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Tob., Alc., & Drugs

Test review for our unit on substance abuse

______ are substances other than food that change the structure or function of the body or mind; _________ are drugs that are used to treat or prevent diseases or other conditions. Drugs; medicines
Vaccines introduce weakened or dead pathogens that stimulate your body to do what? Produce specific antibodies against those pathogens
Antibiotics only work against which type of pathogen? Bacteria
Reactions to medicine other than the one(s) intended are called what? Side effects
What are the three harmful toxins present in tobacco smoke that we explicitly identified? Carbon monoxide, cyanide, and tar (but there are a lot more than that!)
A cancer-causing substance is called a _____________. Carcinogen
Tobacco smoke contains over ___________ chemical compounds, and over ____ of those are known carcinogens. 7000; 70
Is smokeless tobacco safer (or less harmful) than smoked tobacco? Defend your answer. No, because it still damages the mouth and digestive tract, including oral cancer and potential amputation of the jaw; it is just swapping lung damage for oral damage.
If the average pack of cigarettes in Indiana costs $5.89, how much would a person who smokes one pack a day spend on cigarettes in one year? $2150/over $2000
What is the addictive stimulant present in tobacco products? Nicotine
Why is sidestream smoke more harmful to breathe in than mainstream smoke? Sidestream smoke is coming directly from a cigarette/cigar/pipe, but mainstream smoke is being exhaled by a smoker who absorbed some of the harmful toxins in their own lungs first.
How can peer pressure, family, and media influence one's attitude toward and behavior with alcohol? If our friends and family use alcohol, we are more likely to use it (and vice versa); if the media we consume portrays alcohol positively, we are more likely to view it positively (and vice versa)
How does alcohol affect a person's likelihood to engage in unsafe, risky, or dangerous behavior? Alcohol impairs judgment and reduces inhibitions, so a person is more likely to engage in verbal or physical altercations, unsafe sexual activity, drunk driving, and more.
As opposed to stimulants, alcohol is a ____________, which slows down the function of the __________________. Depressant; central nervous system
How do body size and gender affect the rate at which alcohol's effects are felt? A smaller person will feel the effects sooner than a larger person who consumes the same amount; typically, alcohol affects females more strongly than males
Cirrhosis is a condition that affects which major organ? Liver
What is the legal driving limit of blood alcohol concentration in Indiana? 0.08
Drinking too much alcohol can cause a person to lose consciousness, slow their respiration to dangerous levels, and shut down their involuntary gag reflex. What is this condition called? Alcohol poisoning
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) can be avoided by drinking only a small amount of alcohol early in the pregnancy but then stopping. True or false? False. There is no safe amount of alcohol or time to drink during a pregnancy.
______________ is a process in which the body adjusts to functioning without alcohol. Detoxification
The majority of teens use illegal drugs/abuse substances. True or false? False. 70-80% of teens surveyed every year do NOT participate in illicit drug use.
A strong, sometimes fatal reaction to taking a large amount of a drug is called what? An overdose
Using syringes to inject drugs can lead to many health risks. What are the two (2) bloodborne pathogens that we identified? Hepatitis B and HIV
Infants born to parents who are addicted to drugs are more likely to be _____________ and ______________. abused; neglected
What is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana? Tetrahydrocannibinol (THC)
Anabolic-androgenic steroids strengthen _________ but not _______________, which can lead to injury. muscles; connective tissue
Stimulants speed up the central nervous system and include drugs like nicotine, ___________, and (meth)amphetamines. cocaine
Narcotics are painkillers that are only available through a prescription. True or false? True. Morphine and oxycontin are commonly known narcotics, and heroin is a processed form of morphine.
Hallucinogens alter moods, thoughts, and sensory perceptions. Three (3) well-known hallucinogens are PCP, LSD, and __________. ketamine
Ecstasy (MDMA) is the most recognized form of what drug category? Designer drugs, which are synthetic substances meant to imitate the effects of hallucinogens and other dangerous drugs.
Depressants slow down the central nervous system and include drugs like alcohol, barbiturates, tranquilizers, and rohypnol and GHB, which are used in ____________. date-rape crimes
Created by: user-1730176
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