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Nutrition Ch.12

When blood sodium levels decline below normal levels it is called _____________ hyponatremia
The body’s release of aldosterone and renin ______ _________ _________ promote sodium retention
__________ is a catalyst in the reaction that adds the last phosphate to the high-energy compound adenosine triphosphate. Magnesium
In the US, 300,000 people are hospitalized each year due to hip fractures related to _____________ osteoporosis
____________ assists in energy metabolism and the structure of bones and teeth Phosphorus
The second most abundant mineral in the body is __________ and it is found in all body cells phosphorous
Calcium _________ can be inhibited by excessive caffeine and alcohol intake, smoking, and antacids. absorption
The greatest source of sodium in the diet for most Americans is ___________ _________ processed foods
___________ is critical to heart function and seems to protect against hypertension and supports heart health. Magnesium
A chloride imbalance can be experienced by a person who frequently _______, this is due to loss of hydro(chloric) acid. vomits
Only when people lack protein to the point of severe deficiency will they lack the _____-containing amino acids. sulfur
Sugar and salt are medicine too! ____ __________ ______ is a simple solution of sugar, salt, and water – and has saved millions of lives. Oral rehydration therapy
_________ plays a major role in maintaining fluid, electrolyte balance, and cell integrity. Potassium
________ _________ deficiency is characterized by irregular heartbeat, muscle weakness, and glucose intolerance. progressive potassium
The UL for magnesium is ____mg/day from nonfood sources. 350
Calcium absorption is enhanced by ________ ___ vitamin D
Your body is comprised of approximately __% water 60
Bone mineral density can be measured using a _____-_____ ______ absorptiometry test. dual-energy X-ray
The body’s main extracellular anion is ________, and the principal extracellular cation is sodium. chloride
The principal intracellular cation is __________ potassium
___% of the US population exceeds the recommended intake for sodium. 90
The water existing between cells is called __________ _______ interstitial fluid
_____ is concentrated in the body’s skin, hair, and nails. Sulfur
Intracellular fluid is found within ______ cells
One of the primary functions of chloride is being part of hydrochloric acid which helps maintain stomach ________ acidity
Proteins are major sources of dietary ________ sulfur
Foods that are “whole” and “unprocessed” are naturally higher in potassium and lower in _______ sodium
An enzyme released by the kidneys in response to low blood pressure is ______ renin
True or False: The kidneys and lungs help to control the buffer system that regulates the body’s acid-base balance. True
Created by: eyenga
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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