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Infancy Test 1

Chapters 1-4 and lectures

Gene Basic unit of hereditary
Fraternal twins When two ova are released in a month and each fertilized by a different sperm.
Sex chromosomes 23rd pair
Erickson - psychosocial development Trust Vs. Mistrust Autonomy Vs.Shame and doubt Initiative vs. guilt Industry Vs.Inferiority
Scaffolding Vygotsky
micro, meso, exo, macro closest, more often, once a year, rarely
Brofenbrenner Ecological systems theory
John Locke clean slate, NO dispositions, social approval
Rousseau inherently good, natural and moral, express impulse
Darwin Baby biography
G Stanely Hall Founder of Child Development
Alfred Binet 1900’s first standardized testing
Psychoanalytic theory Freud’s stages of psychosexual dev. And Erickson’s psychosocial
Stages of Psychosexual development oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital
Sucking fixation-can lead to alcoholism oral stage 0-1
Anal stage 1-3 strictness during potty training can lead to anal retentiveness
Phallic Stage 3-6 Stimulation of genitals, beginning of masturbation
Latency stage 5-6 become immersed in school work, sex at bay, playmates same
Trust vs mistrust 0-1- learns to rely on caregivers, mother and environment
Autonomy vs. shame desire to make choices, self control and regulation 1-3
Initiative vs. Guilt add initiative, achieve goals by planning and attacking 3-6
Industry vs. inferiority become absorbed and implement skills, master basics 6-12
Behaviorism John B. Watson and B.F Skinner conditioning
John B Watson Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning Cause and effect- hot stove and future encounters
B.F. Skinner Operant conditioning
Operant Conditioning incentive – potty training and rewarding good behavior
Scaffolding guiding child in activity they can’t yet complete themselves
Albert Bandura children active learners make environments, learn from peers
Cognitive perspective Jean Piaget’s Cognitive developmental theory
Jean Piaget’s Cognitive theory Schemes, adaptation, assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration
Scheme mental structure, acquires/organizes knowledge ie-sucking grasping, looking
Adaptation interactions between organism and environment
Assimilation process by which someone responds to new objects or events/ existing schemes
Accommodation object or idea cannot be made to fit, changed incorporated. Ex nipple vs bottle
Equilibration the process of restoring equilibrium/ happiness
Jean Piagets stages of cognitive dev Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
Sensorimotor 0-2 lack language, responsive to interesting stimuli, acquires basics of language
Preoperational 2-7 represents world mentally, only looks at one side of issue lacking conservation
Concrete operational 7-12 Logical operations, conservation concepts, can adopt other views
Formal Operational 12+ mature aduly though emerges, deductive logic, various angles, hypothesis
Biological perspective Darwin and ethologists Lorenz and Tinbergen
Ethology instinctive behavior or inborn/specific to a species
Imprinting ie. Geese attachment to first moving object as parent/caregiver
Ecology biology that deals with relationships of organisms and environment
Ecological Systems Theory Brenfenbrenner, aspects of psychological, social, emotional
Ecological systems Micro, meso, exo, macro, chrono
Micro family, school, health
Meso closer, daycare
Exo extended family and neighbors
Macro culture
Chrono environmental changes over lifetime
Sociciocultural theory Vygotsky; zone of proximinal development and Scaffolding
Zone of Proximinal development range of tasks that can be done with help
Scaffolding problem solving skills given to child to complete a task
Cross sectional research different cohort groups ie age at same time
Longitudinal research same group over time
Cross-sequential research different cohort groups at different times over time
Mitosis cell division/reproduction, cell groups and tissues replaced
Meiosis reduction division leaving chromosomes unpaired
Males less likely to be conceived and more likely miscarried during great stress famine, war
Sex selection opposed by U.S., outlawed by China, India, Australia and Canada expt disability
Monozygotic twins Identical twins- one ova fertilized once splits
Dizygotic twins fraternal twins, 2 ova fertilized by different sperm 2/3rds
Multiple ovation is genetic via X chromosome True
Polygenic resulting from many genes
DNA genetic material in form of double helix
Zygote life as single cell
Mutation sudden variation in a heritable characteristic such as accident which changes genes
Autosome a member of a pair of chromosomes excluding the sex chromosomes
Sex chromosomes X or Y determines sex of child- comes from father
Allele each member of a pair of genes that determine traits
Homozygous two identicle alleles make trait
Heterozygous two different alleles for a trait
Dominant trait expressed trait
Recessive trait non expressed trait- paired with dominant trait
Multifactorial problems stem from interaction of hereditary and environment factors
Down syndrome caused (usually) by an extra chromosome on the 21st pair resulting in 47 total
Down syndrome varies with age of parents more likely when older
Sex-linked chromosomal abnormalities abnormalities carried through generations- extra x or y pg. 50
Klinefelter syndrome 1 in 500 male has extra x chromosome- produces less testosterone
Turner syndrome I in 2500 women has single X chromosome ovaries poorly developed less estrogen
PKU phenylketonuria; recessive gene-both parents have causes build up and intellectual disability
Prenatal testing amniocentesis, chorionic villus testing, sampling, ultrasound and blood tests
Amniocentesis drawing out and examining fetal cells
chorionic villus testing close to Amniocentesis but earlier; 9-12th wk
Ultrasound high pitch sound waves create picture known as sonogram
Genotypes set of traits inherited from parents
Phenotype actual set of traits of individual
Canalization tendency of growth rates to return to determined patterns after environmental changes
In virtro fertilization ova removed from mother is lab dish, fathers in dish also- 1+fertilized then back to mom
Embryonic transplant transfer of one embryo from one woman to another
Created by: Scruffy
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