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Unit 5

Human Reproduction

What is the internal part of the male reproduction responsible for? the transportation, storing, and nourishment of sperm
What is the external part of the male reproduction responsible for? the storing and releasing of sperm
What do the testes (testicles) do in the body? produce sperm (100 million daily) and testosterone
What are the testes made of? coiled tubules (seminiferous tubules) that hang outside the body in a loose pouch of skin covered with hair- scrotum
What are the semiferous tubules? tubes are where sperm is made and stored
What does the scrotum do? protects sperm by keeping temp. cooler than normal body temp.
What does the sperm passes out of the testes into? epididymis
Where is the epididymis located? on top of each testes, where sperm mature
What tube does the sperm pass into after going through the epididymis? vas deferens
What do the vas deferens pass up and out of? the scrotum, loops around bladder, pass seminal vesicle, prostate gland and bulbourethral glands
What does the vas deferens attach at? the urethra
What is the urethra? tube that passes through the penis to outside of body.
What do the seminal Vesicle, prostate and bulbourethral gland do? secretes a milky fluid to carry the sperm- semen
What do urine and semen pass through? the urethra, not at the same time
What does the penis do? deliver sperm into the female’s vagina and remove urine from male
What is the penis made of? soft tissue and blood vessels, tip of penis has glans and is covered by foreskin
What is it called when during sexual activity, the penis becomes erect? erection- blood fills with blood
What is ejaculation? sperm releases from penis after sexual excitement, or during sleep- nocturnal emissions (“wet dreams”)
How much sperm are released during 1 ejaculation in about 1 tsp? 40-400 million
How much do sperm swim once ejaculated in female? sperm swim about 1in per hour and live, for about 3 days
How much sperm only make the long journey to way to ovum in outer 1/3 of fallopian tube? about 50-200 sperm
What is jock itch? fungal infection, exposure to moisture and heat
What is Cystitis? bladder infection (bacterial)
What is inguinal hernia? abnormal bulge of portion of intestines in abdomen, groin or scrotum (surgery)
What are undescended testes? born with testes still in abdomen
What is testicular cancer? lumps on testes, younger men
What is prostate cancer? gland enlargement, older men
What is the responsibility of the Female Reproductive System? to make eggs and provide a place to support and nourish a developing baby -uterus
What is size 2 of ovaries? almond
Where are the ovaries located? on each side a few inches below waist
What do the ovaries do? release estrogen and progesterone and produce mature egg cells
How many immature eggs are you born with? 1-2 million
What process happens when 1 ripened egg releases every 28 days once puberty begins? ovulation
When an egg has matured, what tube does fluid sweep it into? fallopian tubes
What are the fallopian tubes? 2 tubes that carry released egg from ovaries to uterus
If sperm are present what happens? egg may be fertilized
fertilized or not, how many days does it take for egg to travel to uterus? 5-7 days
What do the fallopian tubes lead into? the uterus
What is the uterus (womb)? a hollow, muscular, pear-shaped organ that provides a place for fertilized egg to develop into a baby and has a rich blood supply and many layers of skin, to protect baby
Where is the uterus located? between 2 ovaries
What is the lower end of uterus that bulges down into vagina? cervix
What does the cervix do? expands to allow baby to exit
What is the vagina? muscular, hollow tube leads from uterus to outside of the body and is a place where sperm are deposited
What does the vagina do? allows menstrual flow to exit body
What is the urethra? place where urine leaves the body
What is the Menstrual Cycle? a combination of hormonal and physical change changes
What do FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) AND LH (leutenizing hormone) do? cause maturation and release of egg, from ovary- ovulation
What does the uterine lining (endometrium) do? thickens, expecting a fertilized egg- if not fertilized, hormones drop (estrogen)
What happens in days I-5 of the 28 day cycle? menstruation
What happens in days 6-12 of the 28 day cycle? FSH and estrogen, mature new egg
What happens in days13-14 of the 28 day cycle? ovulation, mature egg released by ovary and travels to fallopian tube (woman are most fertile)
What happens if egg isn’t fertile when it reaches uterus endometrium? egg breaks down and leaves body
What happens in days 15-28 of the 28 day cycle? progesterone shouts out before day 28
What are Menstrual Cramps? Usually present on first day or two, uterus is contracting to push out egg, cells and blood
What is Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)? Experienced by some woman right before their period, mood swings, progesterone plays a big part (might feel crabby and face may break out)
What is Vaginitis? infection in vagina, vaginal secretions may have unusual color, smell
What is Endometriosis? tissue growing outside of uterus causing severe cramps
What is Toxic Shock Syndrome? rare but dangerous bacterial infection, associated with highly absorbent tampons, to prevent infection, change tampons every 4-6 hours
What is an Ovarian Cyst? follicle in ovary fails to rupture and release egg
What is Cervical Cancer? Abnormal division of cells in cervix, may result from STD’s
When only 1 sperm fertilizes an egg what happens? genetic material combine to form 1 cell- zygote
How long does it take for the zygote to travel towards the uterus? about 3-5 days
When egg comes to rest on thick lining of uterus what does it do? begins to burrow into the lining- implantation
What is a Fetus? a developing human, from the start of the ninth week of pregnancy until delivery
What is an Embryo? a developing human, from fertilization through the first 8 weeks of development
What is ectopic pregnancy? fertilized egg implants itself in fallopian tubes. Embryo may die and frequently must be surgically removed
What is a miscarriage? death of fetus from natural complications before 20th week of pregnancy
What is toxemia? pregnant woman has high blood pressure, swelling and protein in urine. If untreated, can result in complications to mother and infant.
What is a premature birth? early birth due to abnormal uterus, bleeding behind placenta, STD, other causes
When is a cesarean section performed? when delivery through the birth canal is considered to be risky for any reason.
What is a cesarean section? An incision made through the abdomen and uterus to lift the baby out of the mother
What is the calendar Method? a way to keep track of menstrual cycle for a period of time. Determine the shortest cycle (Subtract 18) and longest cycle (subtract 11)- is range of time in between is the fertile period
What is the temperature method? get a basal thermometer at the pharmacy, measures in 10ths of degrees) take oral temperature each morning upon wakening, don't raise up, drink water, or get out of bed Graph temps. on a special graph just before ovulation, temps. drops
What is cervical mucus reading? All woman have vaginal discharge that is cloudy and sticky 2-3 days before ovulation, On day of ovulation, discharge is clear and watery, consistency of an uncooked egg white - clear for 24 hours, then returns to cloudy and sticky
Created by: dwigmans13
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