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Mental health disorders

reactive depression term that some health care providers use to describe normal reactions, such as feelings of loss and sadness in response to what a person has just experienced
remission period when the signs and symptoms of a disease lessen or disappear
repression keeping from the conscious mind unpleasant or painful thoughts
schizophrenia spectrum disorders extremely complex group of mental health disorders characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disturbances in thinking and withdrawal from social activity
sleep wake disorders conditions in which repetitive disturbed sleep patterns lead to distress and impairment in the persons daytime functioning
substance related and addictive disorder deliberate misuse of or inability to stop the abuse of prescription meds, illegal drugs, alcohol, or other substances
suicidal behaviour disorder disorder whose main trait is recurrent thoughts about or a preoccupation with ending ones life
acquired brain injury is also called ____________ traumatic brain injury
acquired brain injury damage to brain tissue caused by disease, medical condition, accident or violence
affect persons feelings, emotions and moods and the way the person demonstrates them
amenorrhea absence of at least three consecutive menstrual periods as normally expected to occur
anxiety vague uneasy feeling in response to stress
anxiety disorders a group of mental health disorders whose main symptom is anxiety with fears and worries so disproportionate to the situation as to affect normal functioning
bipolar and related disorders group of related brain disorders that cause unusual shifts in a persons mood, energy and ability to function
clinical depression is also called _________________ major depressive disorder
compulsion the uncontrollable urge to perform an act
conduct disorder disorder that causes the person to repeatedly violate personal or property rights of others and basic expectations of society
delusion a fixed, false belief that is not based on reality
depressive disorders group of disorders in which the client is in sad, empty or irritable moods accompanied by physical and thought changes that are severe enough to affect the clients ability to function
detoxification a process allowing the abused substance to exit the body naturally or of removing the substance from the body medically
drug withdrawal a person being detoxified may go into this
diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fifth edition manual published by American psychiatric association that is used throughout N. America to classify mental disorders
disruptive, impulse control and conduct disorder disorder in which client displays difficult, disruptive, aggressive or antisocial behaviours
drug tolerance state at which the body gets accustomed to a substance, causing the individual of it to experience the same effect
drug withdrawal physical reaction that occurs when a person abusing a substance stops taking it
emotional illness is also referred to as__________ mental health disorder
feeding and eating disorders altered body image perceptions that lead to disturbances in eating behaviours and an abnormal concern with body weight and shape
hallucination seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting or feeling something that is not real
major depressive disorder a state of mind in which a persons worthlessness, self blame, sadness, disappointment, emptiness lasts for weeks and interfere with the persons ability to perform ADLs
mental health state of mind in which a person copes with and adjusts to stressors of everyday living in socially acceptable ways
mental health disorder is also referred to as ____________, ________, _________, or __________________ mental illness, mental disorder, emotional illness, psychiatric disorder
obsession persistent thought or desire
obsessive compulsive disorders mental health disorders characterized by recurrent obsessions, compulsions that interfere with a persons daily life and relationships
panic intense, sudden feeling of fear, anxiety, terror, dread for no obvious reason
paranoia extreme suspicion about a person or a situation
personality disorders group of disorders involving rigid, socially unacceptable behaviours
psychosis mental state in which a persons perceptions of reality are impaired
psychotherapy form of therapy in which a client explores thoughts, feelings, behaviours with help and guidance from a mental health specialist
mental health disorders affect all dimensions of a person life, these are? physical, emotional, spiritual, social, intellectual
there may be no ___________ between a clients physical and mental health problems but in ________ clients physical problems can result from mental health problems or reverse relationship, some
combinations of factors that can cause mental health disorders inc: 1)genetics 2)biological 3)personality 4)environmental
____% of Canadians (1 in5) will personally experience a mental health disorder during their life time 20
mental health disorders effect people of all ages, _________, _________ and income levels cultures, educational
the onset of a mental health disorder occurs in early childhood and older adulthood t/f f; occurs at adolescence or young adulthood
mental health is affected by three factors, these are: 1)inherited characteristics 2)childhood nurturing 3)life circumstances
with good mental health and person can not cope with life's problems and challenges and has difficulty "bouncing back or recover from difficult situations t/f f; with good mental health a person CAN cope with life's challenges and problems and CAN "bounce back" or recover from difficult situations
people with good mental health may feel certain emotions about a situation but they can _______ normal amounts of ______ and are able to express and control their emotions appropriately handle, stress
people with good mental health feel __________ and __________ capable, competent
people with good mental health know their own needs and can form stable, satisfying relationships and lead an independent life t/f t
more than _________________ Canadians currently live with a severe / persistent mental health disorder 1 million
schizophrenia affects _____% of the population of Canada 1
anxiety disorders affect _____% of the population 5
about ___% of adults in Canada will experience a major depressive disorder in the course of their life time 8
suicide rates in some Indigenous communities are among the highest in the world; _____ to _______ times higher than the national average for First Nations youth and ______ times the national average for Inuit youth 5, 7, 11
_______________ disorders are the most common of mental health disorders anxiety
____ in 10 Canadians are estimated to be affected by anxiety disorders 1
mental health disorders are ______ to the individual, family, community and health care system costly
_____% of hospitalization for mental health disorders in Canada occur in general hospitals 86
in Canada, diagnosed mental illness is responsible for _/_ of the total number of hospitals days each year 1/3
estimated cost of mental health disorders and addictions to the Canadian economy is about _____ billion/year 18
it is estimated that by 2020, depressive illnesses will become the ___________ leading cause of disease burden worldwide second
___________imbalances in the body can cause mental health disorders chemical
some mental health disorders run in families which suggest they can be inherited t/f t
childhood traumas/ conflicts, practically when memories are _______ can cause mental health disorders repressed
___________, discrimination and social isolation can be social and cultural factors that contribute to mental health disorders poverty
stressful life events are not contributing factors to mental health disorders t/f f; they are contributing factors. it is important to learn how to deal with stress and loss in healthy ways to avoid physical and mental health issues
people with serious illnesses, injuries or disabilities are at ________ for certain mental health disorders risk
if you feel you may have a mental health disorder and see a dr, they may advise these actions first; they are? 1)refrain from drinking alcohol/ caffeine 2)avoid any nonprescribed meds/ drugs 3)eat properly 4)reduce sugar 5)plenty of exercise 6)at least 8 hrs of sleep/ night
mental health disorders can be treated successfully in the vast majority of circumstances t/f t
until the __________ many people with chronic/ severe mental health disorders lived in __________ facilities 1960's, psychiatric
today, only those who are _________ ill live in facilities severely
people experiencing mental illness may end up living on the streets because _____________________, apply for financial assistance, may fear receiving treatment, or _____________ to ill to hold a job, not aware of their own illness
people with chronic/ moderately severe mental illness are able to live in what three places, depending on their needs? 1)their home 2)group living 3)assisted living facility
it is important to follow the care plan and tell your ____________ if support measures are not working supervisor
PSWs must provide safe care and protection from harm at all times t/f t
a _____, neat, and quiet setting can calm clients safe
its important to accept each client as a whole person t/f t
when helping a client experiencing a mental illness its important to be fast and speak loudly to make sure they have time on their own and understand you t/f f; important to speak calmly and avoid sharp/ loud tones
to develop mutual trust its important to _____________________________________ do what you say you will do
being on time, providing care that is promised and explaining procedures will promote trust and reduce your clients anxiety t/f t
its important to ______ behaviours and feelings, take the time to listen to clients explore
______________ for any changes in clients behaviours, mood and thinking such as signs/ symptoms of fatigue stress/ anxiety/ fear/ frustration and illness. _________ and _______ observations observe, observe, report
taking ___________ for their own actions helps clients build self worth, dignity, confidence responsibility
clients who are _____________ stressed may behave in ________ unacceptable ways or may harmful to themselves or others emotionally, socially
maintaining a routine promotes a sense of ______________ control
consistency and reliability of your care will also provide security and stability for the client t/f t
providing consistency will help reduce the clients stresses and anxieties t/f t
principles of mental health care inc: 1)follow care plan 2)do no harm 3)accept each client as a whole person 4)be patient/ supportive 5)develop mutual trust 6)explore behaviours/ emotions 7)observe client carefully 8)encourage responsibility/ effective adaptation 9)provide consistency
severe mental disorders almost always cause distress for affected individuals and their families t/f t
individuals with mental health disorders may be unable to function but their behaviours are never disruptive t/f f; they may be unable to function AND their behaviours may become disruptive
PSWs provide much needed __________________ and ______________ for clients experiencing mental health challenges as well as their _____________ reassurance, support, families
clients and families never worry about stigmatization because times have changed toward mental health disorders t/f f; clients and families experiencing mental health disorders can be particularly sensitive about verbal/ non verbal signs that indicate disapproval of them because of stigmatization
pay particular attention to your ________ and _______ cues; try to always convey respect, nonjudgment and acceptance of behaviours verbal, nonverbal
the care plan for a person experiencing mental health disorders ______ at addressing their _______; physical, safety, emotional aims, needs
a physician may order ________________ for a client experiencing a mental health disorder (depending on signs/ symptoms) as a number of clients disorders can be effectively controlled with __________________ medications, medication
a health care team may include family dr, nurse, occupational therapist, social worker, support worker, psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, First Nations/ Inuit mental health provider t/f t
a _______________ may help the person learn or relearn skills for performing life tasks occupational therapist
a ___________________ provides assistance with resolving issues surrounding getting a life back on track social worker
a _____________________ is a physician who specializes in mental health disorders and who can prescribe meds for treatment psychiatrist
a _____________ and ______________ are mental health providers educated in treatments for mental health disorders that do not involve prescribing meds psychologist, psychotherapist
a______________________ are elders, healers and cultural counselors who are vital parts of many First Nations and Inuit mental health services and communities First Nations and Inuit mental health providers
psychoanalysis explores the unconscious conflicts and reasons behind the persons mental health issues
behaviour therapy attempts to change behaviour by using various techniques. the focus is on the behaviour not on the underlying reasons for the behaviour
group therapy group of people who meet regularly to discuss their problems under the guidance of a mental heath specialist
family therapy family members meet regularly with mental health specialist to discuss their problems
stigma shame or social disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality or person
Mental Health Commission of Canada stated that for individuals with mental health disorders, ________ is a major reason for not seeking treatment, taking meds, attending counselling stigma
stigma affects women more than men t/f f; affects men more then women
stigma effects successful reintegration with family or into society t/f t
in workplaces, stigma effects employers concerns about persons ability to function at the level of other employees t/f t
Canadian Alliance for Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) an organization that represents mental health professions and individuals concerned with mental health
what is the main goal of CAMIMH? to prevent stigma and discrimination against people with mental health disorders through education, the org promotes greater understanding/ acceptance
___________________ of clients with mental health disorders must make ____________ decisions about care, treatment and housing family members, difficult
Family members are not at risk of being affected by stigma because they do not have mental health disorders t/f f; family members experience stigma. people my be less willing to give support or time
__________________ is not limited to ethnic background but can extend to any group of interacting individuals who share a similar learned characteristics culture
culture does not have an impact on understanding mental health disorders and treatment t/f f; it has a profound impact
_________________ of signs/ symptoms of what some call "mental illness" _______________ greatly from culture to culture. what may be appropriate in one culture may be considered "insanity" in another interpretations, vary
refugees are people who had to escape from their former country, leaving their homes, families behind to seek safe shelter elsewhere.
many ______________ experience imprisonment, torture, murder of loved ones, extreme hunger and poverty refugees
many refugees have a _____________ incidence of depression, anxiety and stress. they may be ___________ of support care they are receiving higher, distrustful
an ABI can result from falls, collisions, assault, concussion, stroke, tumour, or lack of oxygen or illness t/f t
________ is the fourth leading cause of disability in Canada ABI
______________ Canadians sustain a brain injury annually 50,000
older adults are at greatest risk of ABI's because their risk of falling t/f f; younger adults are at greater risk
being potentially ______________, __________________ or __________________ may lead to an increase risk of frustration, anxiety and depression of those suffering ABI's mislabeled, misdiagnosed, misunderstood
ABIs only affect clients who have them t/f f; also affects the families
Clients with _________ may require ongoing physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy or psychotherapy acquired brain injury's
symptoms of ABIs inc problems with attention/ concentration, memory, orientation to person/ place/ time, decision making, problem solving, learning new ideas t/f t
physical symptoms of ABI may inc; headache, fatigue, dizziness, uneven gait, nausea, visual disturbances, seizures, changes in sleep/ eating patterns, loss of one or more senses t/f t
Clients with ______ may exhibit depression, anxiety, irritability, emotional/ impulse control issues, decreased initiative/ motivation as behavioural changes ABI
follow clients with ABIs care plans in reassuring them that what they are experiencing is a result of brain injury t/f t
clients with ABIs may have forgotten about the injury that occurred but may be aware that they feel "different" from before t/f t
a goal of the health care team with clients with ABIs is to teach and reinforce information about the reasons for their symptoms t/f t
its important to __________ clients with ABIs to establish routines and structure in daily tasks encourage
Helping clients with ABIs be able to establish a ___________when carrying out ADLs will reinforce a sense of accomplishment and self esteem and reduce _______ resulting from trying to decide what to do routine, anxieties
encourage clients with _______ to set both long and short term goals stay focused and motivated ABIs
ensure a client with ABI have their ____________ within reach at all times adaptive devices
encourage clients with ABIs to put the past behind them t/f t
clients with ABIs who feel depressed may wish to drink _____ or take _________ and may lack the ability to reason that these are dangerous. observe and report signs of alcohol or substance use alcohol, recreational drugs
symptoms of schizophrenia spectrum disorders inc delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized behaviours, reduced/ dazed emotional expressions t/f t
schizophrenic spectrum disorders do not effect all areas of a persons life t/f f; they do effect all aspects of a persons life
there is no known cause of schizophrenic spectrum disorders, only theories t/f t
the dominant theory of the cause of schizophrenic spectrum disorder proposes the existence of a ___________ imbalance biochemical
it is believed that _________ and _________ may trigger underlying genetic vulnerabilities in some people with schizophrenic spectrum disorders substances, drug use
people with schizophrenic spectrum disorders may display : 1)psychosis 2)delusions 3)delusions of grandeur 4)delusions of persecution 5)hallucinations 6)paranoia
delusions of grandeur false and exaggerated beliefs about the importance, talent or wealth of oneself
delusions of prosecution false beliefs about being mistreatment, abuse or harnessed
episodes of severe schizophrenia may lasts for _______________ a month or more
support clients with schizophrenia by focusing on ______ task at a time so as to help them focus one
clients with schizophrenia are great at reading body language so you don't have to be to mindful t/f f; be aware of your non verbal cues, avoid body language/ facial expressions that could be considered threatening
it important you ground clients aggressively experiencing schizophrenic hallucinations or delusions t/f f; do not argue, they are real to the client. suggest gently they may not be real and take cues from the client as to how to proceed
its important to not pretend the hallucination or delusion of a client with schizophrenia is real t/f t; comfort the client, offer empathy. report to supervisor
use distractions to help a disturbed client with schizophrenia t/f t
bipolar and related disorders also has a street name as________________ manic depressive illness
______% of the population will experience bipolar and related disorders 1
__________________ are a life long illness that must be carefully managed throughout a persons life bipolar and related disorders
manic episode diagnosis if elevated mood occurs with three or more of the other symptoms of mania most of the day, nearly every day, for 1 week or longer. if the persons mood is irritable, four additional symptoms must be present for diagnosis
a client with bipolar disorder has emotional lows (____________) and emotional highs (_________) depression, mania
bipolar disorder is _______________, those with this disorder can lead full and productive lives treatable
bipolar disorder does not run in families t/f f; it does tend to run in families
signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder tend to appear in early childhood t/f f; late adolescence and early adulthood.
the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorders tend to be mild in nature, that is why it is manageable t/f f; can range from mild to severe
bipolar disorder is often not recognized as an illness, and people go untreated for years t/f t
people can develop bipolar disorder as children, however the symptoms are often experienced much faster, many swings in a day t/f t
bipolar disorder is a ___________ illness, those affected need long term _____________ treatment recurrent, preventative
the symptoms of bipolar and related disorders occur in three phases, these are: 1)acute phase 2)continuation phase 3)maintenance phase
bipolar and related disorders acute phase symptoms are escalating
bipolar and related disorders continuation phase symptoms are still visible and the client is usually being treated
bipolar and related disorders maintenance phase when clients acute symptoms have subsided
in most cases, bipolar and related disorders is best controlled if treatment is continuous rather than periodical t/f t
even if there is no breaks in treatment for a client with bipolar and related disorders, mood changes can occur and report immediately t/f t
signs and symptoms of mania inc substance abuse, provocative/ intrusive/ aggressive behaviour, denying anything is wrong as well as : 1)increased energy/ activity/ restlessness 2)overly good euphoric mood 3)extreme irritability 4)racing thoughts/ fast talk/ jump one idea to another 5)distractibility 6)little need to sleep 7)poor judgement 8)spending sprees 9)increased libido
acute phase treatment of bipolar and related disorder 6-12 months, to reduce symptoms/ inappropriate behaviours, observe/ report changes in behaviour, provide safe/ secure/ consistent environment
continuation phase treatment for bipolar and related disorders 4-9 months, to prevent relapses into distressing emotional states, observe client for signs and symptoms of depression/ mania, report to supervisor
maintenance phase treatment for bipolar and related disorders indefinite, to prevent recurrence, some clients think they may be "cured" and stop taking meds, observe client for signs and symptoms of depression and mania, report these to supervisor
PSW can assist clients with bipolar and related diseases by charting daily moods, treatments, sleep patterns and life events t/f t
to support a client with bipolar and related disorders in a manic phase: 1)provide calm environment without too many distractions 2)encourage rest 3)encourage self care; assist as needed 4)do not argue
to support a client with bipolar and related disorders in a depressive phase and clients with depressive disorder : 1)show enjoyment with their company 2)know they may not realize they are depressed 3)do not minimize problems/ be positive 4)encourage proper nutrition, activity/ rest/ activity/ socializing 5)ensure safety/ follow CP
depressive disorders inc 1)major depressive disorder 2)persistent depressive disorder 3)premenstrual dysphoric disorder 4)substance/ medication- induced depressive disorder 5)depressive disorder due to other medical condition
signs and symptoms of depression and SAD inc 1)inability to experience pleasure 2)increased dependency 3)anxiety 4)slow/ unreliable memory 5)paranoia 6)agitation 7)focus on the past 8)difficulty with ADLs 9)poor grooming 10)headaches/ muscle aches 11)dry mouth 12)weight loss
physical and emotional effects of depression interfere with the persons ability to perform ___________ ADLs
once depression is recognized, medical intervention can make a difference to __% of people who are affected, allowing them to go back to __________ activities 80, regular
psychotherapy form of therapy in which a person explores thoughts, feelings and behaviours with help and guidance from a mental health specialist
drug therapy medications prescribed by a doctor. street drugs, abuse of over the counter meds and alcohol interfere with the helping action of many meds and are discouraged
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) short term treatment that alters brain chemistry. it is unknown exactly how it works but thought that it alters brain chemistry
seasonal affective disorder (SAD) type of depression that occurs each year at the same time, usually starting in fall/ winter and ending in spring/ early summer
phototherapy treatment for SAD, involves exposure to light from a box containing white fluorescent light tubes
disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) begins in children under 10 y.o characterized by severe and recurrent temper outbursts that are exceedingly out of proportion in length/ severity for the situation
persistent depressive disorder diagnosed when client has a depressive mood most of the day for at least 2 years plus at least four of the following: poor eating, insomnia, sleeping long periods, low energy/ fatigue, low self esteem, poor concentration, feelings of helplessness
premenstrual dysphoric disorder at least 5 felt a week prior to each period and then minimized/ absent the week after: mood swings, irritability, depression, anxiety, lower interest in activities, difficulty concentrating, sense of being out of control
substance/ medication induced depressive disorder unexplained depressed mood/ lack of interest in all/ most activities after becoming intoxicated, after withdrawing from intoxication or after exposure to meds
anxiety disorders effect ____% of the population 5
most anxiety disorders start in ___________ and continue if not treated childhood
anxiety disorders are twice as likely to happen to men as women t/f f; twice as likely to happen to women as men
anxiety disorders inc 1)panic disorder 2)phobic disorder 3)separation anxiety disorder 4)selective mutism 5)social anxiety disorder
the physical symptoms of panic disorder (shortness of breath, racing heart, sweat) escalate very quickly when a client has a panic attack t/f t
panic disorder is more common in __________ than __________, starts in young ______________, often during times of excessive ___________ women, men, adulthood, stress
treatment of panic disorder teaching client to recognize/ change thinking patterns before they lead to panic attacks, as well as taking meds if needed
it is important to understand suicidal feelings and actions are not symptoms of an illness and cannot be treated t/f f; suicidal feelings and actions are symptoms of an illness that can be treated
suicidal plans are always carefully planned out t/f f; can be planned or impulsive
phobia fear, panic or dread
a person with a phobic disorder has intense ______ of a particular thing or situation fear
symptoms of phobic disorder inc: 1)excessive worry 2)sleep disruption from worrying 3)fatigue/ irritability 4)difficulty concentrating 5)sweating/ heavy breathing/ palpitations, dizziness, faintness, pain/ tension, diarrhea
separation anxiety disorder persistent/ excessive worrying about losing major attachment figures which can result in the client reluctance to leave the house to separate from them or in nightmares about losing them
selective mutism condition that lasts for a month or more in which the client experiences consistent inability or extreme reluctance to speak in a specific social situation despite being able to speak in other situations
social anxiety disorder severe distress or feelings of anxiety involving one or more social situations in which the client may be exposed to criticism or rejection lasting for more than 6 months
support for clients that experience anxiety disorders inc: 1)avoid situations that are known to cause anxiety 2)avoid discussing subjects that cause anxiety 3)provide comfort during periods of anxiety
trauma and stressor related disorders anxiety disorders that develop after an individual has experienced/ witnessed a major trauma. traumatic events overwhelm the normal psychological coping mechanisms of the person witnessing/ experiencing these events
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a trauma and stressor related disorder that can occur in people of all ages, races, cultures and genders
signs and symptoms of PTSD inc: 1)vivid nightmares 2)feeling nervous/ on edge 3)avoidance of triggers 4)difficulty sleeping/ concentrating 5)feelings of loss of control
__________ symptoms fall into 3 categories and will experience at least one; reliving/ reexperiencing trauma, attempts to avoid situations/ thoughts/ people that are reminders, increased anxiety/ arousal PTSD
survivors of PTSD are likely to live functional lives with little upset t/f f; likely to have substance abuse, phobias, chronic pain, poor concentration, sleep disturbances, extreme anxiety, easily angered, feeling overwhelming guild,
in _______, rough treatment or feeling a loss of control when receiving care may trigger _________ symptoms in older clients LTC, PTSD
you can support a client with PTSD by not talking about the experience that caused it t/f f; give the client opportunities to verbalize or reminisce about the experience
clients with PTSD may be ______________ at any time triggered
change in a clients willingness to be toileted, dressed, undressed, bathed or fed may be a clue that the client has PTSD, report these reactions to your supervisor immediately t/f t
as a PSW caring for a client with ________ if you observe repeated behaviours, you should report them to your _____________ OCD, supervisor
clients that have OCD perform behaviours to help relieve stress so they may not be able to stop without feeling extremely stressed or anxious t/f t
hoarding disorder persistent anxiety and distress in parting with possessions/ animals regardless of actual value
hoarding disorder can lead to health problems due to mould, dirt or excrement t/f t
obsessive compulsive and related disorders inc 1)body dysmorphic disorder 2)trichotillomania disorder 3)excoriation disorder 4)substance/ medication induced OCD
body dysmorphic disorder preoccupation with perceived flaws in ones body that are not observable to others
trichotillomania disorder the need to pull ones hair, resulting in hair loss. hair pulling causes significant personal and social distress
excoriation disorder the need to recurrently pick ones own skin, resulting in skin lesions, causes significant personal and social distress
substance/ medication induced OCD body related repetitive behaviours that are triggered by exposure, intoxication or exposure of a substance or medications
to support a client with obsessive compulsive and related disorders: 1)dont minimize probs 2)avoid "helping" behaviours around OCD 3)follow care plan 4)recognize accomplishments 5)encourage normal activities
feeding and eating disorders occur mainly in ___________ and young ___________ girls, women
feeding and eating disorders aren't life threatening because they can be treated with food t/f f; they are life threatening
two of the most common eating disorders are ______________ nervosa and _______________ nervosa anorexia, bulimia
older adults may refuse to eat because of dear of choking, a sick feeling, depression, taste changes with age or nearing end of life and this is different than ______________________ feeding and eating disorders
the most effective treatment for feeding and eating disorders has been weight restoration to within __% of _________ per ________ and therapy for individuals and families and in group 10, normal, week
most of the complications experienced by clients with anorexia nervosa are ______________ once normal weight is restored reversible
clients with _____________ nervosa may suffer permanent damage to their bodies; especially tooth enamel, throat and esophagus damage bulimia
anorexia nervosa is defined by three key features: 1)refusal to maintain min body weight within 15% of an individuals normal weight 2)intense fear of gaining weight 3)distorted body image
feeding and eating disorders tend to occur at ______ but can develop during any major ______________ puberty, life event
________________ has the highest mortality rate (____%) of among all psychiatric conditions anorexia nervosa, 6
anorexia nervosas effects on the body inc: 1)damage to organs 2)irregular heart rhythms/ heart failure 3)calcium loss from bones
binge eating a compulsions in which an individual eats a larger amount of food than most people would in a similar situation
bulimia nervosa psychological feeding and eating disorder that is characterized by episodes of binge eating followed by inappropriate methods of weight control (purging)
pica feeding and eating disorder defined as persistently eating substances without nutritional value for a period of at least a month
causes of pica inc: 1)nutritional deficiencies 2)poor diet 3)malnutrition 4)developmentally poor judgement 5)OCD
supporting a client with a feeding and eating disorder inc: 1)patience/ compassion/ encouraging/ nonjudgemental, positive attitude 2)prevent clients from eating non food substances 3)report to your supervisor if you hear vomiting or see food refusal
sleep wake disorders inc: 1)insomnia disorder 2)restless leg syndrome 3)sleep apnea 4)narcolepsy 5)REM disorder 6)NREM disorder 7)nightmare disorder 8)circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder 9)hypersomnolence disorder
sleep disorders are heard to manage even after diagnosis t/f f; most are easily managed once they are properly diagnosed
insomnia is the most common ____________ and occurs more often in _________ and ______________ sleep disorder, women, older adults
about ____% of adults over _______ have some type of sleep disorder 50, 65
sleepwalking and bedwetting happen during _____________ sleep deep
people with mental health disorders are at a high risk of _________________ suicide
suicide accounts for _____% of all deaths among 15-24 y.o 24
_____% of 25-45 y.o will commit suicides 16
suicide is a leading cause of death in both men and women from adolescence to middle age t/f t
risk factors for suicide in older adults inc: 1)personality factors (disorders, instability, rigidity, poor coping skills) 2)medical illness (chronic pain) 3)negative life events 4)functional impairment
supporting a client who has suicidal intent inc: 1)take them seriously 2)do not leave alone 3)report immediately 4)encourage conversation 5) do not minimize problems
older adults over 85 y.o have the ____________ suicide rate of any group in Canada highest
disruptive impulse control and conduct disorders are grouped into three types: 1)argumentative/ defiant behaviour 2)anger/ irritable mood 3)vindictiveness
oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) clients repeatedly engage in a pattern of defiant, disobedient, hostile behaviour toward authority figures beginning in childhood
strategies to dealing with you own anger inc 1)understand the hurt/ fear underlying the anger 2)develop empathetic understanding 3)assume best intentions 4)understand life isn't fair 5)do not keep for motivation 6)examine underlying expectations of others 7)choose happiness
_______________ is abused more than any other substance alcohol
older adults that live alone are at risk for alcohol abuse t/f t
supporting a client with substance dependence disorder inc: 1)report suspicions of substance abuse at once 2)avoid confrontation 3)never buy alcohol, drugs or other substances for clients
people with personality disorders are able to function in society t/f f; they are not able to function in society because they may be demanding, hostile, manipulative, inflexible, maladaptive or antisocial
personality disorders are associated with __________ to reach ones potential failure
personality disorders are not illnesses because they do not disrupt emotional, intellectual or perceptual functioning t/g t
depression in older adults is always treated seriously t/f f; often overlooked or misdiagnosed. many will not admit to feeling depressed but will instead complain of having aches and pains. others may be irritable or agitated
older clients with depression may be thought to have ___________, so depression goes left untreated dementia
factors that may trigger depression in older adults include the following: Loneliness Loss of a beloved pet Poor nutrition Overuse, underuse, or misuse of prescribed medications Adverse effects of some medications Loss of control over finances Loss of memory
Signs and symptoms of alcohol abuse include : 1) intoxication (drunkenness) 2)memory problems 3)difficulty concentrating 4)tremors 5)loss of interest in family and friends. 6) liver, pancreas, and heart problems 7)addicted to nicotine =at risk for lung disease and certain cancers.
Signs and symptoms of withdrawal, which can be severe, may include : 1)depression 2)agitation 3)abdominal cramps 4)nausea 5)diarrhea 6)painful muscle spasms.
Created by: Wil.Wilson
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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