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Counseling History

Study Guide

Definition of Counseling A professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education and career goals
Before 1900 Ancient Greece & Rome, psychological healing existed.
Frank Parsons The father of the guidance movement - est. the first former career counseling center in Boston, 1909.
Jesse Davis Introduced vocational guidance into public education. "call to a vocation" Davis is credited with the naturalization of educational guidance.
Clifford Beers An early advocate for reform in mental health facilities. Wrote "A Mind That Found Itself" (1908), describing regrettable conditions he witnessed firsthand as a patient
National Vocational Guidance Association (NVGA) Est. 1913. An association offering guidance literature and united those with an interest in vocational counseling for the first time.
Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 Legislation that provided funding for public schools to support vocational education.
World War I, Army Alpha, Army Beta WWI - counseling supported through testing placement practices; Army Alpha, Army Beta being some of the psychological instruments
The 1920s: Education, Certification, Standards Education exclusively emphasized vocational guidance in the 20's; Certification Standards established for the preparation and evaluation of occupational materials
Abraham and Hannah Stone Est. the first marriage & family counseling center in NY in 1929
The Role of the Great Depression E.G. Williamson and the First Theory of Counseling Influential to researchers and practitioners especially in school and vocational settings to emphasize helping strategies & counseling methods relating to employment. Williamson & 1st theory of counseling - working with students & unemployed
Edward Thorndike, John Brewer, & the Broadening of the Focus of Counseling Every teacher be a counselor and that guidance be incorporated into school curriculum as a subject
The George Dean Act & the US Employment Service George Dean Act created Vocational Education Division & Occupational Information and Guidance Service
Carl Rogers Emphasized the importance of the client, espousing a non directive approach to counseling. Clients responsible for own growth.
The Influence of WWII, the George Barden Act, & the Role of the VA WWII - Govt. needed counselors & psychologists to help select & train specialists for military & industry. Gender roles are challenged. Barden act provided vocational funds . The VA funded training of counselors & psychologists
APGA American Personnel & Guidance Association-concerned with educational and vocational guidance and other personnel activities
ASCA American School Counselor Association
Division 17 APA members interested in working with a more "normal population" than the one seen by clinical psychologists
NDEA 1958 - National Defense Education Act - identify scientifically and academically talented students and promote their development
New Theories Emerge Applied behavioral theories; cognitive theories; Learning theory; self-concept theory
Gilbert Wren/Leona Tyler, Developmental Focus "The Counselor in a Changing World" - Working with others to resolve developmental needs
Community Mental Health Centers Act of 1963 Authorized the establishment of community mental health centers. Opened up opportunities for counselor employment outside of educational settings
Diversification in Counseling Settings 1970s. Counseling outside of education. Title IX, affirmative action, anti discrimination legislation
Helping Skills Programs Concentrated on relationship & communication skills
State Licensure and APGA Mid 70s
Standardized training & certification 1981
Counseling as a Distinct Profession Changing name of APGA to American Association for Counseling and Development - reflect changing demographics of its membership and the settings in which they worked. Implementation of policies, re training, certifications & standards
Diversification in Counseling Title IX, affirmative action, anti discrimination legislation. Opened up human service activities to women and girls, minorities, and persons with disabilities
Emphasis on Human Growth & Development Developmental counseling across the lifespan; Attention to gender issues and sexuality; feminist theory; moral development; different ethnic and cultural groups
Trauma A normal response to a very abnormal situation
Managed Care Involves a contractual arrangement between a mental health professional and a third party, the managed care company, regarding the care and treatment of the first party
Promoting Wellness 5 life tasks: spirituality, self-direction, work & leisure, friendship, and love
Social Justice & Advocacy Social Justice - helping counselors become more attuned to social injustices & thereby work with clients in a more sensitive & just manner. Advocacy - helping clients challenge institutional & social barriers that impede academic, career,
Technology Effective in record keeping, manipulating data, & word processing. Now it is effective in client interaction on phone and internet. Cybercounseling.
Leadership Empathy, group processing, goal setting. Managerial roles, strategic planning.
Identity Has grown a stronger identity over the years with the aid of the ACA and counselor education programs
Gladding, S. T. (2013). Links to an external site.. Links to an external site.History of and trends in counseling (pp. 4-30). In Gladding (Ed.) Counseling a Comprehensive Profession (7th). New York: Pearson.
Stebnicki, M. A., Marini, I., & Marini, I. P. C. C. (Eds., 2nd Ed.). (2016) Links to an external site. Links to an external site. Chapter 1 The professional counselor's desk reference.Springer Publishing Company.
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