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Module 15 Vocab

Alloy A mixture of two or more metals that are dissolved with each other when in the liquid state.
Amalgam An alloy, with one of the constituents being mercury.
Amino Compounds in proteins used by the body to build and repair tissue.
CAMBRA Caries management by risk assessment.
Caries The infectious disease process of tooth decay.
Caries Risk Test Test for cariogenic bacteria.
Cariogenic Producing or promoting tooth decay.
Cariology The science and study of dental caries.
Carious White spots, brown spots, and decay on tooth surfaces.
Cavitation Formation of a cavity or hole.
Demineralization Loss of minerals from the tooth.
Dental crown are caps placed on top of damaged teeth.
Early Chilhood Caries Decay in any primary teeth.
Evience based Information based on documented evidence from critically reviewed research.
Fermentable Simple carbohydrates, such as sucrose, fructose, lactose, and glucose.
Dental filling is used to treat a small hole, or cavity, in a tooth
Fluoride Mineral to make teeth more resistant to decay.
Gold A soft, yellow, corrosive-resistant metal that is used in the making of indirect restorations.
Incipient caries Tooth decay that is beginning to form or become apparent.
Lactobacilli Bacteria that produce lactic acid from carbohydrates associated with causing dental caries.
Mutans Streptococci Type of bacteria primarily responsible for dental caries.
MyPlate The U.S. government’s primary food group symbol.
Nutrients Organic and inorganic chemicals in food that supply energy.
Oral Biofilm Also called plaque, a highly organized complex of microorganisms that adheres to surfaces where moisture and nutrients are available.
Pellicle Thin film coating of salivary materials deposited on tooth surfaces.
Plaque Soft deposit on teeth that consists of organized complex of bacteria and bacterial by-products.
Porcelain Hard, white, translucent ceramic material fabricated by firing and then glazing it to match the tooth color.
Rampant caries Decay that develops rapidly and is widespread throughout the mouth.
Remineralization Replacement of minerals in the tooth.
Restorative To restore or bring back to its natural appearance.
Root Caries Decay on the root surface of teeth that have gingival recession.
Saliva Flow Rate Test Determines flow rate of saliva in milliliters per minute.
Xeromstomia Dryness of the mouth caused by reduction of saliva.
Xylitol Ingredient in chewing gum that has an antibacterial effect against decay-causing bacteria.
Created by: Abenavidez2024
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