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Nutrition Ch. 10

Nutrition Study Guide for Chapter 10

___ percent of US adults do NOT take a multivitamin-mineral supplement regularly. 70
Excessive consumption of alcohol, also referred to as alcohol abuse, creates a vitamin ___ deficiency in 4 out of 5 people. B1
There are many ways to prevent diseases; antioxidants are substances that neutralize ____________ and may play a role in disease prevention free-radicals
People consuming no animal products are more likely to develop a vitamin _____ deficiency; particularly true for vegetarians who are ______ B12; vegan.
Cracking and redness at the corners of the mouth is called ________ and is characterized by a vitamin ___ deficiency. cheilosis; B2
Citrus fruits are a significant source of vitamin __ C
Several steps are necessary for proper absorption of vitamin B12, one of the steps involves _____ acid and intrinsic factor releasing vitamin _____ HCl; B12
__________ _________ is required for absorption of vitamin B12 Intrinsic factor
Large doses of vitamin B3 can ____ HDL cholesterol. raise
Milk is typically stored in opaque containers to decrease UV light exposure which decreases _________ destruction. riboflavin
Pork is an excellent source of ________ thiamin
True or Fasle: Fat soluble vitamins can be consumed “less” frequently than water soluble vitamins because the body stores fat soluble vitamins for longer periods of time. True
Prevention of ______ _______ defects is related to increased intake of folic acid/folate neural tube
Another name for _________ is vitamin B2 riboflavin
Substances that decrease the adverse effects of free radicals are known as ____________ antioxidants
The type of food preparation and several other factors affect the ____________ of vitamins in food bioavailability
People who overconsume supplemental vitamin B6 can inadvertently cause nerve damage and affect ability to _______ walk
_________ requires vitamin C for synthesis. Collagen
Prolonged vitamin B1 deficiency causes _____ ______ Beri Beri
When people take high doses of supplemental ______ , one of the pharmacological effects is flushing (reddening) of the face and torso. niacin
Your adrenal glands contain more vitamin __ than any other organ C
Vitamin ___ is required to convert tryptophan to niacin B6
The FDA regulates ________ _________ dietary supplements
Dark green vegetables are rich sources of _________ folate
______ is one of the primary contributors of riboflavin for most Americans Milk
If your gums are inflamed and bleeding, you very likely are deficient in vitamin ___ C
Niacin, also known of vitamin ___ can be toxic in large doses and people on high dosages often need to have _____ functions monitored. B3; liver
Megaloblastic anemia is characterized by large, immature RBCs and caused by deficiencies of ______ and vitamin ____ folate; B12
Every year many children die from consuming supplemental _____ iron
Folate supplements are recommended for women 1 month before conception and during the ____ trimester of pregnancy to prevent ________ ______ defects which may occur during the early weeks of pregnancy first; neural tube
Created by: eyenga
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