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CCMA CH 10 REVIEW (Infection Control)

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
CDC Centers for Disease Control
CDC introduced universal precautions in the 1980s in response to the HIV and hepatitis cases
OSHA implemented the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard in 2001 in order to provide further protection
OSHA Requirements - protections for jobs with exposure to infectious material - use of PPE - action plan for exposure incidents - labeling of hazardous materials - immunizations offered - record-keeping - training for Bloodborne Pathogens Standard
Six Links in the Chain of Infection - Infectious agent (pathogen) - Reservoir - Portal of Exit - Mode of transmission - Portal of entry - Susceptible Host
Infectious Agent (Pathogen) must be present for spread to occur - most often either viruses, bacteria, fungi, or protozoa
Reservoir environment for pathogen survival - ex) patient, inanimate object - human body is ideal due to presence of nutrients, moisture, ideal temp., pH levels
Portal of Exit passageway that the pathogen uses to exit the reservoir - ex) infected body fluids
Mode of Transmission Direct: contact with infected person or body fluid with pathogen Indirect: intermediate step between portal exit and portal of entry (ex. fomites or vectors)
Portal of Entry ex) open wound, mouth, nose, eyes, intestines, urinary tract, reproductive system
Susceptible Host several factors increase its ability to infect including age, overall health, condition of immune system
Asepsis condition of being free from infection or infectious material
Steps to keep clinical environment clean - clean office daily - move sick and contagious patients to an exam room or separate waiting area away from well-check patients - don't allow eating or drinking in patient areas - hand reminder signs regarding prevention methods
Medical Asepsis daily clean technique clinical setting ; removes microorganisms after they leave the body - reduce the number of microorganisms, prohibit growth/transmission - doesn't eliminate all possible pathogens but greatly reduces numbers and ability to multiply
Surgical Asepsis - removal of all microorganisms ; must be used during invasive procedure/when there's penetration of patient's skin or mucous membranes - eliminate microorganisms from entering body - sterile gloves, gown, drapes - antiseptic skin preparation
CDC Hand Hygiene Recommendations - before, after patient contact - after contact with contaminated surfaces, body fluids (blood) - before performing an aseptic technique - before, after contact w/ supplies/equipment near patients - after contact w/ dirty site to contact w/ clean site
Sanitization - reduces number of microbes to prepare for sterilization or disinfection - especially helpful for visible debris - gloves necessary - ultrasonic sanitization for very delicate instruments (loosens debris, also lessens risk of sharps exposure)
Disinfection - destroys pathogens on a surface - doesn't destroy all of microbial spores, but reduces spread of infection - processes sometimes include lengthy submission in disinfection solutions common in clinical setting - Glutaraldehyde, takes longer submission)
Sterilization of Medical Equipment - destruction of all pathogens and spores - use of dry heat, gas, chemicals, ultraviolet radiation, ionizing radiation, chemicals, or steam under pressure in an autoclave - specific handling required when sterilized
Disinfection/Sterilization of Endoscopes - a complex process due to the nature of the procedure of this device is used for and normal techniques can damage it - review manufacturer's guidelines before cleaning
1) Pre-cleaning - done immediately after the endoscope has been removed from the patient - wipe with cloth and soak in cleaning solution
2) Leak testing - use air, pressure, and water to determine if any damage to the endoscope had occurred
3) Manual cleaning - use the recommended cleaning solution to manually remove debris from the internal and external surfaces of the endoscope
4) Rinse after cleaning - rinse all parts of the endoscope with clean water to further reduce the chances of any debris or cleaning solution from remaining
5) High-level disinfection (manual or automated) - use recommended high-level disinfectant that the manufacturer suggests for immersion and flushing of endoscope pieces
6) Rinse after high-level disinfection - rinse all parts to assure no residual chemical disinfectant remains on the endoscope
7) Drying - rinse all parts with alcohol and then dry with forced air - store endoscope vertically in a clean, dry, and dust-free environment
OSHA disposal of infectious and hazardous waste (sharps) - use PPE and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) - any item coming in contact w/ blood or body fluids must be disposed of properly - needles and scalpels/blades go into sharps container (uncapped)
OSHA disposal of infectious and hazardous waste (biohazard bag) - non-sharps go into a biohazard bag (sealed @ 2/3 full) - bags marked w/ biohazard symbols, impermeable polyethylene or polypropylene material - lid required + replaced after each use - OSHA approved agencies/waste management dispose of materials
PPE (gloves, goggles, face shields, and gowns) - employees responsibility to use PPE when contact with blood or bodily fluids - if allergic to latex, use hypoallergenic or powder-free gloves (work provides)
Safety Data Sheet (SDSs) anytime a new chemical is brought into a work environment, SDS information must accompany the chemical
(SDS) Identification product identifier, manufacturer information, recommended use, restrictions on use
(SDS) Hazard Identification all hazards related to the chemical label requirements
(SDS) Composition/Ingredients chemical ingredients
(SDS) First-aid measures symptoms and effects from exposure including treatment necessary
(SDS) Fire-fighting measures appropriate extinguishing methods and chemical hazards from fire
(SDS) Accidental release measures emergency procedures, PPE, containment, cleanup
(SDS) Handling and storage safe handling and appropriate storage requirements
(SDS) Exposure controls/personal protection recommended exposure limits and PPE necessary
(SDS) Physical and chemical properties chemical characteristics
(SDS) Stability and reactivity chemical stability and potential reactions
(SDS) Toxicological information measures of toxicity, acute and chronic effects, routes of exposure - also needs to include ecological, disposal, transport, and regulatory information regarding the chemical
(SDS) Other information additional information including last revision
Created by: linju156
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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