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SG Infectiou Disease

Infectious Disease Review

What is a communicable (infectious) disease? A disease that can spread from one person to another.
What is a germ? Organisms so small they can only be seem through a microscope.
What are the 5 types of germs? Bacteria,Viruses,Rickettsias,Fungi,Protozoa
How are germs spread? Close and direct contact with a person who has the goerm. Contact with animals and other contacts from drinks and food.
What should you do to prevent the spread of germs? Wash my hands, frequently wash my hands and use hand sanitizer. Don't drink or eat after someone.
What can you do to stay safe from infectious disease? Practice proper hygiene (bath/shower frequently, clean clothes, wash hands, cut fingernails, brush teeth)
Name 3 preventative measures for preventing disease? 1. Prepare food in safe ways. 2. Store unused food quickly and properly. 3. Do not use the same utensils or drinking glasses as someone else
What is the main line of defense in your body? General reactions
Why do we get the vaccine? To prevent infectious disease from entering our system that will make us very ill.
What is a sexually transmitted disease? Illnesses that pass from one person to another through sexual contact.
What are some symptoms of an STD? Bacteria, viruses, and parasites
What about treatments? Series of antibiotics but there is no cure to prevent STD.
Name 5 common STDs: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, and Pubic Lice
What is the virus that causes AIDS? Human Immunodeficiency Virus
If HIV goes untreated, how long until it will become AIDS? 2-20 years or average of 11 years.
How does AIDS affect your immune system? Virus seeks T-cells and destroys them and few T-cells means B-cells stop producing antibodies.
How is HIV spread? Sexual relations and using the same needle to inject drugs as the infected person. Using blood from a infected person.
How is it not spread? Through the air and kissing. Casual contact with an infected person.
What is the best way to prevent an STD? Practice abstinence.
Created by: kiyara.thomas
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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