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Med Language Ch. 4

Turley - Pulmonology

pulmon/o lung
spir/o breathe
re- again and again
-atory pertaining to
cardi/o heart
nas/o nose
septum dividing wall
mucos/o mucous membrane
pharyng/o pharynx
laryng/o voice box
epiglottis flap which seals off the larynx to prevent food from going into the trachea
trachea windpipe
lumen central opening
hilum indentation on the medial surface of each lung where the bronchus enters
parenchyma functional part of an organ
lobe large division of an organ
thoracic pertaining to the chest
mediastinum potential space between the lungs containing the heart, trachea and esophagus
inspiration breathing in
expiration breathing out
diaphragm a sheet of skeletal muscle lying along the inferior border of the thoracic cavity which is active during breathing
pleura double layered serous membrane surrounding the lungs and lining the wall of the pleural cavity
hem/o blood
metabolism process of a cell tranforming oxygen or nutrients into energy
apex rounded top of each lung (may refer to other body parts)
eupnea normal rate and rhythm of breathing
-spasm sudden, involuntary muscle contraction
alveolus air sac
bronchitis acute or chronic inflammation of the bronchi
bronchiectasis permanent enlargement and loss of elasticity of the bronchioles
stridor high pitched, harsh, crowing sound due to edema or obstruction in the trachea or larynx
wheezes high pitched whistling or squeaking sounds during inspiration or expiration. (caused from bronchspasm due to asthma)
empyema localized collection of pus in the thoracic cavity
cystic fibrosis inherited disease affecting all exocrine cells, mucus is abnormally thick blocking the alveoli causing dyspnea
emphysema chronic irreversibly damaged alveoli that are enlarged and trap air in the lungs
copd chronic obstruction pulmonary disease - combination of chronic bronchitis and emphysema
pneumonia infection of some or all of the lobes of the lungs
aspiration the process of breathing or sucking in
pulmonary edema fluid collection in the alveoli secondary to heart failure
pulmonary embolism blood clot in the pulmonary arterial system causing a blockage
hemothorax presence of blood in the thoracic cavity, usually due to trauma
pneumothorax large volume of air in the pleural space, often due to penetrating injury or spontaneous rupture
apnea absence of spontaneous respiration
dyspnea difficult, painful or labored breathing
anoxia complete lack of oxygen in the arterial blood and tissues
asphyxia an abnormally high level of carbon dioxide and an abnormally low level of oxygen
cyanosis bluish gray discoloration of the skin due to a very low level of oxygen an a very high level of CO2
hypoxemia very low level of oxygen in the arterial blood
oximetry diagnostic test which measures the level of oxygen in the blood
vital signs temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiration rate
thoracentesis puncture of the pleural cavity to remove fluid
tracheostomy surgically created opening into the trachea
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