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health science mid t

Atrial fibrillation (sh) A-fib
Automated external defibrillator (sh) AED
Coronary artery bypass graft CABG
Electrocardiogram EKG, ECG
Myocardial infarction MI
Ventricular fibrillation V-fib
What are some functions of the blood? transport oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues, returns some waste products from tissues to the kidneys, carries carbon dioxide back to the lungs, plays important role in the immune system
What makes up the cardiovascular system? heart, blood vessels, blood
Where is the epicardium? external layer of the heart, inner layer of pericardium
Where is the myocardium middle, thickest part
Where is the endocardium inner lining of the heart, direct contact with the blood, supplied oxygen rich blood by the coronary arteries,
Eponym vs acronym eponym: named after person, acronym: named using the letters of the long word
Diagnosis identifying the disease (Dx)
Differential diagnosis the process of differentiating between two or more conditions which share similar signs or symptoms (D/Dx)
Prognosis recovery instructions
Remission the disease is gone
What is the peritoneum lines the abdominal wall
Parietal peritoneum outer layer of the peritoneum that lines the interior of the abdominal wall
Mesentery fused double layer of the parietal peritoneum that attaches parts of the intestine to the interior abdominal wall
Visceral peritoneum inner layer of the peritoneum that surrounds the organs of the abdominal cavity; visceral means relating to the internal organs
Peritonitis inflammation of the peritoneum
Retroperitoneal behind the the peritoneum
What are stem cells maintain and repair tissue
Transverse plane horizontal
Frontal Vertical, side to side
Sagittal vertical, front to back
Ventral front/belly side of organ or body
Dorsal back of organ or body
Posterior back of organ or body
Anterior front of organ or body
Superior uppermost
Inferior lowermost
Cephalic toward the head
Caudal toward the feet
Proximal nearest midline
Distal farthest from midline
Medial toward the midline
Dorsal cavity contains: cranial cavity and spinal cavity
Ventral contains: thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity
RUQ right upper quadrant
LUQ left upper quadrant
RLQ right lower quadrant
LLQ left lower quadrant
Right hypochondriac region right side breast and ribs
Epigastric region middle of chest, above the stomach
Left hypochondriac region left side breast and ribs
Right lumber region right side stomach
Umbilical region middle of stomach
Left lumber region left side stomach
Right illac region right side hip bone
Hypogastric region middle of hip bones
Left illac region left side hip bones
Incomplete tissue formation aplasia, hypoplasia
Abnormal tissue formation anaplasia, dysplasia, hyperplasia, hypertrophy
What/where is red bone marrow jelly like marrow that makes red blood cells; found outer most
What/where is yellow bone marrow mostly made of fat, inner most part of the bone
Herniated disk when the cartilage between your vertebrae slips or leaks
Kyphosis curve in spine high to the sKy
Lordosis curve in spine Low
Lumbago lower back pain
Rickets weak joints and bones in kids (bowed legs)
Crepitation creaking of joints and bones
Traction treatment for broken bones
Myocardial heart muscles
Smooth muscles walls of internal organs
Skeletal muscles attached to bones, make movement possible
Myoparesis muscle weakness or slight muscular paralysis
Hemiparesis weakness of one side of the body (think stroke)
Hemiplegia paralysis of one side of the body
Paraplegia paralysis of either lower or upper part of the body
Quadriplegia paralysis of all four limbs
Adhesion union of two opposing tissue surfaces, scar tissue spider webs
Ataxia loss of coordination of voluntary muscle movements
Atrophy loss of muscle tissue
Bradykinesia slow movements
Cachexia unintentional weight loss
Dyskinesia involuntary movements of the face or limbs
Dystonia unintentional sustained muscle contractions leading to abnormal postures.
Fasciitis inflammation of the fascia in your foot
Hernia protrusion of a tissue through the wall of the cavity
Hyperkinesia fast movements
Hypotonia low muscle tone
Myasthenia Gravis weakness of skeletal muscles
Myoclonus sleep jerks
Muscular Dystrophy progressive muscle weaknessq
Paralysis loss of movement/use
Spinal Cord Injury SCI
Tendinitis inflammation of tendon
ADL activities of daily living
Contraction reversible reduction in size
Contracture permanent tightness of muscle (deformity)
Fascia a flat band of tissue below the skin that covers underlying tissues and separates different layers of tissue
Innervation to supply with nerves
Relaxation relaxation lmao
RICE rest, ice, compression and elevation
Striated Muscles muscles with stripes
Tendon fibrous band
Unstriated Muscles non striped muscles
Voluntary Muscles muscles that don't move unless you want them to
What is the pericardium sac that holds the heart
What values are in the heart tricuspid, pulmonary, mitral, aortic
Arteries carry ___ blood oxygenated
Veins carry ___ blood deoxygenated
SA node establishes basic rhythm rate
AV node receives impulses from SA and transmits on to the bundle of His
Bundle of His (HIS) ensures sequence of heart contractions; impulses travel onward to the right and left ventricles and the Purkinje fibers
Capillaries smallest vessels in the body, one epithelial cell in thickness, link veins and arteries
What are the types of WBCs neutrophils, basophils, lymphocytes, monocytes
Neutrophils play a major role in the immune system’s defense against pathogens (NEUtralize illness)
Basophils responsible for causing the symptoms of allergies (BAd particles)
Eosinophils destroy parasitic organisms and play a major role in allergic reactions (End the allergy)
Lymphocytes identify foreign substances and germs (bacteria or viruses); produce antibodies that specifically target them
Monocytes provide immunological defenses against many infectious organisms
Thrombocytes platelets, clot blood
Blood consists of ___ and ___ 55% plasma, 45% other
Plasma straw colored fluid, 92% water, 8% proteins
Serum plasma fluid after the blood cells and proteins have been removed
Anemia lack of red blood cells
Aneurysm bulge in the wall of an artery
Angina lack of blood to the heart
Arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries
Atherosclerosis build up of plaque in the arteries
Cardiac Arrest heart stops beating
Carditis inflammation of the heart
Cardiomyopathy all diseases of the heart muscle
Coronary Artery Disease hardening of the coronary arteries
Embolism sudden blockage of a blood vessel by an embolus (something in the blood)
Heart Failure heart can't pump out all the blood
Ischemia no oxygen to parts of the body
Myocardial Infarction is a ___ heart attack
Phlebitis inflammation of a vein
Sepsis infection of blood
Thrombosis clot in the artery or vein
Hypoperfusion blood not passing through organ or body part
Hypertension high blood pressure
Hypotension low blood pressure
Infarct dead tissue caused by lack of blood
Occlusion total blockage
PVD disorders of the blood vessels outside of the heart and brain
Created by: mac271
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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