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psych unit 1

zach said "stack my nuts in your mouth"

what is the difference between aristotle and plato? aristotle : truth thru experience (using experimentation and observation) which is empiricism. plato: purity of ideas, more truthful than reality
tell me about this fella wilhelm wundt founded structuralism. opened first psychology lab at the university of liepzig. he moves psychology to a science.
tell me about this fella william james started the first american psychology program at harvard inispired by evolution. he estbalished functionalism which is the purpose of behavior. rejects structuralism
tell me about this fella stanley hall establisheed the first psych lab(john hopkins). studied under wundt. established american psychological association. first american psychology journal.
tell me about this fella freud started psychiatric therapy, and studied stupid rich mentally ill people in europe. founded psychodynamic which is behaviors that are driven by deeply buried unconsoius motivations.
tell me about this woman mary calkons student of william james, and out tested everyone but denied by harvard. later became prez of the APA
tell me about this woman margaret washburn 1st female PHD in psychology in U.S, and 2nd female prez of APA.
tell me about this woman dorothy dix promoted signifigant mental asylum reform in the late 1800s, and helped improve treatment and conditions.
what opposed structuralism gestalt which looked at things wholistically with the htought that the whole is bigger than the parts
founders of psychodynamic carlos rogers and abraham moslow
individualistic culture value on self and autonomy, individual goals, attitudes, relationship based on self fulfillment.
collective value value of group over, group harmony and success, group norms, relationships based on obligations.
Titchener At Cornell he improved the psychological school of thought known as structuralism. Titchener believed that by systematically defining and categorizing the elements of the mind, researchers could understand the structure of the mental processes.
john locke Locke's view of the mind and the origin of knowledge and ideas was reductionist and individualistic; he believed that at birth no innate ideas exist and that all knowledge is derived from personal experience.
john b watson Watson is famous for having founded classical behaviourism, an approach to psychology that treated behaviour (both animal and human) as the conditioned response of an organism to environmental stimuli and inner biological processes
sampling researchers aim to get a sample that is representative of the target population.
opportunity sampling use whoever is immediately available, go out and accost passerbys
volunteer sampling use whoever put themselves forwards, advertise in paper
quota sampling design a sample to reflect the TP and then recruit to order
random sampling individuals randomly chosen by researchers to represent an enitre group as a whole
percentile how many people u did better than
Created by: RickTick
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