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Health Quiz 5

What is alcohol? A drug that depresses the brain and nervous system.
What is fermentation? A process in which yeast, sugar, and water are combined to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide.
What are the 3 main alcoholic beverages? Beer, wine, and liquor.
What is beer? An alcoholic beverage that is made by fermenting barley, corn, or rye.
What is wine? An alcoholic beverage that is made by fermenting grapes or other fruits.
What is liquor? An alcoholic beverage that is made by distillation.
What is distillation? A process that uses a fermented mixture to obtain an alcoholic beverage with a high alcohol content.
What is the proof of liquor? A measure of the amount of alcohol in a beverage.
How does alcohol enter the body? Through the circulatory system/bloodstream.
What is blood alcohol concentration (BAC)? The amount of alcohol in a person's blood.
An alcoholic beverage that contains about _______ounce of alcohol is considered one drink of alcohol. One-half.
What is a toxin? A substance that is poisonous.
What factors affect BAC? Amount of alcohol consumed, speed at which it's consumed, body weight, gender, percentage of body fat, feelings, amount of food eaten, and presence of other drugs in bloodstream.
What is a hazing activity? An activity in which a person is forced to participate in a dangerous or demeaning act to become a member of a club or group.
What is binge drinking? Consuming large amounts of alcohol in a short amount of time.
What happens when you have a .02 BAC? Relaxing, confidence, talkative, decision-making is impaired.
What happens when you have a .08-.1 BAC? Slurred speech and walk with a stagger. This is legally intoxicated.
What happens when you have a .15 BAC? Stupor.
What happens when you have a .2 BAC? Blackout- can't remember but can still function.
What happens when you have a .3 BAC? Unconsious/passed out.
What happens when you have a .4 BAC? Dead.
Where is alcohol absorbed? Small intestine.
What breaks down a drink? Liver.
What is considered intoxicated? More than 1 drink.
What is addiction? Craving alcohol and an inability to limit the amount of alcohol one consumes.
Who are codependents? Individuals who ignore their own needs in order to focus on an alcoholic friend or family member
What is detoxification? A process in which the body adjusts to functioning without alcohol.
What is an alcoholic? An addict who is dependent on alcohol.
What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)? Infants born to mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy are at risk for this defect.
What is recovery? The process of learning to live an alcohol-free life.
What is sobriety? Living without alcohol.
What bodily systems do alcohol affect? Nervous- blackouts, dementia, seizures Digestive- cancers of mouth, esophagus, and stomach Immune- respiratory infection, tuberculosis, and cancer Cardiovascular- high blood pressure and stroke Skeletal- osteoporosis Urinary- kidney failure
How does drinking affect your thinking and decision making? Making the wrong choices, false sense of confidence, false sense of invisibility, negative peer pressure, intensify sexual feelings, slow reaction time/coordination, aggressive behavior, and intensifies your emotions.
What is alcoholism? A disease in which there is a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol.
Who can bring up intervention for an alcoholic? -Friends and Family -Employer -Police/.Judge
What is denial? Refusing to admit a problem.
What is the steps of recovery? Admitting you have a problem, seeking help, and detoxification.
Created by: OliviaRoark
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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