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Health Exam

virtual sc

- Know the characteristics of a healthful diet adequacy, calorie count, balance, moderation, variety
- Define physical fitness The ability to carry out daily tasks easily and have enough reserve energy to respond to unexpected demands
- How are infectious diseases spread? Direct contact (puncture wounds, childbirth, animals), indirect contact (objects, vectors/bugs, food), airborne (sneezes, coughs, spores)
- Know avoidable causes of death Tobacco, obesity, alcohol, infectious diseases, drugsTobacco, obesity, alcohol, infectious diseases, drugs
- How could you get an infectious disease when using illegal drugs? Used needles, increases unsafe behavior,
- What types of things can exercise treat? Noninfectious diseases (high blood pressure, arthritis), mental illness (anxiety, depression), can help socialize
- What are the symptoms of eating disorders? Avoiding food/meals, picky eating, counting calories, excessive exercise, forcing themselves to vomit, binge eating,
- The leading causes of death amongst teenagers and adults can be prevented by doing what? Lifestyle changes
- What are mental disorders? An illness of the mind that can affect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of a person, preventing him or her from leading a happy, healthful, and productive life.
- What is alcoholism? a medical condition characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational, or health consequences.
- What does the male reproductive system produce and deliver? Sperm
- What is a chronic disease? a health condition or disease that is persistent or otherwise long-lasting in its effects or a disease that comes with time.
- List warning signs of alcoholism Craving: feels need for alcohol to manage tension or stress Loss of Control: unable to limit alcohol use Physical Dependence: has withdrawal symptoms Tolerance: needs to drink increasing amounts in order to feel effects
- What types of sexually transmitted infections are caused by bacteria? Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis,
- Why is alcohol considered a drug? It affects the brain in the same way drugs do
- How can you reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease? Change your diet, exercise regularly, don’t do drugs, alcohol, tobacco
- What are the benefits of living tobacco-free? Better cardiovascular endurance and lung function, reduced risk of cancer heart disease and stroke, better social life, less stress
- HOW DO YOU DETERMINE CALORIC INTAKE? Calculate your BMR using something like the Harris Benedict Equation
- List various types of aerobic exercise Swimming, cycling, walking, rowing
- Why are STD’s a serious health risk? They are highly contagious and effect daily life, some are incurable
- List risk factors of sexual activity. Contracting STD, accidental pregnancy
- What are examples of both biological stressors and life change stressors? Illness, disability
- What are the best ways to avoid drugs? Say no, have hobbies, exercise, do community activities, join school organizations
- What is peer pressure? Influence from members of one’s peer group
- What types of advertising encourages teens to smoke? Ads showing cool, happy, beautiful people smoking
- What agency ensures the safety of food, drugs, and cosmetics? Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- How should you find local resources about health information? Find your local health department
- What is a resource? The means available for the operation of health systems, including human resources, facilities, equipment and supplies, financial funds, and knowledge.
- What organizations help alcoholics and their families? National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD), Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
- What types of meals meet your body’s nutrient needs without exceeding caloric intake? Well balanced meals with reasonable portions
- How do you safely exercise? Use proper equipment, warmup/cool down, following rules, don’t overtrain,
- How do you treat major depression? Therapy and medication
- What are the characteristics for being at risk for an eating disorder? Depressed, low self-esteem, potentially genetic, teen, mostly female
- How does smoking affect pregnancy and a newborn? Reduces fetal growth, increased miscarriage risk, prenatal death, premature delivery, low birth weight, deformities, stillbirths, sudden infant death syndrome
- How do you communicate wanting to remain abstinent? Set personal limits on physical affection, Avoid dating someone who is sexually active or who pressures you to go beyond your limits, Avoid people who make fun of your decisions or encourage high-risk behaviors, Practice refusal skills
- How do you prevent getting a STD? Abstinence, safe practices
- What should you tell someone that was forced into sexual intercourse? It was not their fault
- What are characteristics of a person that is not mentally healthy? Tiredness, inability to cope with daily problems, social withdrawal
- What alternatives are there to joining a gang? Join sports/clubs, get a job, focus on school
- What type of situations might lead to suicidal thoughts? Stress or loss, family history of mental disorders, substance abuse, or suicide, previous attempts, access to firearms
- What are possible results of miscommunication? Conflict, mistrust, misunderstandings
- What should you do if you are jealous about your boyfriend or girlfriend dating someone else? Tell your partner how you feel and try to come to a conclusion
- List examples of nonverbal expressions or body language Crossed arms, eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture
- What should you do if you feel pressured into sexual intimacy? Tell them no and then leave immediately
- How long does it take to see the results of beginning a workout program? 3-6 months
- What should you include in an action plan? Evacuation procedures, safety kits, food supplies, water, meeting place, etc
- How do you begin thinking about setting long term goals? Write a smart goal/be realistic
What advice would you give someone who insists that they are going to have sexual relations with a person that night? Talk about it with that person, get consent, ensure they don’t have STD’s, use safe practices
What would you do if a person wanted to start dating only you, but you enjoyed seeing other people and friends? I would tell them that it isn’t going to work out or come to a compromise
Created by: williscallip
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