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Medical Term Basics

Chapter 1

Decodable Term Medical Term which can be broken down into word parts or terms
Non Decodable Term Medical Term which can not be broken down into Word parts
anthr/o joint - combining form
gastr/0 stomach - combining form
ophthalm/o eye - combining form
ot/o ear - combining form
rhin/o nose - combining form
-algia pain - suffix
-tomy incision - suffix
-scope instrument to view - suffix
-logy study of - suffix
-plasty surgical repair - suffix
arthralgia arthr/o = joint -algia = pain Pain of a joint
gastrotomy gastr/o = stomach -tomy = incision incision of the stomach
ophthalmoscope opthalm/o = eye -scope = intrument to view instrument to view the eye
otology ot/o = ear -logy = study of study of the ear
rhinoplasty rhin/o = nose -plasty = surgical repair surgical repair of the nose
-icle, -ole, -ule small, tiny
-is structure, thing
-um structure, thing, membrane
-ac, -al, -ar, -ary, -eal, -ic, -ous pertaining to
-cele herniation
-emia blood condition
-ia condition
-itis inflammation
-malacia softening
-megaly enlargement
-oma mass, tumor
-osis abnormal condition
-pathy disease process
-ptosis prolapse, drooping, sagging
-rrhage, -rrhagia bursting forth
-rrhea discharge, flow
-rrhexis rupture
-sclerosis hardening
-stenosis narrowing
-graphy process of recording
-metry process of measurement
-opsy, -scopy process of viewing
-ectomy removal, resection
-plasty surgical repair
-rrhaphy suture
-stomy new opening
-tomy incision, cutting
-tripsy crushing
-graph instrument to record
-meter instrument to measure
-scope instrument to view
-tome instrument to cut
-tripter machine to crush
-trite instrument to crush
-er one who
-iatrician one who specializes in treatment
-iatrics treatment
-iatrist one who specializes in treatment
-iatry process of treatment
-ist one who specializes
-logist one who specializes in the study of
-logy study of
a-, an- no, not, without
ante- forward, in front of, before
anti- against
dys- abnormal, difficult, bad
endo-, end- within
epi- above, upon
hyper- excessive, above
hypo- below, deficient
inter- between
intra- within
neo- new
par- near
para- abnormal
per- through
peri- surrounding area
poly- many
post- after, behind
pre- before, in front of
sub- below, under
trans- through, accross
Rules for Using Singular and Plural Endings: term ends in -a drop the -a and add -ae
Rules for Using Singular and Plural Endings: term ends in -is drop the -is and add -es
Rules for Using Singular and Plural Endings: term ends in -ix or -ex drop the -ix or -ex and add -ices
Rules for Using Singular and Plural Endings: term ends in -itis drop the -itis and add -itides
Rules for Using Singular and Plural Endings: term ends in -nx drop the -nx and add -nges
Rules for Using Singular and Plural Endings: term ends in -um drop the -um and add -a
Rules for Using Singular and Plural Endings: term ends in -us drop the -us and add -i
Rules for Using Singular and Plural Endings: term ends in -y drop the -y and add -ies
arteri/o artery
arthr/o joint
bacteri/o bacteria
bi/o life, living
cardi/o heart
cephal/o head
cervic/o cervix, neck
chondr/o cartilage
col/o large intestine, colon
coron/o crown, heart
cut/o, cutane/o skin
cyst/o bladder, sac
dent/i tooth
derm/o skin
electro/o electricity
enter/o small intestine
esophag/o esophagus
gastr/o stomach
gloss/o, lingu/o tongue
lipid/o fat, lipid
lith/o stone
mamm/o breast
muscul/o muscle
my/o muscle
nat/o birth, born
neur/o nerve
ophthalm/o eye
oste/o bone
ot/o ear
path/o disease
ped/o child
phil/o attraction
pne/o breathing
psych/o mind
rhin/o nose
somn/o sleep
spir/o breathing
splen/o spleen
therm/o heat, temperature
tonsill/o tonsil
troph/o nourishment
urethr/o urethra
ven/o vein
vers/o turning
vertebr/o vertebra, backbone
subgastric pertaining to below the stomach
atrophy bad proccess of nourishment
periosteum outer covering of the bone
Created by: Grange
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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