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NASM-CPT Ch. 3 Terms

Chapter 3: The Psychology of Exercise

Psychology An area of science that focuses on people, and in particular, how the mind and feelings may influence behaviors.
Adherence The level of commitment to a behavior or plan of action.
Motivation The intensity and direction of someone’s effort to participate in an activity or engage in a behavior.
Socioeconomic status The social standing of a person or group that includes education, income, and occupation.
Amotivation Describes when someone is not motivated to engage in an activity or behavior.
Extrinsic Motivation When someone participates in an activity or behavior for some type of reward or recognition from others.
Intrinsic Motivation When people engage in an activity or behavior because they feel a sense of satisfaction.
Relatedness A sense of belonging to other people
Outcome Goals Goals focused on the end result.
Process Goals Refers to the process of goal pursuit.
Social Support The intentional ways that people assist others in achieving a specific behavior.
Social Physique Anxiety A specific form of anxiety that occurs in individuals who perceive that others could be negatively evaluating their physique.
Ambivalence Describes a person’s state of mixed feelings about a situation.
Instrumental Support The actions that directly facilitate a behavior to happen. In the context of exercise, instrumental support can include driving a person to a health club or paying for the gym membership.
Emotional Support The encouragement and positive reinforcement that is provided from an individual to another, which includes being caring, empathetic, and showing concern.
Empathy The ability to identify with another person’s feelings, attitudes, or thoughts.
Informational Support Providing accurate, current, and informative information.
Companionship Support When someone engages in a behavior with an individual. This type of support is often observed in an exercise setting where people exercise with a friend or partner.
The Built Environment General physical surroundings. Sidewalks, biking paths, playgrounds, green spaces, trails, public transit, etc.
Self-esteem The way someone evaluates their own self-worth physically, emotionally, and socially.
Body Image The way someone views their physical self or visualizes their body.
Sleep Apnea A sleep disorder in which a person’s breathing repeatedly stops and starts, which disrupts the body’s natural sleep cycle.
Created by: SlayElectric
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