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History of Medicine

History of Medicine : Pharmacy Edition Part 2

Who is the Father of Genetics? Gregor Mendel
What old remedy help treated worms? Onions
What is Allegra for? Allergies
What is the generic of Colace? Docusate
Who is known as the person who discovered penicillin? Alexander Fleming
Who is known as the person who created an anthrax vaccine for animals? Louis Pasteur
What is the brand name of Meclizine? Bonine
Who is known as the nurse who dedicated her life to care for the wounded? Florence Nighingale
What old remedy is known to help treat heartburn? Chalk
What is the duty of a pharmacy technician? Help fill prescriptions, work directly under the pharmacists,
Pharmacy Technicians can counsel patients False
Leeches and Maggots remove blood True
What is an alcohol based liquid; herb mixed with alcohol and served with water and sugar; known to treat tapeworms? Absinthe
What is an old remedy used today for medicinal properties? Honey
What is the abbreviation for Treatment? Tx
What is the abbreviation for Nausea and Vomitting? N/V
What is the abbreviation for Fracture? Fx
What is the abbreviation for Biopsy? Bx
What is the generic name of Gas-X? Simethicone
Where were the first pharmacy technicians enlisted? Military
What old remedy was used for headaches? Rose petals
Motrin is the brand name for what generic medication? Ibuprofen
Created by: ReddingC!
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