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Immunity /Infection


Give examples of different types of pathogens? Viruses Bacteria Fungi Prions Protozoans Parasitic worms
Why are bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics? Over-prescribed by doctors and improper usage from patients.
Explain the steps of a life cycle of a virus. 1. Virus enters/penetrates the cell 2. Protein coat is removed 3. Genes replicate and translate (makes new protein coats) 4. New Viruses are assembled 5. Virus exits the cell, often killing it in the process
What is the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic? Pandemics are greater in size and only refer to infectious diseases.
If one gets bit by a mosquito and is infected with a virus, this is an example of ___________ transmission. Indirect
The mosquito is an example of a (an) ____________ when spreading disease. Vector
Lucy goes to use a razor that has staphylococcus bacteria on it. This bacteria is a (an)_________ Pathogen
Lucy has a cold and coughs without covering her mouth. Infection goes everywhere. This is _________ Portal of exit
Lucy gets cut from the razor and the bacteria enters her body. This is __________ Portal of entry
Lucy's friend touches a door knob that has been infected with Lucy's cold Virus. This is a _________ Means of transmission
Lucy's body is a (an) ____________ for infection. Reservoir
1st Dendritic cells are drawn to the site and consume foreign cells to display their antigens. Helper T cell specific to the antigen are now activated and natural cells destroy infected cells also. 1st
2nd Helper T cells multiply and produce cytokines which activate Killer T cells and B cells. 2nd
3rd Killer T cells destroy the foreign bodies and infected cells. B cells produce antibodies that bind to the antigens of foreign bodies and mark them for destruction by macrophages. 3rd
4th Suppressor T cells slow down the immune response. MemoryT and B cells remember the invaders, so a quick response can be conducted the next time in contact. ( next attack) 4th
What are some physical and chemical barriers our body's possess to help fight off infection? Physical: Skin, Mucous membranes, Cilia in respiratory tract Chemical: Enzymes in body fluid, such as stomach acid, Salt in tears and sweat.
What do B cells produce to help aid in the immune response? Antibodies
______________ and _____________ have complimentary markers that act with a lock and key mechanism. Antibodies and Antigens
_________________________ are specialized proteins used by the immune system to fight off pathogens and function as antibodies. Immunoglobulin
What are the cells that are responsible for helping your body to remember the infection you have been in contact with? Memory T and Memory B cells
____________, _______________________________, _________________ are responsible for cell mediated immune response and ____________ are responsible for antibody mediated immune response Killer T cells, NK Natural Killer cells and macrophages are responsible for cell mediated immune response B cells are responsible for antibody mediated immune response.
________________ is a chemical responsible for dilation and increased permeability of blood vessels, and causes increased heat, swelling and redness to an area. Histamine
In the ____________________ period, the bacteria or viruses are multiplying in the body. Incubation
________________ are a good example of when the body's defense system has gone haywire. Allergies
_____________________________ is a special type of antibody which binds to mast cells in response to allergens. Immunoglobulin E (Ige)
List some examples of autoimmune disorders. Lupus Rheumatoid Arthritis MS Multiple Sclerosis Type 1 Diabetes
Bacteria (Microscopic, single celled organism) Strep throat Staph infectons Lyme disease UTI Urinary Tract Infection
Viruses (Protein coat / shell with DNA or RNA Common cold Flu COVID-19 Herpes HPV
Fungi (Single or multi-celled organisms) Yeast Infections Jock itch Athletes foot Ring worm
Protozoa (Single celled organisms) Malaria Trichomoniasis Giardia
Parasites (Worms that feed and live in or on a host) Hook worms Tape worms Kuru
Prions (Proteinaceous particles) Crutzfeld jacobs disease Kuru
Created by: Alekxzander
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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