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Ch 44

Heating and Cold applications

heat and cold have ______________ effects on the body opposite
___________ increases blood flow y dilating blood vessels in area heat
___________ slows blood flow by constricting blood vessels in area cold
using heat and cold application is a controlled act, PSWs must be delegated by a nurse to do so and it must be in the care plan t/f t
check client frequently for signs of heat problems inc: 1)excessive redness in area/ face 2)blisters 3)c/o discomfort, pain, burning 4)skin irritation, rash, itching, burning
check client frequently for signs of cold problems inc: 1)pale, white, grey skin 2)cyanosis 3)shivering 4)c/o discomfort, pain, numbess, burning 5)skin irritation, rash, itching, burning
check skin every ______ mins for first two check and every 15 mins subsequently 5
heat is used for chronic pain: 1)reduces pain of muscle cramps/ arthritis 2)promotes healing 3)reduces joint stiffness
cold is used for recent injury: 1)reduces swelling/ pain 2)slows bruising 3)reduces itchiness from bug bites
complications of heat application inc: 1)burns 2)tissue death 3)circulatory chock
complications of cold application inc: 1)frostbite 2)tissue death 3)circulatory shock
heat can be applied to almost any _____________ body part
when heat is used properly, muscles in area ______ and painful swelling is _____________ relax, reduced
clients at high risk for complications from heat/ cold application inc: 1)thin, frail. delicate skin 2)decreased sensation (unconscious, scarring, meds, spinal cord injury, diabetes, aging) 3)cognitive awareness challenges 4)metal implants
do not apply heat/ cold in an area that has a ___________________ metal implant
moist heat application water comes in contact with skin
moist heat has advantages inc: 1)water conducts heat, works faster with greater effect than dry heat 2)heat penetrates deeper so lower temp settings are ok which helps prevent injury
do not apply heat above ___________ 41'C/ 106'F
ask your supervisor what temperature the application should be for each client t/f t
_______ temps are used for clients at risk when using heat application cooler
____________ temps are used for clients at risk when using cold application warmer
ask supervisor to show you the precise site for application t/f t
do not leave at risk clients ________________ unattended
remind client not to ___________ temp of application change
dry heat application water does not come in contact with skin
advantages of dry heat inc: 1)stays desired temp 2)does not penetrate as deeply; may be chosen for client who is very thin or has medical condition
compress soft pad that is moistened/ applied over body area
warm compresses are ___________ heat application moist
compresses can be _________ or ____________ hot, cold
test warm compresses by placing small amt on inner _____________ wrist
after heating wheat/ bean bag in microwave shake the bag to mix contents to distribute heat more evenly t/f t
PSW are usually not allowed to apply electric heating pads or hot water bottles t/f t
warm soak warm, moist application involve immersing body part into heated water to promote circulation and muscle relaxation
soaks last ______ mins 15
sitz bath warm moist application; immersing perineal/ rectal area in warm/hot water
sitz baths usually last for _____ mins 15
sitz baths are used after: 1)rectal surgery 2)female pelvic surgery 3)childbirth 4)hemorrhoids
sitz baths are used for: 1)clean perineal/ anal wounds 2)promote healing 3)relieve pain/ soreness 4)increase circulation 5)stimulant voiding
sitz tub built in fixture with deep seat, clients its in it with feet on floor. immersing feet/ legs diminishes effectiveness do not use reg bath
pack treatment involving wrapping body part with wet/ dry application. reusable/ disposable. cold/ hot
aquathermia pad waterproof plastic/ rubber pad can be applied to areas of muscle sprain, edema, mild inflammation in place of heat/ cold pack
R.I.C.E rest, ice, compression, elevate
cold applications are most often used to treat: 1)sprains 2)fractures 3)fever
never use cold application on ___________ injuries old
frostbite medical condition where damage is caused to skin and other tissues due to extreme cold. signs inc: blisters, pale/ white/ grey skin, cyanosis, shivering, numbness, pain, burning
________ should be applied and removed in 15 min intervals cold
dry cold ice bag, ice collar, ice gloves
moist cold cold compress
moist/ dry cold packs
cold applications can be _____ or __________ moist, dry
moist cold penetrate less deep than dry cold t/f f; penetrates deeper
moist cold applications should not be as cold as dry cold, check every 5 mins t/f t
do not eat ___________ if used in home setting as moist cold frozen veggies
Created by: Wil.Wilson
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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