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CHNP 2010 CH.4

-asthenia weakness
-lepsy seizure
-mania condition of abnormal impulse toward
-paresis slight paralysis
-plegia paralysis
gyri convulsions (mounds) of the cerebral hemispheres
sulci shallow groves that separate gyri
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) nerves that branch from the central nervous system including nerves of the brain (cranial nerves) and spinal cord (spinal nerves)
Central Nervous System (CNS) brain and spinal cord
sympathetic nervous system division of the autonomic nervous system that is concerned primarily with preparing the body in stressful or emergency situations
parasympathetic nervous system division of the autonomic nervous system that is most active in ordinary conditions; it counterbalances the effects of the sympathetic system by restoring the body to a restful state after a stressful experience
hypochondriasis a preoccupation with thoughts of disease and concern that one is suffering from a serious condition that persists despite medical reassurance to the contrary
CVA cerebrovascular accident
SAD seasonal affective disorder
TIA transient ischemic attack
Aphasia impairment because of localized brain injury that affects the understanding, retrieving, and formulating of meaningful and sequential elements of language, as demonstrated by inability to use or comprehend words
dysphasia impairment of speech production and inability to arrange words in an understandable way.
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) a neurologic scale used to assess level of consciousness.
neuralgia pain along the course of a nerve
spastic paralysis stiff and awkward muscle control cause by a central nervous system disorder
hemiparesis partial paralysis of the right or left half of the body
sciatica pain that follows the pathway of the sciatic nerve, caused by compression or trauma of the nerve or its roots
hyperesthesia increased sensitivity to stimulation such as tough or pain
paresthesia abnormal sensation of numbness and tingling without objective cause
astereognosis nability to judge the form of an object by touch (e.g., a coin from a key)
atopognosis inability to locate a sensation properly, such as inability to locate a point touched on the body
transient ischemic attack (TIA) brief episode of loss of blood flow to the brain, usually caused by a partial occlusion that results in temporary neurologic deficit (impairment); often precedes a CVA
narcolepsy sleep disorder characterized by sudden, uncontrollable need to sleep, attacks of paralysis (cataplexy), and dreams intruding while awake (hypnagogic hallucinations)
anencephaly defect in closure of the cephalic portion of the neural tube that results in incomplete development of the brain and bones of the skull; the most drastic neural tube defect usually results in stillbirth
poliomyelitis inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord caused by a virus, often resulting in spinal and muscle deformity and paralysis (polio = gray)
polioneuritis inflammation involving two or more nerves, often caused by a nutritional deficiency, such as lack of thiamine
sleep apnea periods of breathing cessation (10 seconds or more) that occur during sleep, often causing snoring
Created by: csagastume2
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