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Question | Answer |
most common symptoms of an asthma attack | shortness of breath and coughing |
code of ethics | set of guidelines established by professional organizations to direct the conduct and actions related to common business practices within a given profession |
precontemplation | individual is not thinking about adopting an exercise program within the next 6 months "I can't" or "I won't" |
contemplation | intentions of becoming more physically active within the next 6 months "i may" |
preparation | intentions to become physically active or start exercising in the next month - join a health club "I will" |
action | performing regular physical activity at least 150 minutes per week "I am" |
maintenance | sustained regular physical activity for 6 consecutive months "i still am" |
medial | closer to the midline of the body |
laterial | away from the midline of the body |
superior | close to the head (away from the feet) |
inferior | away from the head (closer to the feet) |
proximal | closer to the attahced end of the limb or center of the body |
distal | away from the center of the body |
anterior | on/toward the front of the body |
posterial | ontoward the back of the body |
sagittal plane | divides the body into right and left sides |
frontal plan | divides the body into (anterior)front and (posterier) back |
transverse plan | seperates the body into upper and lower segments also called horizontal plan |
human body has how many bones | 206 |
vertebral column/spinal column | 33 bones cervical,thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx |
cardiac muscle tissue | smooth muscle, involuntary, fatigue resistant |
smooth muscle tissue | lines internal organs, involuntary |
skeletal muscle tissue | most abundant type and voluntary |
isometric action | muscle produces force but there is no resulting movement and no change in muscle length |
isotonic | muscle shortens and lengthens as force is generated against an external load |
concentric phase | shortening phase of an isotonic muscle action - exteranal load is lifted |
eccentric phase | lengthening phase -load is lowered |
what anatomical structure is located distal to the elbow joint | metacarples |
acial skeleton consists of: | skull, spine, strernum and ribs |
major muscle located on the posterior aspect of the tibia is called | gastrocnemius |
agonist | primary movers |
synergist | other muscles that assist the agonist |
antagonist | muscles that work in direct opposition to the agonist |
diathrodial joint | joint between the glenoid fosssa of the scapula and teh humerus. |
Sliding Filament Theory | during muscle contract - an action potential is delivered by the central nervous system to the muscle |
flexion | movement that decreases the relative joint angle/bring 2 body parts closer together |
abduction | movement away from the midline |
adduction | movement towards the midline |
shoulder extension | occurs during the concentric phase of a dumbbell chesk press |
latissimus dorsi | primary muscle during shoulder adduction |
hip flex | joint action created by contraction of the illoposoas muscle group |
artery | blood vessle that carries oxygenated blood away from the heart |
aorta | largest artery - transports bloood fromleft ventricle |
type 1 | slow twich muscle fibers slow oxidavite muscle fibers - slower speed of contraction/high resistance to fatigue/produce energy thru aerobic metabolism |
type 11a | fast twitch muscle fibers fast speed contraction/moderate resistance to fatigue/produced thru aerobic & anerobic metabolism |
type 11b or 11x | fast twich muscle fiblers fast speed contraction/high force production/ low resistance to fatigue/produce energy thru anaerobic metabolism/ greatest potential for hypertrophy |
twitch | single ectrical impulse causing excitation of the muscle fiber followed by complete relaxation. |
long chains of glucose are stored as glycogen in | skeletal muscle & liver |
phosphagen system | responsible for the energy supplied during power and speed activities |
anaerobic glycolysis | "absence of oxygen" high intensity, short-duration activities (2-3 minutes) and moderate intensity resistance training. |
aerobic glycolysis | low to moderate intensity/ endurance |
increase stroke volume | most significant impact on increased maximal oxygen consuption with regular endurance exercise training. |
carbohydrates | perfered source of energy for the body 1 gr = 4 calories |
RDA - recommended dietary allowance | established nutrient level, based on scientific evidence to meet the requirements of nearly all healthy individuals |
macromineral | greater than 20 milligrams - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. |
trace minerals | microminerals copper, iron, iodine, zinc or other |
hyponatremia | (drink too much water )dangerous condition in which the blood's water-to-sodium ration is severely elevated causing a decrease in plasma sodium concentration |
24 oz | drink this amount for every pound lost durig sweat after exercise. |
1, 500 | recommended daily sodium intake for people over 51 years old |
10% daily calories | consume % daily calories from saturated fats by replacing them with mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acidis |
Percent (%) Daily Values are based on ##### calorie diet | 2,000 |
AI for dietary fiber for man and woman | 25 grams = woman 38 grams = man |
total daily energy expenditure | # of calories expended throughout the course of a day |
National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) | perform regular moderate-intensity physical activity often > 300 minutes per week. less than 30% calories from fat eat 5 meals/snacks per day monitor body weight 1x per week less than 10 hours per week tv watching |
informed consent | utilized to communicate the known risks and dangers associated with exercise participation |
hypertension | systolic > 140 diastolic > 90 |
korotoff sound | first sound beat = systolic last sound = diastolic |
BMI | body mass index - doesnot consider the relative proportions of fat and lean tissue. |
systolic blood pressure | amount of pressure exerted against the arterial wall during left ventricular contraction |
kyphosis | "humpback" rounding of thoratic spine |
Lordosis | arching of the lumbar spine |
reciprocal inhibition | muscles that are shortened are over-stimulated by the nerous system and become dominate, muscles taht are lengthened become passive or weak |
pectoriallis major | muscle that is typically tight and overactive with upper cross syndrome |
if client has lower cross syndrome what is the most appropriate exercise | hamstring stretches and core strengthening |
flat back | flattinging of the lumbar spine and a posterior pelvic tilt |
bilateral tightness in hamstring muscle group contributes to... | posterior pelivic tilt |
MET (metabolic equivalent) | unit used to define the absolute energy expenditure of a specific activity |
how much activity should person do for sustantial health benefits? | 150 minutes of moderate intensity - aerobic activity in 10 minute episodes |
FITT | cardiorespiratory exercise guidelines frequency = 3-5 days per week intensity = moderate to vigorous time = 30-60 min per day type = aerobic nature |
Karvonen Formula | 220 - age (HR max) (HR max) - resting heart rate = (HRR) HRR x intensity % + resting heart rate = Target Heart Rate |
Resistance Training | 2-3 days per week 8-12 reps => 48 hrs between sessions for single muscle groups |
breathing for resistance training | exhale on concentric phase inhale on eccentric phase |
golgi tendon organ | sensory receptor located within the musculotendinous unit that is sensitive to tension and rate of tension change |
how long should you hold static stretches for | 10-30 seconds |
what is a benefit from regular stretching | reduced joint stress and muschle hypertonicity |
what type of stretching reduces exercise related injury? | Dynamic stretching |
three types of learners | visual, auditory and kinesthetic |
Linear Progression | one move followed by another (movements do not repeat) a + b + c + d + e + f |
Drill a Skill | Teaching new choreography AAAAAAA+BBBBBBBBB+CCCCCCC + DDDDDDDD |
Pyramid/Movement Reduction | ideal for new instructors and new students AAAA+BBBB+CCCC+DDDD AA+BB+CC+DD ABCD |
Add On | ideal for new patterns A+B AB+C ABC+D = ABCD |
Small segments/blocks | layering of more complex movements - designed choreo. (Hi/Lo) ABCD+EFGH+IJKL+MNOP |
Half Time | utilzed when performing difficult and complex patterns of movement |
Free Style | On the spot for veteran instructors |
logical basic step/movement progression | basic moves add arms add direction change add variation |
PRICE acronym | Protection Rest ICE COMPRESSION Elevate |
What is the perfered source of energy during exercise | Carbohydrates |
What exercise is contraindicated in a group exercise class | Hurdler's Stretch |
what cue is most effective for complex choreography | Visual |
Physical Activity Readiness (PAR-Q) | screening tool to identify who should consult with their physician prior to participating in an exercise program |
first strong beat of musical phrase is the | downbeat |