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CH 28, 29, 42

household management &nutrition

vitamin A helps with _______ and ________, healthy hair, skin and mucous membrane; resistance to _____________ growth, vision, infection
what is another name for vitamin B1 and what are its 6 functions? thiamine. helps with muscle tone, nerve function, digestion, appetite, normal elimination, carb metabolism
riboflavin or _____2, helps with growth,_______ , proteins and ______ metabolism; healthy skin and __________ membrane B, vision, carb, mucous
vitamin B3 or _________, _________ and carb metabolism, nervous system _________; appetite; digestive system ___________ niacin, proteins, fat, function, function
vitamin B12 aids in the formation of red blood cells, protien metabolism and nervous system function t/f t
folic acid aids in the production of white blood cells, intestinal functioning, carb metabolism t/f f; it aids in the production of RED blood cells, intestinal functioning and PPROTIEN metabolism
Vitamin C, also called ___________; aids in the __________ of substances that hold tissue together; healthy __________ vessels; skin, gum, bones, teeth; wound_________; prevention of bleeding and resistance to _______________ ascorbic acid, formation, blood, healing, infection
vitamin D aids in the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous and healthy bones t/f t
Vitamin _____ aids in normal reproduction, formation of red blood cells and muscle function E
Vitamin _____ aids in blood clotting K
Vit A can be found in what foods? liver, spinach, leafy green/ yellow veggies, yellow fruit, fish liver oils, egg yolk, dairy products
pork, fish, poultry, eggs, liver, breads, pasta, cereal, oatmeal, potatoes, peas, beans, soy beans and peanuts contain what vitamin? B1
vitamin B3 can be found in ______, pork, liver, fish, ________, _______and _______, green veggies and ________ products meat, peanuts, breads and cereals, dairy
B12 can be found in what four meat products? liver, meats, poultry, fish. as well as eggs, milk, cheese
Folic acid can be found in liver, meats, poultry and whole grains, green leafy veggies? t/f t
Vitamin C can be found in potatoes? t/f t
Vitamin D comes from sun light and what other 4 sources? fish liver oil, butter, milk, liver
Vitamin E can be found in ______, ______, eggs, meats, _______ and dark green ________ veggie oils, milk, veggies
Vitamin K can be found in liver, egg yolk and cheese but no veggies. t/f? f; it can be found in dark green veggies
Calcium only aids in the formation of bones and teeth. t/f? f; it also aids in blood clotting, muscle contraction, heart function, nerve function
sources of Calcium include ________ products, ______ green veggies, whole grains, ________, ______ and _________, nuts dairy, dark, egg yolk, dried peas and beans
phosphorous does not aid in the formation of bones and teeth because that's what calcium does. t/f? f; it aids in the formation of bones and teeth as well as use of protiens/ fats/ carbs and nerve/ muscle function
phosphorous can be found in no meat products. t/f f; meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, nuts, egg yolk, dried peas and beans
Iron enables thrombocytes to be made in the marrow and quickly find antigens in the body t/f f; enables red blood cells to carry oxygen
iodine helps in the gonads to secrete sex hormones' and aids in growth and metabolism t/f f; aids the thyroid gland function and aids in growth and metabolism
Iodine can not be found in iodized foods t/f f; iodized salt, seafood and shellfish
Sodium helps with ___________, nerve function and ________ function fluid balance, muscle
it is hard to find sodium in most foods because it is harmful in excess t/f f; sodium is readily available in most foods
potassium helps with nerve function, muscle contractions and liver function t/f f; nerve function, muscle contractions and HEART function
potassium can be found in all meat products t/f t; fruit, veggies, cereals, meats, dried peas/ beans
zinc aids with growth process, healing and immune system t/f t
zinc can be found in _____, ______, whole grains, dried peas/ beans and ________ meats, poultry, eggs
a healthy adult female (19-50) needs 7-8 veggies/ fruit servings a day t/f t
a healthy adult male (19-50) needs 9-11 veggie/ fruit servings a day. t/f f; 8-10
a healthy adult female (19-50) needs less than 5 servings a day of grain products because they store more energy. t/f f; 6-7
a healthy adult male (19-50) needs 8 servings of grain products a day t/f t
a healthy adult female (19-50) needs ____ servings of dairy products ad meat products daily 2
a healthy adult male (19-50) needs 5 servings of dairy products a day t/f f;2
a healthy adult female (19-50) needs _____ servings of meat products daily 3
females and males over 51 need ____ servings of veggies and fruit daily 7
females and males over 51 need how many grain product servings daily each? female- 6, males- 7
females and males over 51 need _____ dairy product servings daily 3
females and males over 50 need the same amount of meat product servings daily t/f f; females-2, males-3
there are 5 groups in the canadian food guide t/f f;4
clear liquid diets are used for postoperative care, acute care, infection, nausea/ vomiting and before gastro intestinal exams t/f t
full liquid diet includes only liquids that have been boiled to prevent pathogens t/f f; inc foods that are liquid at room temp or melt at body temp
mechanical soft diets inc ______ foods that are easily digested semi soft
fibre and residue restricted diets inc foods that leave any amount residue in the colon t/f f; only small amount of residue
high fibre diets inc foods that increase the amount of residue and fibre in colon to stimulate peristalsis t/f t
bland food diets inc any food as long as it has no spices added t/f f; inc foods that are mechanically/ chemically nonirritating and low in roughage.
_______________ diets inc calorie intake to increase to about 3000 to 4000 high calorie
_________________ diets provide adequate nutrients while controlling calories to promote weight loss and reduction of body fat calorie controlled
high ____________ diets help with anemia, after blood loss and females in reproductive years iron
foods low in fat and foods prepared without fat are part of a high carb diet t/f f/ fat controlled (low cholesterol)
high protien diet aids and promotes tissue healing t/f t
sodium controlled diets require only foods with no sodium be eaten t/f f; certain amount of sodium is allowed depending on severity
diabetes meal planning allow for eating whenever the client wants t/f f; same amount of carbs/ protiens/ fats eaten same time every day
full liquid diet is used for stomach irritation, fever, nausea/ vomiting, people unable to chew,/ swallow or digest solids t/f t
mechanical soft diet is for _______, GI disorders and ____________ chewing problems, infections
in order of advancement the order of severity goes mechanical soft, clear liquid then full liquid t/f f; clear liquid, full liquid, mechanical soft
fibre and residue restricted diets are good for what diseases of the what part of the body? diseases of colon
high fibre diets are suggested for diarrhea because they act as a biding agent t/f f; fibre and residue restricted diets are recommended. high fibre diets are recommended for constipation and GI disorders
bland diets are recommended for ulcers, gallbladder disorders, some intestinal disorders and after abd surgery t/f t
high calorie diets aid in weight loss because most of the calories are recommended to come from fibre t/f f; weight gain, some thyroid imbalance
weight reduction is recommended from what diet? calorie controlled
burns, high fever, infection and some liver diseases are helped with what diet? high protien
heart disease, gallbladder disease, disorders of fat digestion, liver disease and diseases of the pancreas are helped with ______________ diet fat controlled
sodium controlled diets help with COPD to control the amount of liquid in the lungs t/f f; heart disease, liver disease and some kidney diseases are helped with this diet
diabetes meal planning helps with ______________ diabetes
custard, eggnog, strained soups/ fruit/ veggies/ cereals, milk/ shakes, plain yogurt, pudding, sherbet, ice cream are allowed on a full liquid diet t/f t
jelly, sugar, popsicles, coffee and tea are allowed on a clear liquid diet t/f t
what diet allows eggs (not fried), broiled/ baked/ roasted meat/ fish/ poultry, mild cheese, fruit juices, no crust bread, crackers, cooked cereals, cooked/pureed veggies/ fruit, pudding, soft cake/ cookies? mechanical soft diet
what diet allows bread, crackers, cereal, rice, cottage cheese, cream cheese, eggs, plain pudding/ cake/ jelly/ custard/ sherbet/ ice creams, strained veggies/ fruit, potatoes, pasta but no raw fruit/ veggies? fibre and restricted residue diet
what diet includes all fruits/ veggies, ww bread,wg cereal, fried foods, wg rice, milk, cheese, meats? high fibre diet
whatdietallowslean meats,white bread,cereals, cream/ cottage cheese,jelly,plain pudding,cakes cookies,eggs,butter/ cream, canned fruit/ veggies, potatoes, pasta/ rice, soft cooked carrots/ peas/ squash/asparagus/beets/spinach,creamed soups,no fried foods? bland
nectar thickened or easily pourable means a consistency similar to thicker cream soup or milkshake t/f t
honey thickened or slightly thicker means consistency similar to ______, pours very slowly honey
pudding thickened will not hold its shape when scooped; usually eaten with a fork; similar consistency to water t/f f; holds its shape when scooped; usually eaten with spoon; similar consistency to pudding
clients that require thickeners are allowed foods that melt t/f f; these should be avoided
clients with dysphasia do not get enough fluids and should be offered fluids ever _____ hrs or as/CP 2
clients with dysphasia should sit __________ to eat upright
clients should lift chin while eating to aid the food slipping back t/f f; chin is lowered while swallowing
clients with dysphasia should be rested back to prone position immediately after meal to aid in digestion t/f f; remain in upright position for 30 mins after meal
give client experiencing dysphasia ______ tsp at a time 1/3
adults need _________mL of water a day to survive 1500
___________ to________________ mL of fluid per day is required for normal fluid balance 2000 to 2500
NPO means________________ nothing by mouth
output measurements of fluids include what 4 body fluids? vomit, drainage, diarrhea, urine
fluid intake includes what 6 semi soft foods? ice cream, sherbet, custard, pudding, jelly, popsicles
nasogastric tube is inserted through the ______ into ______________ nose, stomach
nasointestinal tube is inserted through the ___________ into ____________ nose, small intestine
gastrostomy tube is inserted into the __________. a surgical opening in the _________ is needed for this procedure stomach, stomach
gastro-jejunostomy tube is combo device that includes access to ___________ and ___________ also known as _________ tube stomach, jejunum, GJ
GJ tubes are used for fussy eaters t/f f; used with clients at high risk of aspiration
jejunostomy tube is inserted into the _____________. surgical opening is created in middle of the ________________ also known as _____________ intestines, small intestines (jejunum), J-tube
PEG stands for___________________ percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
PEG tube is a G tube inserted with use of ______________ endoscope
what three tubes are used for long term enteral nutrition feeding? gastrostomy, jejunostomy, PEG
scheduled feedings are given _____________ times a day 4
____________mL is given over ___________ mins in scheduled feedings 400, 20
aspiration is a major complication/ risk with what two tube feeding types? nasogastric, nasointestinal
aspiration due to regurgitation can occur in what 3 tube feeding types ? naso gastric, gastrostomy, PEG
what are the two most common issues that cause regurgitation in tube fed clients? delayed stomach emptying, over feeding
to prevent regurgitation in tube fed clients place in a sims position immediately after eating to aid digestion t/f f; client should remain in semi fowlers for 1-2 hrs after feeding. Sims position prevents emptying of the stomach
the risk of regurgitation is less in ________________ and ____________________ tubes nasointestinal, jejunostomy because of the slow rate of feeding and food directly placed in small intestine
the small intestine can handle greater amounts of food than the stomach at one time t/f f; stomach can handle more food at one time
besides regurgitation, _____________, ______________ and delayed stomach emptying can also occur during tube feeding diarrhea, constipation
OB/RE nausea, discomfort during tube feeding, ___________, diarrhea, distended abd, ___________, ___________, redness/ swelling/ drainage/ odour/ pain at ostomy site, ________,S&S resp distress, _________, C/O flatulence vomiting, coughing, c/o indigestion/ heartburn, elevated temp, increased P
when cleaning start far to near t/f t
when cleaning work dry to wet t/f t
when cleaning start lower to higher t/f f; higher to lower
when cleaning work from dirtiest to cleanest t/f f; cleanest to dirtiest
it wastes water to change you water when cleaning so it is to be avoided t/f f; change often as well as clothes
use a __________ cloth when dusting damp
rinse and dry _________ surfaces washed
set priorities/routine/ time limits to best use time wisely t/f t
detergents are used for _______ and ___________ laundry and dishwashing
all purpose cleaners are used for what three places? counters, floors, other surfaces
glass cleaner is used for __________ mirrors
special cleaner is used for _____,__________, ______, _________, etc bathrooms, toilets, mirrors, ovens
for scrubbing use what cleaning product? cleansers and scouring powders
to destroy pathogens use what cleaning product? disinfectants
to eliminate oudors and counter stains use _______________ baking soda
white vinegar can be used to clean _________ mirrors
to remove stains always start with hot water t/f f; cool water
to remove urine stains inc ___________, ____________, _______________ in different soaks and wash with chlorine bleach in washer detergent, ammonia, , vinegar
to remove blood stains inc ___________,______________, __________ and chlorine beach in washer detergent, stain removal solution, dish washing detergent
to remove fecal stains inc _______________, _______________ and chlorine bleach in washer dish soap, ammonia
what are the five basic symbols in laundry care? washtub, triangle, square, iron, circle
circle mean ________________ in laundry care dry clean
iron means _______________in laundry care can be ironed
square means _________________ in laundry care how to dry
a circle in a square means ____________ in laundry care can go in dryer
a triangle means _________________ in laundry care bleach
two diagonal lines in a triangle support chlorine bleach being used t/f f; warn against it
washtub symbol indicates how to _________ or not ____________ garment wash, wash
the correct order to gather linens is pillowcase, bedspread, blanket, top sheet, incontinence pad, bottom sheet, mattress pad and then flip them to use t/f t
a closed bed is a bed no longer used by the facility because reduced numbers t/f f; closed bed is made when bed is expected to be unoccupied for several hours
an open bed is made ___________ before the bed is to be occupied shortly
an ______________ bed is made while a client is still in it occupied
Created by: Wil.Wilson
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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