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Special diets

Obesity Obesity • Obesity means being 20% or more above the normal weight for your height and build.
BMI Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to both adult men and women
Obesity: reasons for obesity • food high in fat & sugar • Lack of physical activity • Increased portion sizes • Comfort eating due to stress/depression • Certain medications e.g. steroid • an unhealthy thyroid gland.
Obesity: Health risks •CHD •Varicose veins •High blood pressure •Diabetes •Infertility •High Cholesterol •Arthritis and joint pain
Obesity: Dietary guidelines • Reduce fat • Reduce sugar • Increase fibre • Increase fruit & vegetables
Osteoporosis A condition when bones become thin and porous due to a loss of bone mass.
Osteoporosis: risk factors • Hereditary factors • Age: post menopausal women • Low calcium • Low Vitamin D • Lack of weight bearing exercise • Gender • Considerable weight loss
Osteoporosis: how to reduce the risk •Include calcium •Include vitamin D •Do weight bearing exercise •Avoid too much alcohol: lowers vit D levels •Hormone replacement therapy for post menopausal women
CHD: Coronary heart disease A heart attack occurs when an artery becomes totally blocked by the fatty substance known as cholesterol
CHD: Stroke A stroke occurs if the blocked artery is in the brain.
CHD: cholesterol Cholesterol is a fatty waxy substance found naturally in the body
CHD: Why is Cholesterol needed? It is needed in the body to insulate nerve fibres to produce cell walls as an essential part of bile salts. It binds with protein in body to form 2 types: HDL and LDL.
CHD: Low Density Lipoprotein Low Density Lipoprotein • Known as BAD cholesterol • Builds up on the walls of the arteries • Causes CHD
CHD: High Density Lipoprotein High Density Lipoprotein • Known as GOOD cholesterol • Picks up the LDL cholesterol & brings to liver • In liver LDL cholesterol is broken down
CHD: Risk Factors • Smoking • Excessive alcohol consumption • Lack of exercise • High blood pressure • Diet high in saturated fat • High cholesterol • Obesity • High stress levels • Age • Heredity
Guidelines to reduce CHD: Lifestyle Guidelines to reduce CHD Lifestyle • Stop smoking • Reduce alcohol • Exercise regularly • Reduce stress • Try to loose weight if overweight
Guidelines to reduce CHD: Dietary Dietary • Reduce saturated fat • Increase polyunsaturated fat • Reduce salt • Increase fibre • Increase fruit & vegetables
Coeliac disease A person with coeliac disease cannot digest gluten • Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, oats & barley • In people with coeliac disease, gluten damages the villi in small intestine
Coeliac disease symptoms • Weight loss • Abdominal cramps • Diarrhoea • Tiredness • Anaemia • Mouth ulcers • Slow growth in children
Coeliac disease treatment •All foods containing gluten must be excluded from the diet •Exclude any foods w/ breadcrumbs •Gluten free flour and products can be used Rice and corn can be used in the diet •Read ingredients on food labels carefully or look for gluten free symbol
Vegetarian: Types of vegetarian •Lacto vegetarian •Lacto ovo vegetarian •Vegan
Lacto vegetarian •Does not eat meat, fish, chicken or eggs • Does eat dairy
Lacto ovo vegetarian •Does not eat meat, fish or chicken •Does eat dairy & eggs
Vegan Vegan •Does not eat meat, fish or chicken •Does not eat dairy or eggs or anything from an animal
Reasons for choosing a vegetarian diet •Religion/culture •Health reasons •Economic •Sensory factors: don’t like taste or texture of meat •Ethics: believe it’s wrong to kill animals •Family influence
Vegetarian Diet- Dietary Guidelines • Replace meat with meat alternatives to get enough protein • Include cheese, milk and yoghurt for calcium For vegans, include dairy food alternatives, e.g. soya milk • Complementary protein foods • Use fortified products, e.g. milk, to increase B12
Advantages of Vegetarian diets • A vegetarian diet reduces the incidence of bowel disorders due to higher fibre intake. • A vegetarian diet reduces the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes due to reduced saturated fat intake.
Diabetes This is when the body does not produce enough insulin or cannot use the insulin it produces. Therefore a diabetic cannot control the amount of sugar in their blood
Insulin Insulin is a hormone that controls level of glucose in the blood
Symptoms of diabetes •Excessive thirst •Weight loss •Frequent urination •Tiredness •Lack of concentration •Blurred vision
Types of Diabetes • Type 1 diabetes: Insulin dependent • Type 2 diabetes: non insulin dependent
Type 1 diabetes: Insulin dependent • Insulin is not produced by the pancreas • Sugar collects in the blood and goes into the urine without producing energy • Occurs in children • Must inject themselves with insulin
Type 2 diabetes: non insulin dependent • The body cannot use the insulin it produces • Occurs in adults • Linked to being overweight • Controlled by strict diet
Control of diabetes • Maintain the correct body weight, so reduce fat • Eat regularly: do not miss meals •Eat high-fibre foods •Avoid high-sugar foods • Eat more fruit & vegetables •Eat less salt •Eat foods with low GI (glycaemic index), as they release energy slowly
Hyperglycaemia High blood sugar
Hypoglycaemia Low blood pressure
Bowel disorders: Constipation Stool becomes hard and difficult to expel
Bowel disorders: Constipation causes •Lack of dietary fibre which absorbs water making stools soft and easy to pass •Insufficient water intake. Water intake is needed to soften stool
Bowel disorders: Constipation Symptoms •infrequent bowel movements •stomach cramps
Bowel disorders: Diverticular disease Small pouches develop in the walls of the intestine. They go unnoticed until they fill with food waste. Bacteria act on the food waste and produces acids and gases that inflame diverticula.
Bowel disorders: Diverticular disease causes •Lack of dietary fibre •Insufficient water intake
Bowel disorders: Diverticular disease symptoms •Pain and discomfort •Bloating •Some blood loss in stool
Bowel disorders: Haemorrhoids Swollen blood vessels found inside or around the rectum and anus
Bowel disorders Haemorrhoids causes •Lack of dietary fibre •Insufficient water intake •Excessive pushing while trying to expel stool. •Prolonged sitting down puts pressure on the blood vessels in the anus causing them to swell.
Bowel disorders: Haemorrhoids Symptoms •Pain and discomfort while passing stool •Itchiness around the anus •some blood loss while passing stools
Bowel disorders: Irritable bowel syndrome The bowel has irregular muscle contractions
Bowel disorders: Irritable bowel syndrome cause The exact cause is unknown. It is often associated with lack of dietary fibre. Sufferers may also have trigger foods that heighten symptoms
Bowel disorders: Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms •Constipation •stomach cramps •Diarrhoea •Excessive flatulence
Bowel disorders: Benefits of high fibre diet • Prevents constipation • Prevents bowel disorders e.g. diverticulitis • Reduces risk of CHD, by reducing LDL cholesterol • Provides feeling of fullness
Bowel disorders: Foods high in fibre • Fruit & veg – raw and with skins • Whole cereals e.g. brown bread and brown rice • Seeds and nuts
Created by: Caoimhek
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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