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health the combination of mental, physical, and social well-being
spiritual health a deep-seated sense of meaning and purpose in life
wellness an overall state of well-being or total health
chronic disease an ongoing condition or illness
heredity all the traits that are biologically passed on to people from their parents
environment the sum of your surroundings
peers people your age who share similar interests
culture the collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group
media various methods for communicating information delivered via technology
technology radio, television, and the internet
risk behaviors actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others
cumulative risks related risks that increase in effect with each risk
prevention getting regular medical and dental checkups to detect health problems
abstinence a deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors, including sexual activity and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs
lifestyle factors the personal habits or behaviors related to the way a person lives
health education providing accurate health information and teaching health skills to help people make healthy decisions
Healthy People a nationwide health promotion and disease prevention plan designed to serve as a guide for improving the health of all people in the United States
health disparities differences in health outcomes among groups due to factors like gender, race, education, disability, and location
health literacy a person's capacity to learn about and understand basic health information and services, and to use these resources to promote one's health and wellness
mental/emotional health the ability to accept yourself and others, express and manage emotions, and deal with the demands and challenges you meet in your life
resilience the ability to adapt well and recover from disappointment, difficulty, or crisis
self-esteem how much you value, respect, and feel confident about yourself
competence having enough skills to do something
hierarchy of needs a ranked list of needs essential to human beings, beginning with basic needs and increasing towards the need to reach your highest potential
self-actualization to strive to be the best you can
personal identity your sense of yourself as a unique individual
role model someone who's success or behavior serves as an example for you
personality a complex set of characteristics that make you unique and determine how you will act or react in certain situations
character the distinctive qualities that describe how a person thinks, feels, and behaves
integrity a firm observance of core ethical values
constructive criticism non-hostile comments that point out problems and encourage improvement
emotions signals that tell your body and mind how to react
hormones chemicals produced by your glands that regulate the activities of different body cells
hostility the intentional use of unfriendly or offensive behavior
empathy the ability to imagine and understand how someone else feels
defense mechanisms mental processes that protect individuals from strong or stressful emotions and/or situations
relationship a bond or connection you have with someone else
friendship a significant relationship between two people that is based on trust, caring, and consideration
citizenship the way you conduct yourself as a member of the community
role the part you play in your relationships
cooperation working together for the common good
compromise a problem-solving method in which each participant gives up something to reach a solution that satisfies everyone
prejudice an unfair opinion or judgement of a particular group of people
stereotype an exaggerated or oversimplified belief about people who belong to a certain group
tolerance the ability to accept others differences
bullying deliberately harming or threatening other people who cannot easily defend themselves
hazing making others perform certain tasks in order to join your group
aggressive overly forceful, pushy, or hostile
passive unwilling or unable to express thoughts and feelings in a direct or firm manner
"I" message a statement that focuses on your feelings rather than someone else's behavior
active listening paying close attention to what someone is saying and communicating
body language nonverbal communication through gestures, facial expressions, behavior, and posture
conflict a disagreement, struggle, or fact
interpersonal conflicts conflicts between people or groups of people
escalation when a conflict becomes more serious
negotiation the use of communication and compromise to settle disagreements
mediation bringing in a neutral third party to help others resolve their conflict
confidentiality a mediator respecting the privacy of both parties and keeping details secret
peer mediation a process in which specially trained students help other students resolve conflict peacefully
violence the threatened or actual use of physical force to harm another person or damage property
assault an unlawful physical attack or threat of attack
random violence violence committed for no particular reason
sexual violence any form of unwelcome sexual contact directed at an individual
sexual assault any intentional sexual attack against other person
rape any form of sexual intercourse that takes place against a person's will
physical abuse a pattern of intentionally causing bodily harm or injury to another person
emotional abuse a pattern of attacking another person's emotional development and sense of worth
verbal abuse the use of words to mistreat or injure another person
sexual abuse a pattern of sexual contact that is forced upon another person against their will
stalking repeatedly following, harassing, or threatening an individual
nutrition the process by which your body takes in and uses food
nutrients substances in food that your body needs to grow, repair, and provide itself with energy
calorie a unit of heat used to measure the energy your body uses and the energy it receives from food
hunger the natural physical drive to eat, prompted by the body's need for food
apetite the psychological desire for food
carbohydrates starches and sugars found in food that are the body's main source of energy
fiber a carbohydrate that the body cannot digest that strengthens your digestive system
proteins nutrients the body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissues
cholestorol a waxy substance in your blood needed to create cell walls, hormones, and vitamin D
vitamins compounds found in food that help regulate bodily processes
minerals elements found in food that are used by the body
osteoporosis a condition resulting from malnourishment in which the bones become fragile and break easier
Dietary Guidelines for Americans a set of recommendations about smart eating and physical activity for all Americans published by the USDA and HHS
MyPlate an interactive guide to healthy eating and active living
nutrient-dense foods that have a high ratio of nutrients to calories
food additives substances added to food to keep it safe for a longer period of time, boost its nutrient content, or to improve taste, texture, or appearance
foodborne illness food poisoning from pathogens
pasteurization the treatment of a substance with heat to kill or slow the growth of pathogens
cross-contamination the spreading of pathogens from one food item to another
food allergy a condition in which the body's immune system reacts to substances in some foods
food intolerance a negative reaction to food that doesn't include the immune system
metabolism the process by which the body breaks down substances and gets energy from food
Body Mass Index (BMI) a measure of body weight relative to height
overweight heavier than the standard weight range for your height
obese having an excess of body fat
underweight below the standard weight range for your height
body image the way you see your body
fad diets weight loss plans that tend to be popular only for a short period of time
weight cycling a repeated pattern of losing and regaining weight
eating disorders extreme, harmful eating behaviors that can cause serious illness and death
anorexia an eating disorder in which an intense fear of weight gain causes a person to starve themselves
bulimia an eating disorder that involves cycles of overeating and purging, or attempts to rid the body of the food by throwing up or exercising
binge eating disorder an eating disorder in which people overeat compulsively
vegetarian a person who eats mostly or only plant-based foods
dietary supplements products that supply one or more nutrients as a supplement to, not a substitute for, healthful foods
performance enhancers substances that boost athletic ability like steroids, creatine, and caffeine
herbal supplements dietary supplements containing plants
megadosing taking a large dose of a supplement or performance-enhancing drugs
physical activity any form of movement that your body uses energy for
physical fitness the ability to carry out daily tasks easily and have enough reserved energy to respond to unexpected demands
exercise purposeful physical activity that is planned, structured, repetitive, and that improves or maintains your physical fitness
sedentary involving little physical activity
cardiorespiratory endurance the ability of your heart, lungs, and blood vessels to send fuel and oxygen to your tissues during long periods of moderate to rigorous activity
muscular strength the amount of force your muscles can exert
muscular endurance the ability of your muscles to perform physical tasks over a period of time without tiring
flexibility the ability to move your body parts through their full ranges of motion
aerobic exercise all rhythmic activities that use large muscle groups for an extended period of time
anaerobic exercise intense, short bursts of activity in which the muscles work so hard that they produce energy without using oxygen
specificity choosing the right types of activities to improve a given element of fitness
overload exercising at a level that's beyond your regular daily activities
progression gradually increasing the demands on your body
warm-up gentle cardiovascular activity that prepares the muscles for more intense work
workout the part of exercise when you are working at your highest peak
cool-down low-level activity that prepares your body to return to a resting state
resting heart rate the number of times your heart beats per minute when you are not active
frostbite damage to the skin and tissues caused by extreme cold
hypothermia dangerously low body temperature as a result of exposure to extreme cold, submersion in cold water, or wet clothing in cold or windy weather
overexertion overworking your body
heat exhaustion a form of physical stress on the body caused by overheating; heavy sweating, dizziness, fainting, etc.
heatstroke a dangerous condition in which the body loses its ability to cool itself through perspiration and can result in sudden death
muscle cramps sudden and painful contractions of the muscles that can occur when muscles are tired, overworked, or dehydrated
strains result from overstretching or tearing a muscle that includes pain, swelling, and difficulty moving
sprains injuries to the ligaments surrounding a joint that produce pain, swelling, and stiffness
addictive drug a substance that causes psychological or physiological dependence
nicotine the addictive stimulant in tobacco leaves
stimulant a drug that increases the speed of the central nervous system, heart, and other organs
carcinogen a cancer-causing substance
tar a dark, sticky fluid produced when tobacco burns
carbon monoxide a colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas found in cigarette smoke
smokeless tobacco tobacco that is sniffed through the nose, held in the mouth, or chewed
leukoplakia thickened, white spots on the inside of the mouth that can develop into oral cancer caused by smokeless tobacco
nicotine withdrawal the process that occurs in the body when the addictive drug nicotine is no longer used
nicotine substitutes products that deliver small amounts of nicotine to the body while the user tries to give up their habit
Tobacco Cessation Program a course that provides information and help people who want to quit using tobacco
secondhand smoke air that is contaminated by tobacco smoke
mainstream smoke the smoke exhaled from the lungs of a smoker
sidestream smoke the smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar
ethanol the type of alcohol in alcoholic beverages
fermentation the chemical action of yeast on sugars as a method of producing synthetic ethanols
depressant a drug that slows the central nervous system
intoxication the state in which the body is poisoned by alcohol or another substance, and the person's mental and physical control is reduced
binge drinking drinking five or more alcoholic drinks in one sitting
alcohol poisoning a severe and potentially fatal reaction to an alcohol overdose
psychological dependence a condition in which a person believes a drug is needed in order to feel good or function normally
physiological dependence a condition in which a drug user's body has a chemical need for a drug
alcohol abuse the excessive use of alcohol
alcoholism a disease in which a person has a physical or physiological dependence on drinks that contain alcohol
Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) the amount of alcohol in a person's blood, expressed as a percentage
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome a group of alcohol-related birth defects that include physical and mental problems
alcoholic an addict who is dependent on alcohol
sobriety living without alcohol or drugs
substance abuse any unnecessary or improper use of chemical substances for non-medical purposes
overdose a strong, sometimes fatal reaction to taking a large amount of a drug
marijuana a plant whose leaves, buds, and flowers are smoked for their intoxicating effects
paranoia the irrational suspiciousness or distrust of others that marijuana users may feel
inhalants substances whose fumes are sniffed or otherwise inhaled for an intoxicating effect
anabolic-androgenic steroids synthetic substances similar to male sex hormones
psychoactive drugs chemical that affect the central nervous system and alter activity in the brain
designer drugs synthetic drugs that are made to imitate the effects of other drugs
hallucinogens drugs that alter moods, thoughts, and sense perceptions, including vision, hearing, smell, and touch
opiates/narcotics drugs derived from the opium plant that are obtainable only through a prescription and are used to relieve pain; morphine, oxycodone, etc.
Drug-Free School Zone areas within 1,000 feet or 1,500 feet of schools within which people caught selling drugs receive especially harsh penalties
drug watches organized community efforts by neighborhood residents to patrol, monitor, report, and try to stop drug use and abuse
rehabilitation the process of medical and psychological treatment for dependence on alcohol or a drug
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