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Health Chapter 14

Health - Garland

The skeletal system consists of 206 bones
Cartilage a strong flexible connective tissue that cushions bones from each other
Ligaments bands of fibrous, slightly elastic connective tissue; bone to bone
Tendons fibrous tissue; muscle to bone
Joints points at which the bones meet
Scoliosis a lateral or side-to-side curvature of the spine
Hairline fracture parts of the bone do not separate
Transverse fracture clean break across the bone
Comminuted fracture break into more than two pieces
Joint injuries dislocation, torn cartilage, bursitis, bunions, arthritis
Osteoporosis the progressive loss of bone tissue
Involuntary muscles work without you thinking about them working
Smooth muscles act on the lining of the body’s passageways and hollow internal organs; involuntary
Skeletal muscles attached to the bone and cause movement; voluntary
Flexor muscles close a joint
Extensor muscles opens a joint
Cardiac Muscle striated muscle that forms the walls of the heart; involuntary
Bruises blood vessels beneath the skin that have ruptured and leaked
Muscle strains a muscle is stretched and partially torn from overexertion
Tendonitis inflammation of the tendons
Hernia an organ or tissue that protrudes through an area of weak muscle
Muscular dystrophy skeletal muscle fibers are progressively destroyed
Central Nervous System consists of the brain and spinal cord; receives messages from the nerves
Peripheral Nervous System includes nerves and sensory receptors; gathers information from inside and outside the body
Autonomic Nervous System controls involuntary functions of the digestive system and heart rate
Sympathetic system activates fight or flight
Parasympathetic system calms the body down
Neurons (nerve cells) transmit messages to and from the spinal cord and brain
Sensory neurons carry messages from receptors to the CNS
Motor neurons carry messages from the CNS to muscles and glands
Interneurons connect with other neurons
Cell body contains the nucleus; central part of the neuron
Dendrites receive info
Axons transmit pulses
Cerebrum largest and most complex part of the brain; for thought, learning, and memory
Frontal lobe controls voluntary movement
Parietal lobe sensory info
Occipital lobe sight
Temporal lobe hearing, smell, memory, thought, and judgment
Cerebellum 2nd largest part of the brain; controls the movement of the skeletal system
Brain Stem connects the cerebrum to the spinal cord and cerebellum
Medulla Oblongata heartbeat, respiratory rate, and reflexes
Pons breathing and facial muscles
Midbrain eyeball movement and turning of the head
Thalamus relays sensory info from the eyes, ears, & skin
Hypothalamus body temperature, appetite, sleep, and secretions
Epilepsy recurrent seizures caused by uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain
Cerebral Palsy result of drain bamage during or right after birth
Concussion blows to the head that cause swelling of the brain
Created by: annabelle.mills
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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