
otoscope an instrument used to inspect the ear of an animal
pulse deficits distinct differences between the point at which the heart beats and the point at which a beat is felt, it should be felt immediately
radiographs x-rays
rales abnormal crackling sounds heard in the lungs
respiratory system the body system that takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide
scruff, scruffing grasping the loose skin behind an animal's neck, used as a restraint method
seizure a shirt circuit in the brain that makes the nimal loose control over its body
SOAP format four divisions of the progress notes section of the patien record: Subjective Objective Assessment procedures or Plan
symmetrical even in size or shape
thoracic area the chest cavity of an animal
tympanic membrane the membrane that covers the ear drum
ventral a directional term that means toward the anterior or front
vertebrae the bones of the spine
four zones of the heart for ascultation Mitral valve, Aortic valve, Pulmonary valve Trucuspid valve
the three zones of the abdomen cranial third, medial third, the caudal third
five lymph nodes examined by palpation are popliteal, axillary, inguinal, submandibular, and prescapular
conjunctiva the membrane that covers the eyeball as well as the inside of the eyelids
sciera white part of the eye
cornea the transparent layer that covers the very fron of the eye
ophthalmoscope an instrument used to visulaize the interior chamber of the eye
Created by: cmonkey8
Popular Veterinary sets




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