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GI Tract Diseases

SymptomsDiseaseTreatmentHow to diagnose
Sudden onset of pain, difficulty eating/swallowing, fever, swollen gums, blisters, lesions on lips Herpetic Stomatitis Supportive (warm-water rinse, topical anesthetics, antivirals) History/exam
Burning, tingling, swelling, ulcers of mucous membrane Aphthous Stomatitis Supportive (warm-water rinse, topical anesthetics, antivirals History/exam
Heartburn, regurgitation, nausea. Worsened by exercise, bending, or lying down. Gastroesophageal reflux and Barrett's Esophagus Low-fat, high-fiber foods. Avoid caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, chocolate, peppermint, carbonation. Antacids, PPIs, small meals. history/exam. Upper Gi endoscopy/EGD (showing orange/salmon colored mucus. Confirm with biopsy)
Indigestion, cramping, belching, vomiting, epigastric pain in the region of the abdomen, vomiting blood, fullness in the abdomen. Gastritis Eliminate known irritant. Chronic (H. pylori infection) - antacids, antibiotics. History showing exposure to Gi irritant. H. Pylori antibodies on blood test.
Persistent heartburn/indigestion, nagging stomach pain, GI bleeding, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, bloody stool Peptic Ulcers Antibiotics to treat H. pylori. Prostaglandin analog, cautery to control bleeding EGD, upper Gi barium swallow. H. Pylori (breath test, stool antigen)
Diarrhea, cramping, nausea, vomiting, malaise, fever, rumbling stomach sounds Gastroenteritis Symptomatic, fluids, nutritional supports, antidiarrheals, antiemetics History/exam. Stool/blood culture
Weight loss, anorexia, abdominal distention, flatulence, intestinal bleeding, peripheral neuritis, dermatitis, muscle wasting, diarrhea (large stools that are light yellow/gray, greasy, and foul smelling) Celiac Disease Gluten-free diet, don't eat BROW, eat CRAP Serological test and biopsy (destroyed villi in small intestine). Symptoms improve with gluten-free diet
Abdominal pain with constipation, constipation alternating with diarrhea, abdominal distention, back pain, weakness, faintness, stool may be mucus covered. No blood or nocturnal BMs. Symptoms improved with defecation. Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS) Avoid irritating food, caffeine, alcohol, fat, dairy, sweeteners, increase fiber. History, CBC, stool examination to rule anything out
Abdominal pain, diarrhea, lack of appetite, low fever, weight loss, variety of sores, fissures, fistulas or strictures Crohn's Disease Symptomatic/supportive. Corticosteroids, antibiotics, colectomy, ileostomy. Barium x-ray, colonoscopy (cobblestoning and skip lesions)
Recurrent bloody diarrhea with pus and mucus, LLQ pain, urgency to poop, fever, weight loss, dehydration Ulcerative Colitis Anti-inflammatory agents, immunomodulators, corticosteroid, surgery. Cured with colectomy Sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy shows friable mucosal lining
Fever, LLQ pain, possible bleeding Diverticular disease High-residue diet (bran, bulk additives, stool softeners), antibiotics, bowel rest Ct, colonoscopy
Early: abdominal pain. nausea, vomiting, anorexia Late: Pain in LR abdomen (McBurney's point), boardlike rigidity, increased tenderness. Fever, malaise, diarrhea/constipation, tachycardia. Acute appendicitis Appendectomy Exam with characteristic symptoms. Increased WBC, CT.
Rectal bleeding, pruritus, vague discomfort, protruding lumps from anus Hemorrhoids High-roughage diet, stool softeners, OTC creams that calm inflammation Exam for external, proctoscopy for internal
Poop varies in fluidity and volume, accompanied by flatulence, abdominal distension, fever, headache, anorexia, vomiting, malaise, cramping Diarrhea Symptomatic, correct underlying disorders, clear liquids Bacterial cultures, proctoscopy, radiological studies, tests for occult blood.
Heartburn, esophageal reflux, severe pain if stomach is caught above the diaphragm Hiatal Hernia Surgery, dietary modification, antacids, stool softeners, laxatives Chest x-ray, barium x-ray, endoscopy
Lump that disappears when person is supine, sharp steady pain, bowel obstruction possible Abdominal/Inguinal hernias Supportive trusses, surgery Exam, sharp abdominal pain when lifting/straining, ultrasound
Acute onset of RUQ pain radiating to shoulder and back, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, belching, heartburn. Cholelithiasis (gall stones) Bowel rest, analgesia, IV antibiotics, hydration, laparoscopic cholecystectomy History, gallbladder ultrasound, blood tests
Gradual onset of RUQ pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, low-grade fever/chills Cholecystitis (inflamed gallbladder) Bowel rest, analgesia, IV antibiotics, hydration, laparoscopic cholecystectomy History, gallbladder ultrasound, blood tests
Fever, RUQ pain, jaundice (Charcot's triad) Cholangitis(inflamed bile duct) Bowel rest, analgesia, IV antibiotics, hydration, laparoscopic cholecystectomy History, gallbladder ultrasound, blood tests
Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, dull abdominal ache, weakness, fatiguability, weight loss, pruritus, peripheral neuritis, bleeding tendencies, leg edema, ascites, jaundice Cirrhosis Adequate rest/diet, restrict alcohol, vit/min supplements, liver transplant Enlarged/firm liver with blunt edge
Flu-like malaise, fatigue, anorexia, myalgia, fever, dark-colored urine, clay-colored stools, rashes, hives, abdominal pain/tenderness, pruritus, jaundice Viral Hepatitis Bed rest, diet, fluids, antiemetics Establish type of hepatitis. Blood tests show liver enzymes, antibody-antigen type and viral proteins
Rectal bleeding, pallor, ascites, cachexia, lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, weight loss Colorectal Cancer Surgery, chemo/radiation Colonoscopy at 50 yrs. Biopsy the tumor. Digital exam can detect rectal tumors
Abdominal pain that radiates to back, anorexia, jaundice, weight loss, weakness, fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, low-back pain Pancreatic Cancer Depends on stage, location, age, overall health. Radiation/chemo doesn't really help CT. Biopsy of the affected portion of the pancreas.
Created by: Hwshelt
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