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Ch 20

Caring for the young

conjunctivitis inflammation of the clear membrane that covers the white part of the eye and lines the inner surface of eyelids
conjunctivitis is also referred to as __________________ pink eye
ear infection is also referred to as __________________ otitis media
otitis media infection of the middle ear caused by either virus or bacteria
eustachian tube tiny drainage pipe in middle ear
gastroenteritis causes vomiting and diarrhea and can lead to dehydration esp in young kids and frailer older adults
gastroenteritis is also referred to as _______________ the stomach flue
negative reinforcement encouraging behaviour by penalizing the person when that behaviour is not demonstrated
obesity excess fat accumulation that puts a persons health at risk
positive reinforcement encouraging a behaviour by rewarding the desired behaviour after it is demonstrated
reye's syndrome rare, potentially fatal disease causing inflammation of the brain which can occur during the recovery stage of flu or chicken pox. seen in kids who take aspirin
strep throat throat infected with streptococci
streptococci (singular; streptococcus) type is bacteria causing strep throat and other medical issues
upper respiratory infections (URIs) medical term for colds and other viral illnesses that affect throat, nose, sinuses
when a child cannot have their personal preferences due to safety or health concerns be firm in your no and move on t/f f; try to give limited choices that are equally acceptable
privacy is important to middle age school kids and adolescence t/f t
young children do not understand danger so pay special attention when watching them to ensure safety t/f t
provide ___________ safety for babies, infants and young kids. do not let them out of your __________________ constant, sight
as a support worker you role is to provide a ________, ______, and ______ atmosphere for the family stable, secure, safe
PSW responsibilities when caring for the young may inc: 1)develop positive relationship with all family members (trusting, friendly, respectful) 2)maintaining existing rules of behaviour 3)maintaining daily routines 4)being alert to situations that create stress or harm
it important to treat all children the same t/f f; check care plan and with supervisor for instructions for each child
when communicating with kids , use ________ listening skills, maintaining _______________ contact, and _____________ on what is being said active, eye, concentrate
when communicating with young children watch for _________________ cues non verbal
when communicating with young children use_______________ communication to comfort non verbal
when communicating with young children its important to speak to them like adults to help with speech development t/f f; speak to them in a manner appropriate for developmental stage they are at
when communicating with young children always answer questions honestly, simply and clearly t/f t
when communicating with young children offer ________________ for something well done praise
when communicating with young children give encouragement when a child _________________________ even if progress is small attempts to improve behaviour
when communicating with young children avoid _______ and _______ dont and no
serve meals when kids become hungry and make sure they finish their plates t/f f; feed on a schedule to prevent crankiness and when a child is full the meal is over, do not force food to be eaten
more than ___________ million children live in poverty 1.2
encourage the family to ________ together as often as possible, as it helps develop positive attitudes about food eat
avoid difficult ____________ or _________________ during meal time conversations, conflict
____________ must model good table manners and respectful behaviour adults
most children can _____________ their under eating, overeating or weight issues. allow children to develop a god connection with their ____________ gauge correct, internal eating
if a child skips certain foods, eats light or more than is recommended : 1)check the family's diet, is it influencing the child's choices? 2)allow kids to decide when they are full 3)remind them of next meal/ snack to help them gauge amount to eat
provide consistency, nutritious choices and relax to help the child relax around meals and balance t/f t
its normal to have to present a _____ food up to ______ times before a child will be comfortable with it new, 15
call your _________ if you are concerned about the childs eating habits, a family ________ may be consulted supervisor, doctor
its normal for a child to experience major changes in weight and appetite t/f f; contact your supervisor
contact your supervisor if: 1)meal times are battlegrounds 2)suspected eating disorder
registered dietitian teach people about nutrition, develop diets to promote health and specialize in counselling to help treat food related problems
paediatricians may have special training and experience in caring for kids with eating issues
therapists/ counsellor can help family cope with power struggles over eating
psychiatrists can provide counselling and meds
pediatric gastroenterologists can rule out or treat conditions of digestive system that could be causing eating disorder
pediatric endocrinologists can rule out or treat hormone related conditions that can lead to weight issues
bunk beds can cause injuries like ___________ and ______________ falls, strangulation
in april 2004, health canada acted to ban bay walkers t/f t
it is the PSWs responsibility to protect children from harm t/f t
injuries from falls, accidents, burns, abuse, choking, poisoning and other causes are the ______________cause of death in kids over 1 year and cause of more death and disabilities in kids than any other cause of _____________ combined leading, disease
the majority of kids injured are female t/f f; male
_______ active kids are more at risk for injury highly
_____________ predisposes kids to increased risk taking and self destructive behaviours stress
alcohol and drug use is a risk factor for high incidence of car accidents, drownings, homicides and suicides in children t/f t
a history of injuries means the child has a greater risk of injury again t/f t
______________, ____________________ and _____________ characteristics are risk factors for childhood injuries developmental, cognitive, anatomical
other factors that are risk factors for childhood injury inc: 1)poverty 2)family stress 3)substandard alternative childcare 4)young maternal age 5)low maternal education 6)multiple siblings
____________ are the leading cause of childhood injuries falls
children are at an increase risk of injury during times of stress of family routine change t/f t
it is the PSW ________________ to always be aware of possible _______________ and prevent falls, burns, poisoning and suffocation responsibility, dangers
keep _______________ on a baby on a scale, bed, change table or other furniture one hand
do not let children under 4 sleep or play on the top bunk of a bunk bed t/f f; under age 6
keep children away from _______________ windows
do not let children run with objects in their_______ or ____________ hands, mouth
take measures to prevent __________________ falling on kids furniture
make sure there is nothing in the crib for an baby to _________________ stand on
keep one hand on a baby when you are ____________________ them changing
keep _____________ in locked position and _______________ check on children in ______________ crib, frequently, cribs
use safety ______________ at top and bottom of ___________, make sure kids cant get caught through slats gates, stairs
do not give infants and young kids: 1)hot dogs 2)raw carrots 3)peanuts 4)popcorn 5)whole grapes 6)raisins 7)hard candy 8)gum
grate, mash, blend, chop food into very small pieces before giving it to adolescent kids and always supervise when they are eating t/f f; do these things for children and infants
____________ prop bottles on rolled towel/ blanket do not
check for __________objects lying around small
do not allow children to blow _____________ or put in mouth, dispose of broken pieces immediately balloons
keep all ___________ and _______________ away from children plastic bags, wrappings
____________bibs before putting infants in cribs remove
remove or tie up all ______________ on all articles of kids clothing drawstrings
keep _______ for blinds, curtains and drapes out of kids reach. move ________ away from windows cords, cribs
the space between crib and mattress should be no more than 3.5 inches t/f f; 2.5 inches
allow infants to sleep on waterbeds as it is soothing t/f f; only allow to sleep on firm, hard surface. never waterbeds
do not use _______ to position infants or _______ them from rolling off beds and furniture pillows, prevent
remove ____________ items from crib soft
always supervise kids that are near ______________ water
keep ________________ doors closed to prevent kids from entering unsupervised bathroom
always keep the toilet seat _________ and locked down
keep sinks, tubs, basins and buckets empty when not in use t/f t
keep _________ pails locked diaper
morbidity also means ______________ illness
mortality also means_________________ deaths
_________________ constitute one of the leading causes of accidental death in kids burns
accidental poisoning is most common in kids between _____ and ______ 1, 4
do not carry hot _________ near infants and children and when carrying anything hot make sure kids are _______________________ liquids, out of the way
always ________ a bottle or __________ food before giving it to infants and kids shake, stir
keep hot foods and liquids away from counter and table edges t/f t
position kids facing ______ from water faucets and do not let kids touch ________ handles faucet, faucet
put safety plugs on all ____________ outlets
do not let very young children help you cook on the ______________ stove
acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) is also referred to as_____________ aspirin
read the labels on all household products before buying them and try to use the most toxic ones t/f f; try to use the least toxic kinds
___________ all medicines and harmful substances lock up
do not rely on childproof container lids t/f t
never refer to any kind of medicine as __________ sweets
never let kids play with ___________ or _____________ paint chipped, flaked
examples of materials found in the home that toxic to children inc: 1)household cleaning products 2)pills and medicines 3)cosmetics 4)household plants 5_paint thinner/ remover, gasoline, paraffin, metal polish 6)pesticides
symptoms of Reye's syndrome inc: 1)viral illness that lasts too long 2)frequent/ persistent nausea/ vomiting 3)personality changes (confusion, aggression, agitation) 4)coma 5)seizures
discipline system of rules that governs how we act. its positive; sets limits and guidelines to help kids behave in appropriate ways
its important discipline is _________________ consistent
report any ___________ behaviour of a family member violent
report frequent visits by "strangers" that seem to make the members of the household happy and at ease t/f f; makes family fearful and uneasy
report suspected ________ abuse and excessive ______________ drug, drinking
report electricity, heat or water being turned ____________ off
report severe shortage of clothing or food t/f t
report ________ of a child that has been unreported to you illness
report sudden ____________ of caregiver departure
report ____________ return of a family member unexpected
the PSW role in disciplining the child is to: 1)know rules of acceptable behaviour 2)ask for clarification if unsure about rules 3)reinforce existing rules 4)be consistent with discipline 5)praise the childs efforts at following rules
contact your supervisor about discipline if: 1)existing rules are too harsh 2)very few rules in place 3)existing rules are too loose 4)new rules may need to be set
punishment harsh response that occurs when a discipline rule is broken
punishing a child fro failing to follow the rules of the household is the PSWs responsibility t/f f; it is not the responsibility of the PSW
if a family member asks you to disciple a child, explain _____________________________________________________________________ that it is against your agency policy to do so, as request they contact your supervisor
record and report if a family member asks you to punish a child t/f t
children raised in troubled environments may be : 1)verbally aggressive 2)resistant to rules/ regulations 3)difficulty forming bonds with people
twelve principles for supporting a challenging child inc: 1)be specific about expectations and stick to them 2)focus on the important/ pick battles wisely 3)praise, praise, praise 4)know the kids problems/ difficulties 5)follow care plan for amt time/ activity for kid 6)be specific about pos/ neg outcomes 7)act quickly/ speak calm 8)give bonuses/ focus on pos 9)find middle ground 10)forgive and be patient 11)find support 12)self care important
children who have physical/ developmental delays may be more prone to infectious illness as they may have fragile immune systems t/f t
most facilities will not let kids attend school or child care if they have a fever of 38/100.4, or vomiting or have diarrhea t/f t
generally kids can return to school if : 1)no fever 2)can eat/ drink normally 3)rested/ alert enough to pay attention 4)completed any period of medically recommended isolation
if a child has strep throat or pink eye, facilities may require they be on antibiotic therapy for ____________ before returning 24 hrs
top 5 reasons kids miss school inc: 1)colds 2)stomach flu 3)ear infection 4)pink eye 5)sore throat
adults on average experience 2-4 colds a year, while kids may experience _____ to ______ 6, 10
children may have more severe and long lasting symptoms of cold than adults t/f t
do not give rehydration solution (eg special frozen treats or pedialyte) unless specified in _________________ care plan
after a child has a stomach flu its recommended that the food that is first reintroduced be: 1)bananas 2)toast 3)broth 4)rice
avoid dairy when first reintroducing foods after a stomach flu t/f t
ear infections are most common in kids under 2 t/f t
Canadian babies and children require routine administration of vaccines to be able to fend off: 1)measles 2)mumps 3)pertussis 4)diphtheria 5)tetanus 6)meningitis 7)polio
Created by: Wil.Wilson
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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