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Vitamins and Mineral

Water Function: Nutrient Transport, Waste Removal, Regulates Body Temperature, Metabolic Reactions, Absorbs Shock
Water DEFICIENCY symptoms: Dehydration (thirst, dry mouth, weakness, dark urine)  TOXICITY = Overhydration or Hypo- natremia (symptoms are similar to Heat Stroke)
Water FOOD SOURCES = Drinking Water, Milk, Juice, Non-Alcoholic Drinks, Most Foods (esp Fruits, Vegetables)
Water COOL = Hard Water has Minerals (Calcium, Iron)
Sodium Function: Electrolyte (Needed for Fluid Balance), Transmission of Nerve Impulses, Muscle Contraction and Cellular Transport
Sodium DEFICIENCY: Hyponatremia (symptoms are similar to heat stroke... muscle cramps, apathy, poor appetite, exhaustion, nausea)
Sodium TOXICITY: Hypernatremia (edema or swelling), Hypertension (high BP) in salt-sensitive individuals
Sodium FOOD SOURCES = Processed and Canned Foods, Table Salt, etc
Cool Fact: DASH Diet is heart healthy
CHLORIDE FUNCTION = Electrolyte (Needed for Fluid Balance), Needed to Produce HCl (Hydrochloric Acid) in Stomach for Digestion
CHLORIDE DEFICIENCY = Not Common (but convulsions can occur in infants)
CHLORIDE TOXICITY = Hyperchloremia (vomit- ing, ↑’d risk of Hypertension)
CHLORIDE FOOD SOURCES = Processed Foods, Condiments, Table Salt, Soy Sauce, Salty Snack Foods
CHLORIDE FUN FACT= = Foods high in sodium (Na) only taste salty if chloride is also present (to make NaCl)
POTASSIUM (K) FUNCTION = Electrolyte (Needed for Fluid Balance), Nerve Transmission, Muscle Contraction, Regulation of Heart Beat, Anti-Hypertensive (helps decrease blood pressure)
POTASSIUM (K) DEFICIENCY = Hypokalemia (muscle weakness, cramps, irregular heart- beat, confusion, etc)
POTASSIUM (K) TOXICITY = Hyperkalemia (vomiting, can stop heart if injected)
POTASSIUM (K) FOOD SOURCES = Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Dairy Products, Beans
POTASSIUM (K) COOL FACT = Rec’d 4,700 mg/day, Anti- Hypertensive Effect
CALCIUM (Ca) FUNCTION = Bone Health, Nerve Transmission, Muscle Contraction and Relaxation, Anti-Hypertensive (helps decrease blood pressure), Blood Clotting
CALCIUM (Ca) DEFICIENCY = Osteoporosis, Stunted Growth in Children
CALCIUM (Ca) TOXICITY = Constipation, lowered Risk of Kidney Stones in Some People
CALCIUM (Ca) FOOD SOURCES = Milk and Dairy Products, Small Fish with Bones, Tofu, Legumes, Calcium-Fortified Foods, Some Green Leafy Veggies
CALCIUM (Ca) COOL FACT = 1,000 mg/d – 1,300 mg/d
PHOSPHORUS (P) FUNCTION = Bone Health, Part of Phospholipids, Needed for ATP (Energy) Production, Acid-Base Balance
PHOSPHORUS (P) FOOD SOURCES= Dairy Products, Eggs, Meat/Fish/Poultry, Processed Foods and Baked Goods
PHOSPHORUS (P) TOXICITY = Increases Calcium Excretion from Bone (= Poor Bone Mineralization)
PHOSPHORUS (P) COOL FACT= Second Most Abundant Mineral in the Body (Calcium is the Most Abundant)
MAGNESIUM (Mg) FUNCTION = = Bone Health, Anti- Hypertensive (helps decrease blood pressure), Cofactor for Some Enzymes, Protein Synthesis
MAGNESIUM (Mg) DEFICIENCY = = Muscle Weakness, Poor Heart Function, Difficulty Swallowing, Growth Failure in Kids, Convulsions or Hallucinations
MAGNESIUM (Mg) TOXICITY Diarrhea, Dehydration
MAGNESIUM (Mg) COOL FACT: The more Magnesium you eat, the less you abs
MAGNESIUM (Mg) FOOD SOURCES: Nuts, Legumes, Whole Grains, Chocolate, Seafood, Dark Green Vegetables
IRON (Fe) FUNCTION= Part of Hemoglobin in Blood (Carries Oxygen to Body), Energy Metabolism
IRON (Fe) FOOD SOURCE= Fortified Cereals, Meat/Fish/Poultry, Beans, Spinach, Dried Fruit, Eggs, Enriched Products
IRON (Fe) COOL FACT= 8 - 18 mg/day, Added back to enriched products.
IRON (Fe) TOXICITY= Hemochromatosis (more common in men than women), GI Distress, Joint Pain
IRON (Fe) DEFICIENCY= Microcytic Anemia (weakness, fatigue, headaches, impaired immunity, learning delays)
IODINE (I) FUNCTION = Thyroid Hormones (regulates growth, metabolic rate)
IODINE (I) DEFICIENCY = Goiter (enlarge thyroid gland) and/or Cretinism (mental and physical disability)
IODINE (I) TOXICITY = Goiter (underactive thyroid)
IODINE (I) FOOD SOURCES = = Iodized Salt, Seafood, Plants Grown in Iodine- Rich Soil, Milk & Dairy Products
IODINE (I) COOL FACT: Iodine is used to sterilize milking equipment on most dairies in the U.S. That’s why milk is a good source.
ZINC (Zn) FUNCTION Growth, Reproduction, Sexual Maturation, Fetal Develop- ment, Taste Perception
ZINC (Zn) DEFICIENCY Hypogonadism (delayed sexual maturation) and/or Poor Growth in Children/Teens, lower’d Ability to Taste and Smell
ZINC (Zn) TOXICITY = ↓’d Appetite, Impaired Immunity, ↓’d Absorption of Iron and Copper, GI Distress
ZINC (Zn) FOOD SOURCES = Seafood (esp. Oysters), Meat, Fish, Poultry, Whole Grains, Fortified Cereals
ZINC (Zn) COOL FACT = Seafood (esp. Oysters), Meat, Fish, Poultry, Whole Grains, Fortified Cereals
FLUORIDE (Fl) FUNCTION = Bone and Tooth Form- ation and Enamel, Protects Teeth from Decay and Cavities
FLUORIDE (Fl) DEFICIENCY = ↑’d Susceptibility to Tooth Decay
FLUORIDE (Fl) TOXICITY = Fluorosis (pitting and discoloration of tooth enamel), Bone Deterioration, GI Upset (vomiting, diarrhea)
FLUORIDE (Fl) FOOD SOURCES = Fluoridated Drinking Water, Seafood
FLUORIDE (Fl) COOL FACT= Toothpaste is also a source but should only be applied topically and never ingested
Created by: metzgerk
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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