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Health Quiz 3

The union of a female gamete (egg) and a male gamete (sperm) is known as... Fertilization.
What's the meaning of "Heredity"? The passing of characteristics from biological parents to their children.
What is a chromosome? A threadlike structure that carries genes.
What is a gene? A unit of heredity material.
What is a dominant gene? A gene that overrides the expression of the other gene/.
What is a recessive gene? A gene whose expression is overridden by the other gene.
What is an amniocentesis? A diagnostic procedure in which a needle is inserted through the uterus to extract fluid form the amniotic sac. The extracted fluid contains valuable genetic information about the fetus.
What is the amniotic sac? A pouch of fluid that surrounds a fetus.
What is an embryo? A developing baby through the second month of growth after conception.
What is a fetus? A developing baby from the ninth week after conception until birth.
What is a plancenta? An organ that anchors the embryo to the uterus.
What is the umbilical chord? A rope-like structure that connects the embryo to the placenta.
What is a miscarriage? Uterus doesn't accept accept embryo.
What is a premature birth? Occurs when a baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. A premature baby has not had time to full develop all body systems.
What are developmental task/autonomy? Need to be fully formed. Tasks include walking and grasping.
What is chronic-villi sampling? Used to perform a prenatal diagnosis to detect abnormalities.
What is a genetic disorder? Genes (inherited) that went wrong.
What are the first stages of a fertilized egg? 1.) Zygo 2.) Embryo 3.) Fetus
What happens during the first trimester? -Embryo has heartbeat -Spinal chord forms -Arms, legs, fingers, ears, and toes form -Heart has 4 chambers.
What happens during the second trimester? -Fingernails, toenails, eyebrows, and eyelashes form -Heartbeat can be detected -Movement can be felt by mother
What happens during the third trimester? The baby is ready to be born .|
What is labor? What are the signs? The process of childbirth. -Contractions of the uterus start, becoming more intense, lasting longer, and become more frequent. -The amniotic sac ruptures. -A bloody mucus show may occur.
What is a bloody mucus show? A discharge of the mucous plug that sealed the cervix during pregnancy.
What happens during the first stage of childbirth? Dilation of the cervix, wide enough for the baby to come through. This stage is called True Labor.
What happens during the second stage of childbirth? Called the pushing phase. Pain depends on power (force), passenger (fetus), and passage (pelvic inlet/vagina).
What happens during the third stage of childbirth? Placenta separates.
A contraction that isn't related to actual labor is called.... A false labor contraction or Braxton-Hicks contractions.
A true labor contraction will... Pull on the cervix so the fetus can move.
What is a breach? When the baby is not in position.
What is perineum? Tissue between anus and vagina.
What is a episiotomy? A cut of the perineum.
What is meconium? 1st stool. (Meconium aspiration)
What are the cardinal movements? 1.) Descent: downward movement 2.) Flexion: resistance from the pelvic 3.) Internal: rotation 4.) Extension: emerge from ragin 5.) Restitution: head enter/crowning.
What is the hormonal method? A birth control that tricks the body into thinking it's pregnant. Mucus plug, no period, no ovulating.
What two hormones are in the hormonal methods? Estrogen and progesterone.
What are the methods of birth control? Oral pill, shot, IUD, ring, patch, and implant.
What is an IUD? Puts into uterus and releases hormones.
What are effected from birth control? Vagina, cervix, uterus, Fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
What does the birth control pills do to prevent pregnancy? 1.) Makes uterine lining thinner so egg can't implant to wall. 2.) Sperm can't get through mucus. 3.) No ovulation.
What is a condom? A barrier device between sperm and egg. Lowers STD and pregnancy.
What is a condom sensitive to? Heat, cold, folding, sunlight, and rubbing.
What is a morning after pill? Only works before ovulation. Stops the release of the egg.
Created by: OliviaRoark
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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