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Med Language Ch 2

Turley The Body in Health

Coronal Plane a vertical plane that divides the body into front and back sections
Sagittal Plane a vertical plane that divides the body into right and left sections
posterior back part
anterior front part
ventral front part of the body
dorsal back part of the body
posteroanterior from back to front
anteroposterior from front to back
prone lying face down
supine lying on the back or dorsal surface
recumbent lying down
medial toward the midline
lateral away from the midline or toward the side of the body
transverse/axial plane a horizontal plane that divides the body into top and bottom sections
superior upper half of the body or toward the head
inferior bottom half of the body or toward the feet
cephalad/cephalic toward the head
caudad/caudal toward the tail (or feet)
distal away from the point of origin
proximal toward the point of origin
epigastric above the stomach
lumbar lower back
inguinal pertaining to the groin
hypogastric below the stomach
umbilical pertaining to/near the navel
hypochondriac pertaining to below the cartilage (of the ribs)
macroscopic that which can be seen by the unaided eye
microscopic that which is too small to be seen without the unaided eye
hematology study of the blood
immunology study of the immune system
gastroenterology study of the stomach and intestines
pulmonology study of the repiratory system
dermatology study of the skin and related structures
orthopedics study of the bone and muscular system
urology study of the urinary system
endocrinology study of the endocrine system
otolaryngology study of the ears, nose and throat
ophthalmology study of the eyes
obstetrics/gynecology study of the female reproductive system
neonatology study of new babies at birth
geriatric knowledge and practice of persons of old age and their medical treatment
Oncology the study and treatment of a cancerous tumor or mass
psychiatry medical treatment of the mind
pharmacology study of medicines and drugs
anatomical position standard position of the body for the purpose of study with palms and toes facing forward
integumentary system body system that includes hair, nails, skin, sweat glands, and oil glands
physiology the study of the function of the human body
ne/o- new
tom/o- cut; slice; layer
nosocomial disease caused by exposure to an infection while the patient is in the hospital
palliative care supportive medical and nursing care that keeps the patient comfortable but does not cure the disease
palpation using the fingers to press on a body part to detect a mass, an enlarged organ, tenderness or pain
pathogen a disease causing micro-organism
percussion tapping one finger on another finger of a hand that is spread across the chest or abdomen to listen for differences in sound of a body cavity
congenital disease caused by an abnormality in fetal development or an abnormal process that occurs during gestation
chronic symptoms or signs that continue for 3 months or longer
auscultation using a stethoscope to listen to the heart, lungs or intestines
acute symptoms and signs that occur suddenly and are severe in nature
hereditary disease caused by an inherited or spontaneous mutation in the genetic material of a cell
iatrogenic disease caused by medicine or treatment given to a patient
idiopathic disease having no identifiable or confirmed cause
neoplastic neo (new) plastic (growth) either benign or cancerous
sequela abnormal condition or complication that is caused by the original disease and remains after the original disease has resolved
remission temporary improvement in the symptoms and signs of a disease without the underlying disease being cured
prognosis predicted cours and outcome of a disease
refractory pertaining to a disease that does not respond well to treatment
symptom a deviation from health that is only experienced and felt by the patient
syndrome set of symptoms and signs associated with one particular disease
terminal illness a disease from which there is no hope of recovery and one that will eventually result in the patient's death
gnos/o- knowledge
diagnosis determination based in knowledge about the cause of the patient's siymptoms and signs
D.O. Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
O.D. Doctor of Optometry
R/O rule out
Sx symptoms
Tx Treatment
RN registered nurse
PA physician's assistant or Posteroanterior
H & P history and physical
CRNA certified registered nurse anesthetist
LPN licensed practical nurse
CNA certified nursing assistant
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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