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Health Quiz 4

What is a drug? A substance other than food that changes the way the body or mind functions.
What is responsible drug use? The correct use of legal drugs to promote health and well-being.
.What is drug misuse? The incorrect use of a prescription or OTC drug.
.What is drug abuse? The intentional use of a drug without medical or health reasons.
What are the ways drugs enter the body? -Mouth/Orally -Injection -Inhalation -Absorption/Topically
A drug that is meant to be taken orally may come in which forms? -Pill -Capsule -Liquid.
What is snorting? Sniffing drugs through the nose so that they can be absorbed through the mucous membranes of the nasal passages.
What is a skin patch? A patch worn on the body that contains a drug that is absorbed through the skin.
What is a suppository? A wax-coated form of a drug that is inserted into the rectum.
What is buccal absorption? The absorption of a drug between the cheek and gum.
What is sublingual absorption? The absorption of a drug when it is placed under the tongue.
What is a dose? The amount of a drug that is taken at one time.
What will influence the effects a drug will have on the user? Weight, age, feelings, and health.
What is a medicine? A drug that is used to treat, prevent, or diagnose illness.
What is a prescription drug? A medicine that specific illnesses and can be obtained only with a prescription, a written order from a license health professional.
A prescription contains.... A patient's name, the name of the drug, the form of the drug (ex. liquid or pills), the dosage level, directions for use, the physicians name, address, phone number, and signature, and refill instructions.
What is a pharmacy? A place where prescription drugs are legally dispensed.
What is a brand-name drug? A drug with a registered name or trademark given to a drug by a pharmaceutical company.
What is a generic-name drug? A drug that contains the same active ingredients as a brand-name drug.
What is a therapeutical equivalence? Two drugs are chemically the same and produce the same medical effects.
What is an over-the-counter drug (OTC)? A drug that can be purchased without a prescription in stores such as grocery stores or drugstores.
What is a tamper-resistant package? A package that is sealed to assure the buyer that the package has not been opened previously.
What is a side effect? An unwanted body change that is not related to the main purpose of the drug.
What is an herbal supplement? Chemicals from plants that contain nutrients and are taken in addition to or in place of foods in one's diets.
What is a stimulant? A group of drugs that speed up the activities of the central nervous system. Most popular is caffeine.
What is a hallucination? An imagined sight, sound, or feeling.
What is a narcotic/depressants? A group of drugs that slow down, or depress, the central nervous system and relieve pain.
What are some examples of narcotics? Opium, morphine, codeine, and heroin.
What do sedatives do? Gives a calming effect on a person's behavior.
What are steroids? A group of synthetic drugs that are related to hormones.
What is marijuana? The dried leaves and tops of the cannabis plant.
What is instant gratification? Choosing an immediate reward regardless of potential harmful effects.
What is tolerance? A condition in which the body becomes used to a substance.
What is a withdrawal symptom? List some examples. Unpleasant reactions that occur when a person who is physically dependent on a drug and no longer takes the drug go through withdrawal symptoms. Some include chills, fever, muscle twitches, nausea, cramps, and vomiting
What is an enabler? A person who supports the harmful behavior of others.
In the United States, all medicines must meet standards set by the... Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
What is a drug overdose? A strong, sometimes fatal reaction to taking a very large amount of drugs.
What is an additive interaction? Occurs when medicines work together in a positive way.
What is a synergistic effect? The interaction of two or more medicines that results in a greater effect than when the medicines are taken alone.
What is an antagonistic interaction? Occurs when the effect of one medicine is canceled or reduced when taken with other medicine.
Created by: OliviaRoark
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