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Urinary Disorders

SymptomsDiseaseHow to DiagnoseHow to treat
Dysuria, frequent/urgent peeing, supra-pubic pain, cloudy/bloody/smelly urine, low back (flank) pain. Cystitis/Urethritis History/exam, urinalysis, culture Antibiotics 3-7 days. Cranberry juice
Fever, lumbar/side/groin pain, Pus in urine, dysuria, nocturia, Sudden "ill" symptoms. Pyelonephritis History/exam, urine culture Antibiotics, Antipyretics
Hematuria, foamy urine, protein in urine, headaches, puffy eyes, edema, oliguria, low-grade fever Glomerulonephritis History/exam, urinalysis, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine Underlying cause (possibly antibiotics), restrict salt, protein and potassium
Intense flank pain, urinary urgency, colicky pain, back pain, nausea, vomiting, chills, fever, hematuria, abdominal distention Renal Calculi (Kidney stones) History/exam/UA, ultrasound, X-ray, CT Increase fluid intake, pain meds, surgery to remove
Intense flank pain, nausea, vomiting, dysuria, oliguria, anuria, hematuria (depending on cause) Hydronephrosis History, exam, ultrasound, CT Drain excess urine, remove obstruction. May need analgesics, antibiotics or surgery
Edema around eyes, feet, ankles. Shortness of breath (fluid in the lungs), fluid in abdomen, protein in urine Nephrotic Syndrome UA, blood tests Manage edema/cholesterol levels. Corticosteroids/immunosuppressives, diuretics
Symptoms appear mid-life. Colic, lumbar pain, blood in urine, cysts, UTI, renal stone polycystic kidney disease history/exam, ultrasound, CT minimize complications, control UTI/hypertension/ Kidney transplant
Oliguria, azotemia, electrolyte imbalance, metabolic acidosis. Drowsiness, lethargy, weight loss, easy bruising/bleeding, decreased urine output, pallid/scaly skin. End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) History/exam, lab tests, decreased urine output Dialysis, kidney transplant
Urinary incontinence, can't control pee. Can't empty bladder completely, difficulty starting or stopping, bladder spasms Neurogenic/Over-active Bladder History/exam, Neuro eval, tests to measure urinary sphincter muscles Bladder evacuation, medications to relax bladder
Ages 50-70, painless, gross hematuria, dysuria, urinary frequency/urgency, nocturia Bladder Cancer History/exam, UA, cystoscopy, biopsy Endoscopic resection of tumor, cystectomy. Radiation/chemo/immunotherapy
Hematuria, flank/side pain, mass/lump on side of abdomen, weight loss, fever, listless feeling Renal Cell Carcinoma (kidney cancer) History/exam, lab tests, CT Resection of tumor, arterial embolization, radiation/chemo/immunotherapy
Created by: Hwshelt
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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