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KIN 360 Exam 1

Factors that explain food choices Cultural diets/limitations, convienence, geographic location, socioeconomic status and senses such as taste texture and smell
Examples of proteins Meat, fish, eggs
Examples of fats Oil, meat & butter
Examples of carbs Pasta, oats and beans
Amount of K/Cal/G in lipids, carbs, protein, alcohol Lipids 9 kcal/g Carbs 4 Protein 4 Alcohol 7
Calculating % of each from total amount of KCals/G lipids g x 9 protein g x4 carbs g x 4
What vitamins are fat soluble Vitamins A,D,E,K
What vitamins are water soluble? Vitamins B & C
What is an example of minerals? Sodium, phospates and chlorides are examples of minerals that can be found in food
What is the function of water? Assist in transporting nutrients and wastes, lubricates joints and controls body temperature
Do vitamins contain calories? No they don't because they're considered micronutrients which are measured in milligrams
Where is the most reliable place to get nutrition information from? Registered Dieticians are the most reliable as any one has the ability to consider themself a nutritionist while RDs go through schooling and internships with another RD
What does organic mean nutritionally vs commercially? Nutritionally to be organic means that it contains carbon while orgranic commercially means that there were better treatments to the food
What're the dietary guidelines for Americans? Follow a healthy dietary plan at every stage of life and customize and enjoy nutrient dense foods
What're the myplate recommendations? A diet balanced with fruit, veggies, dairy, grains, protein
What is fortification? The process of add micronutrients to a food that doesn't usually have that nutrient
What is enrichment? The process of adding nutrients back into a food that was lost during processing
What does EAR stand for? Estimated average requirement
What RDA stand for? Recommended dietary allowances
What does UL stand for? Upper Intake Levels
What is AMDR and which has the largest range? Acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges is largest with protein with the range being at 25%
What's a poor, good and excellent % amount of the daily value? Poor is 5% or less Good is 10-19% Excellent 20%+
What are daily values based on? Daily value percentages are based off daily caloric intake of 2000 calories
What is hedonic hunger? Eating for pleasure
What is physiological hunger? Eating because signals are sent through your body telling you you're hungry
What is satiety? A feeling of fullness or satisfaction, also determines how much time before next time body is hungry
What does it mean to feed forward? This takes place when an individual smells something that they like and in response their mouth begins to water.
What is the order of the GI Tract? Mouth -> Esophagus -> Stomach -> Small Intestine -> Large Intestine
Function of the stomach Secretion of gastric juices/acids that turn food into liquid chyme and kills pathogenic bacteria
Function of the small intestine Where digestion of macronutrients takes place and where most nutrients are absorbed
Function of large intestine Absorbs water and electrolytes
Function of liver Produces bile that breaks down fat
Function of gallbladder Where bile is stored
Function of pancreas Where majority of digestion takes place.
Differences between large and small intestine Large intestine bigger in diameter and absorbs water and nutrients while the small intestine is longer and digests macronutrients and absorbs nutrients
What does GERD stand for Gastroesophageal reflux disease
What is GERD? Splashback from undigested food not going into the bloodstream and turns into fatty acids and gas.
What is IBS? Can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation and cramps.
What triggers IBS? Symptoms aggravated by stress or certain food
How can someone with IBS avoid triggering it? Modifying their diet and lifestyle
What happens in active transport? Minerals and some sugars go against different kinds of substance concentration with the use of ATP
What happens in Facilitated diffusion? A transmembrane protein that controls entry and exit for some nutrients without the use of ATP
What happen in passive diffusion? Goes unnoticed as it takes water, water soluble substances and small lipids transported with a concentrated gradient
What are the components of energy expenditure? Physical Activity 15-30% Resting Energy Expenditure 60-75% Thermic Effect of Food approx. 10%
What is the macronutrient TEF magnitude? Protein 20-30%> CHO 5-15%> Fat 0-4%
What are ways that one increases their basal metabolic rate? Grow, pregnenant, lactating, fever, consuming coffee or tobacco and exercise
What are ways that one decreases their basal metabolic rate? Low calorie diet, starving, or low thyroid hormone levels
What is Archimedes Principle The weight loss in an individual will be represented by the amount of water displaced
What're the flaws of a BMI? FLAWS: Doesn't differentiate between weight from fat and/or the muscles. Also doesn't take into account the differences that come in gender, age or frame
What is gynoid fat? Usually represents a pear shap and is most commonly seen in women indicates better health outcomes
What is android fat? Usually represents an apple shaped body and is usually seen in men. This type of fat can be an indicator of cardiovascular disease
What does an anabolic reaction do? Uses energy to build complex molecules.
What does a catabolic reaction do? Breaks down complex molecules to release energy
What is anaerobic glycolysis? Used for short bursts of movement from phys. activity (Produces about 2 ATP)
What is aerobic glycolysis? Used for less intense movements over a long period of time to create anywhere between 32-26 ATP
What fuel breaks down anaerobically? Glucose (pyruvate, lactic acid)
What fuels break down aerobically? Carbs, protein or fat
How's fat metabolized? Lypolysis- Triglyercides that are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol
How're carbohydrates metabolized? Glycolysis- Breakdown of glucose to pyruvate
How's protein metabolized? Done as a last resort when there is very low energy &/or underconsumed CHO. Activates gluconeogenesis to convert amino acid into glucose.
What were the effects of the industrial revolution on the obesity epidemic? Easier means of transportation, longer shelf life & increased availability --> Increased food consumption
What compound was considered the most beneficial and state its effectiveness Resveratrol is a compound in wine that has been linked to weight loss, expanded blood vessels, and reduced blood clotting. It is not beneficial in humans however due to needing to drink in large amounts in order to see positive effects
What is a hypothesis? A proposed reason for why/how something happens before the start of experimentation
What is a theory? A proven hypothesis after vast amounts of experimentation
What is epidemiology? An experiment that makes observations on a persons relationship between health and diets
What is randomized controlled trials? Altering a groups diet to see the effects it has on their health
Created by: celyciar
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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