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Heath Chapter 6

may the force be with you

Degenerative Disease (154) Diseases when the body's tissues break down and do not grow or function properly
Genetic Disorder (155) A disease or condition caused primarily by a defect or defects in the inherited, genetic material within a person's genes. These cannot be prevented.
Congenital (155) Genetic disorders that are evident at birth
Risk Factor (157) Traits or habits that raise someone's chances of getting a disease
Cardiovascular Disease (159) the number one killer in the United states. Results from improperly working heart, blood vessels, and/or arteries
Arteriosclerosis (159) Hardening of the arteries
Atherosclerosis (159) when there is a buildup of fat deposits on the artery wall (a type of arteriosclerosis)
Stroke (163) results when damage to part of the brain has been caused by blockage of blood supply or leakage of blood outside of the artery wall
Cancer (164) caused by abnormal cells growing without control
Tumors (165) Groups of abnormal cells grow quickly to form these masses
Benign (165) a non-cancerous tumor
Malignant (165) a cancerous tumor
Metastasis (165) tumors that spread to other parts of the body through the blood stream or lymphatic system
Alzheimer's disease (174) A progressive condition in which nerve cells in the brain degenerate and the brain loses its ability to function
Carcinogens (167) Substances around you that cause cancer
Self Exams (165 & 167) at home checks preformed to catch early signs of cancer(SEE 165 & 167 FOR MORE DETAILS)
Biopsy (168) a way to confirm cancer by microscopic examination of tissue cells (cancer cells look different from normal cells)
Diabetes (aka Diabetes Mellitus) (169) results when the pancreas does not produce adequate amounts of insulin; it is a noninfectious disease that prevents the body from efficiently utilizing sugar to make energy
Hypoglycemia (169) an abnormally low level of sugar in the blood
Diabetes Type I (169) (insulin dependent) produce little or no insulin; usually appears at a younger age
Diabetes Type II (170) (non-insulin dependent) some insulin is produced by the pancreas, but not enough to meet the body's needs, or the body cannot use it correctly; usually appears gradually in people over the age of 40
Arthritis (171) characterized by pain, swelling, stiffness, and redness in the joints
Osteoarthritis Arthritis (171) Degenerative arthritis resulting from wear and tear on the joints
Rheumatoid Arthritis (172) When the body's own immune system attacks the tissues surrounding the joints
Cystic Fibrosis (172) caused by a defective recessive gene, this diseases is characterized by a tendency toward chronic lung infections and the inability to absorb nutrients from food
Muscular Dystrophy (173) An inherited muscle disorder that is characterized by progressive degeneration of muscle fibers
Multiple Sclerosis (aka MS) (173) A progressive disease of the central nervous system where the body's own immune system attacks the myelin, causing symptoms ranging from numbness to paralysis
What are the seven actions listed in the text to help prevent heart disease? (162) 1) Regular Screening of Blood Pressure 2) Reduce your weight 3) Do not smoke 4) Reduce or stop drinking alcohol 5) Eat a healthy diet 6) Exercise regularly 7) Learn to manage stress
What are the four ways listed in the text to treat clogged arteries/arteriosclerosis? (162-163) 1) Use balloons to stretch out the blocked arteries (coronary angioplasty) 2) Cut out the plaque ("roto-rooter") 3) Dissolving clots with a laser 4) Surgery
What are the five factors from the text that contribute to the development of cancer? (166) 1) A person's genetic makeup (inherited) 2) Lifestyle habits 3) environmental factors 4) Occupational hazards 5) Body's reaction to a virus
Created by: KonosCrashCourse
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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