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Medical Terminology

Electrocardiogram (EKG) Electronic record of the electricity in the heart
Arthritis Inflammation in a joint
Itis inflammation
Gastroenteritis Inflammation in the stomach
Leukemia Increase in the malignant white blood cells int he blood and bone marrow (cancer)
Emia Blood
Leukocytes White blood cells
Nephrectomy removal of kidney
Nephro Kidney
Anemia absence of hemoglobin in the blood
Cephalic Pertaining to the head
Carcinoma cancer of connective tissue, a category of cancer
Oma Tumor
Sarcoma begins int he tissues that support and connect the body--fat, muscles, nerves, etc.
Pericardium membrane around the heart
Adenoma tumor in a gland tissue
Transdermal through the skin (like a pain patch)
Thrombus blood clot
Embolus (emboli=plural) A piece of blood clot that travels (pulmonary embolism)
Biopsy Removing a piece of living tissue to determine cancerous risk
Algia Pain
Arthralgia Pain in a joint
Gastrectomy Removal of stomach
Resection Removal of an organ or part of an organ
Debridement Removal of diseased or excess tissue from a wound or skin.
Calculi A stone, as in a kidney stone or gall bladder stone
Brady Slow
Bradycardia Slow heart rate
Endoscopy Scope into a body cavity
Hyperthyroidism Excessive activity of the thyroid
Dermatitis Inflammation of the skin
Arthosocpy Scope into a joint to examine a problem
Mestasis Spreading of cancer to another area of the body
Cancer Stage 0 Cancer 'in situ' which means in place, still located in the place they started and have not spread to nearby tissues
Cancer Stage 1 Small cancer or tumor that has not grown deeply into nearby tissues or lymph nodes, early stage cancer
Cancer Stage 2 and 3 larger cancers or tumors that have grown more deeply into nearby tissue, possibly to lymph nodes or other parts of the body
Cancer Stage 4 Cancer has spread to other organs or parts of the body, also called advanced or metastatic cancer
Ascites Abnormal collection of fluid in the abdomen
Peritoneum Membrane containing the abdominal organs
Larynx Voice box
Trachea Wind pipe
Tracheotomy Incision into the wind pipe
Pharynx Throat
Esophagus Tube leading from throat to stomach
Divisions of the Spine Cervical Thoracic lumbar Sacral Coccygeal
Costochondritis Inflammation of the ribs and its cartlage
Epithelial Pertaining to the skin or covering of an organ
Mediastinum Space between the lungs containing many organs, including the heart
Cellulits Inflammation of the soft tissue under the skin; bacterial infection
Pleuritis Inflammation of the membrane around the lungs
Hypochondriac One who thinks they have a disease but does not
nevus Mole
Syncope Fainting
Orthostatic Hypotension Dizzy upon standing
Dyspnea Difficulty breathing
Thoracic cavity Chest cavity
Laminectomy Removal of the back portion of a vertebra to create more room within the spinal canal.
Otalgia Ear pain
Lymphocyte White blood cell
Erythrocyte Red blood cell
Mastitis inflammation in mammary gland
Dysphagia Difficulty swallowing
Dysplasia Abnormal cells
Polydipsia Excessive thirst
Polyuria Frequent urinaiton
Meningitis Inflammation of the lining of the nerves int he brain and spinal cord
Phlebitis Inflammation in a vein
Cardiomyopathy Heart disease
Melanoma Malignant skin cancer
Hemorrhage Excessive bleeding
Hematuria Blood in the urine
Inguinal Groin area
Atherosclerosis Hardening of the arteries due to plaque
Oophorectomy Removal of the ovaries
Cholecystectomy Removal of the gall bladder
hemodialysis Filtering of the blood by using a machine
Rhinoplasty Nose job
Angioplasty Repair of an artery
Stent A tub/cage inserted into an artery to keep it open
Hepatomegaly Enlarged liver
Ischemia Narrowing or obstruction
Myeloma Tumor in bone marrow
CBC Complete Blood Count
CVA Cerebral vascular accident (stroke)
TIA Transient Ischemic attack (mini stroke)
ESRD End Stage Renal Disease
ETOH Alcohol
GERD Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Fx Fracture
Hx History
Rx Prescription
Tx Treatment
Dx Diagnosis
Sx Symptoms
Bx Biopsy
IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome
NKA No Known Allergies
Bid, tid, qd, qhs, q2h Frequencies: 2x, 3x, every day, at night, every 2 hours
HOH Hard of Hearing
HA or H/A Headache
IDDM/NIDDM Insulin dependent diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes
STAT Immediately
VRE Hospital Acquired Infection Vanconmycin resistant enterococci
MRSA HAI: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
CHF Congestive Heart Failure
DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis
PCA pump Patient controlled analgesic
SOB/DOE Short of Breath/ Dyspnea upon exertion
UTI Urinary Tract Infection
ROM Range of Motion
IM Intramuscular
CABG Coronary artery Bypass Graft "cabbage"
HTN Hypertnesion
CA and Mets Cancer and metastasis
BKA Below knee amputation
AMA discharge Against Medical Advice
HBV Hepatitis B
HPV Human Papilloma Virus
HCV Hepatitis C
O2 Oxygen
BP Blood Pressure
H&P History and Physical exam
NPO Nothing by mouth
R/O Rule OUt
DNR Do not recuscitate
GI Gastrointestinal
PRN As Needed
WNL Within Normal Limits
GSW Gun Shot Wound
ASHD Arteriosclerotic heart disease
Lisinopril Blood Pressure
Synthroid Thyroid
Ventolin (albuterol) bronchodilator
Nexium (escomprazole) acid reducer
Prolosec (omeprazole) acid reducer
Abilify anti-psychotic and for resistant depression
Lexapro (escitalopram) depression
Cymbalta (duloxetine) depression and pain
Ambien (hypnotic) sleep
Ativan (lorazepan) anxiety
Xanax (alprazolam) anxiety
Amoxicillin, Augmentin antibiotic
Azithromycin (Z-pack or Zithromax) antibiotic
Coumadin (Warfarin) anticoagulant
Hydrocodone (Vicodan, Lortab, Norco) pain
MS Contin (morphine) pain
OxyContin pain
Duragesic patches (fentanyl) pain
Dilaudid (hydromorphone) pain
Acetaminophen (tylenol) pain
NSAIDS (ibuprofen, aleve, advil) pain, anti inflammitory
Prednisone (steroid) inflammation
Neurontin (gabapentin) seizures and nerve pain
Glucophage (metformin) type 2 diabetes
Lasix (furosemide) water pill
Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine) ADHD
Lantus Solostar Insulin
Zofram (ondansetron) anit-nausea
Apnea Absence of breath or gaps in between
Septicemia Infection in the blood
Borborygmus Rumbling or gurgling noise in the instestine
Bilateral Both sides
Aphasia Inability to speak
Epidermis Outer layer of skin
Post Partem After birth
Hemiplegia One side of the body is paralyzed
Prolapse Sliding forward
NeoNatal Newborn
Metacarpals wrist bones
Diaphoresis Sweating
Alimentation Feeding or nutrition
Alopecia Hair loss, usually in circles
Decubitus Ulcer Bed sore, wound
Pruritis Chronically Itchy skin
Angina Chest Pain
Geriatrician Treats older adults
Neprologist Kidney doctor
Rheumatologist Treats diseases of the joints and muscles, arthritis
Pulmonologist Lung specialist
Gastroenterologist Specialist for stomach and intestinal issues
Oncologist Cancer doctor
Podiatrist Food doctor
Occlusion blockage
Sputum mucus expelled form lungs through spitting
Palliative Relieving symptoms but not curing them
Kyphhosis Hump on the back
Emesis basin Barf pan
Cirrhosis Chronic liver disease
Crohn's disease Chronic inflammation of of the small intestine
Nosocomial Infection Infection received while in the hospital
Myocardial Infarction MI/Heart Attack
Jaundice Yellow-orange color of the skin from high levels of bilirubin in the bloodstream
Diverticulitis Abnormal condition of small pouches or sacs int he wall of the intestine
Sarcoidosis Inflammatory disease in which small nodules form in lymph nodes and other organs
Created by: hawkke
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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