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Health & Fitness

H&F ch1 Questions

(4)1.What may happen to life expectancy in the future? #Drop by almost 5 years
(2)2.What happens to a physically inactive human body? Goes through Sedentary Death Syndrome or SeDS
(4)3.What are the leading causes of death in the US in rank order? Others, Cardiovascular, Cancer CLRD(Chronic Lower Respiratory disease, accidents
(16)4.What has happened to levels of cardiovascular disease risk over the past 30 years? Droped by 26%
(16)5.In the Harvard study which group had the largest decrease in mortality? Alumni who used more than 2000 calories per week
(7)6.Be familiar with expected benefits from participation in regular physical activity and exercise. Table 1.1
(2)7.What is largest cause of preventable death in the US? Tobacco use
(5)8.Which chronic disease has increased over the past 50 years? Those of the cardiovascular system
(9)9.What is the life expectancy for someone born at the beginning of the 20th century? 47 years. pg 2
(4)10.What is the life expectancy of someone born in the US today? 77.7 yrs
(4)11.Where does the US rank among nations for healthy life expectancy? 24 t
(4)12.What affects our comparatively low ranking for healthy life expectancy? Extremely poor health of groups like Native Americans, Rual African Americans and inner-city poor, HIV, tobacco use, Coronary heart disease, Fairly high levels of violence
(5)13.What % of people in the US die of cardiovascular disease? 31.7
(5)14.What % of lung cancer is caused by tobacco use? 87
(5)15.What % of all cancer death is smoking related? 30
(5)16.What % of cancer could be prevented by lifestyle changes? 80
(5)17.What % of suicide & accidents are alcohol-related? 50
(6)18.What are the top 3 underlying causes of death in the United States? (Fig. 1.5) Tobacco, Poor diet/inactivity, alcohol
(7)19.What term describes the intensity of activity recommended by 1996 Surgeon General’s Report? Moderate physical activity
(10)20.Be familiar with table 1.2. Geneticas, Enviroment, Behavior -> health & Longvity
(16)21.What accounts for more than half of the decline in cardiovascular disease in the past 40 years? Participation in wellness programs
(17)22.Research on mortality shows the largest drop in premature death between which two groups? People who abandoned a sedentary lifestyle and became more fit
(17)23.Compare death rate difference between the least and most fit groups in the Aerobics Research study. Inversely proportionate. More active less early death, less active more early death
(17)24.What % reduction in mortality was evident in the Aerobics Research Study when people became active? 44
(18)25.Know which fitness components are skill-related and which are health- related.
(23)26.What % of population use 97% of health care dollars? 50
(23)27.What is emphasized more in the US, high tech cures or preventions? High tech cures
(23)28.What % of the population accounts for 30% of health care cost? 1
(23)29.Are many Americans uninsured? 44 million
(23)30.What effects have corporate fitness programs had on employees? Helping to keep them healthy and productive
(9)31.The ACSM/AHA report states what % of adults meet the recommendations for physical activity? 49.1
(8) 32.Know ACSM and AMA physical activity recommendations for adults age 18-65.
Sedentary Death Syndrome (SeDS) Cause of death attributed to a lack of regular physical activity
Health A state of complete well-being not just the absence of disease or infirmity
Life expectancy Number of years a person is expected to live based on the person’s birth year.
Chronic diseases Illnesses that develop as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle and last a long time
Healthy life expectancy (HLE) Number of years a person is expected to live in good health; this number is obtained by subtracting ill-health years from the overall life expectancy
Morbidity a condition related to or caused by illness or disease
Physical activity Bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles; requires expenditure of energy and produces progressive health benefits. Ex: walking, taking the stairs, dancing, gardening, yard work, house cleaning, washing the car and all forms of structured exercise
Exercise A type of physical activity that requires planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement with the intent of improving or maintaining one or more components of physical fitness.
Moderate physical activity Activity that uses 150 calories of energy per day, or 1000 calories per week
Pedometer An electronic device that senses body motion and counts footsteps. Some pedometers also record distance, calories burned, speeds, “Aerobic steps”, and time spent being physically active
Risk Factors Lifestyle and genetic variables that may lead to disease
Health promotion The science and art of enabling people to increase control over their lifestyle to move toward a state of wellness.
Wellness The constant and deliberate effort to stay healthy and achieve the highest potential for well-being. It encompasses seven dimensions
Physical wellness Good physical fitness and confidence in you personal ability to take care of health problems.
Emotional wellness the ability to understand you own feelings, accept your limitations, and achieve emotional stability
Mental wellness A state in which your mind is engaged in lively interaction with the world around you
Social wellness The ability to relate well to others, both within and outside the family unit
Environmental wellness the capability to live in a clean and safe environment that is not detrimental to health
Ecosystem a community of organisms interacting with each other in an environment
Occupational wellness The ability to perform your job skillfully and effectively under conditions that provide personal and team satisfaction and adequately reward each individual.
Spiritual wellness the sense that life is meaningful, that life has purpose, and that some power brings all humanity together; the ethics, balues, and morals that guide you and give meaning and direction to life.
Prayer Sincere and humble communication with a higher power
Altruism Unselfish concern for the welfare of others.
Sedentary Description of a person who is relatively inactive and whose lifestyle is characterized by a lot of sitting
Vigorous activity Exercise that requires a MET level equal to or greater than 6 METs(21mL/kg/min). 1 is energy expenditure at rest, METs are defined as multiples of resting metabolic rate (6-MET level include aerobics, walking uphill at 3.5 mph, cycling at 10 to 12 mph.
Physical fitness the ability to meet the ordinary as well as the unusual demands of daily life safely and effectively without being overly fatigued and still have energy left for leisure and recreational actives
Health-related fitness Fitness programs that are prescribed to improve the individual’s overall health
Hypokinetic disease “Hypo” denotes “lack of”; therefore, illnesses related to lack of physical activity
Skill-related fitness Fitness components important for success in skillful activities and athletic events; encompasses agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed
Health fitness standards the lowest fitness requirements for maintaining good health, decreasing the risk for chronic diseases, and lowering the incidence of muscular-skeletal injuries
Metabolic profile a measurement of plasma insulin, glucose, lipid and lipoprotein levels to asses risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Cardiorespiratory endurance the ability of the lungs, heart, and blood vessels to deliver adequate amounts of oxygen to the cells to meet the demands of prolonged physical activity
Physical fitness standards A fitness level that allows a person to sustain moderate-to-vigorous physical activity without undue fatigue and the ability to closely maintain the level throughout life.
Created by: leticiasaiid
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