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Final Exam Prep Definitions

Anatomy The study of the human body's structures
Physiology The study of the function of body parts
Cephalad Toward the head; superior
Exocrine glands Glands that have ducts that take secretions away from the gland to the surface of a passageway or skin
Endocrine glands Ductless glands that secrete hormones
Endocardium The inner lining of the heart
Pericardium The serous membrane that covers the heart
Osteocyte Bone tissue cells
Epidermis The outermost layer of the skin
Pathology The study of disease
Melanin The pigment that provides UV protection from the sun and is responsible for variations in skin coloring
Impetigo Highly contagious, staphylococcal skin disease of children
Sebum The body's lubrication; oil; produced by the sebaceous glands
Dermis The layer of skin directly below the epidermis; connective tissue; "true" skin
Alopecia The medical word for baldness
Kyphosis The accentuated outward curvature of the thoracic vertebrae; hunchback
Scoliosis An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine, often in the thoracic region
Lordosis The accentuated inward curvature of the lumbar vertebrae
True ribs The first 7 pairs of ribs
False ribs Rib pairs 8, 9, and 10
Floating ribs Rib pairs 11 andd 12`
Osteoarthritis Also known as Degenerative Joint Disease; the arthritis of wear and tear
Abduction Moving a bone or limb away from the midline
Adduction Moving a bone or limb toward the midline
Supination Palms up, facing forward
Pronation Palms down, turning downward
Hypertrophy Increase in bulk caused by muscle exercise
Atrophy Muscle wasting
Mastication Medical word for chewing
Deglutition Medical word for swallowing
Myalgia Muscle pain
Dura mater The outermost layer of the meninges; "tough mother"
Arachnoid The second layer of the meninges; the "spider" layer
Pia mater The inside layer of the meninges; the layer closest to the brain; the "tender mother"
Reflex An involuntary reaction to an external stimulus
Receptors Neurons that detect stimuli in the environment
Iris The colored part of the eye
Pupil The opening in the center of the eye that allows light to enter
Cornea The transparent part of the outermost layer of the eye
Cerumen Ear wax
Choroid The second layer of the eye; contains blood vessels and pigment cells
Glycosuria The medical term for excessive amounts of glucose in the urine
Polyphagia The medical term for excessive eating (eating abnormally) large amounts of food
Polydipsia The medical word for excessive thirst
Polyuria The production of excessively large amounts of urine
Menopause The period of time when female menstrual cycles end.
Mammography The procedure that uses low intensity x-rays to detect tumors in the soft tissues of the breast
Fallopian tubes The tubes that transport the ova from the ovaries to the uterus
Gamete Sex cell
Gonad Sex gland
Ovum The female gamete; sex cell
Spermatozoa The proper name for the male gamete; sex cell
Hyperglycemia Excess amounts of glucose in the blood
Spasm A sudden involuntary muscle contraction
Sprain Tearing of ligaments around a joint
Myelin The fatty material that insulates and protects the axons of some neurons
Neuropathy Any disease of the nerves
Quadriplegia Paralysis in all four limbs
Neuroglia Nervous system support cells that the support nervous tissue and bind it to other structures
Neuritis Inflammation of a nerve
Myopia Near-sighted vision
Hyperopia Far-sighted vision
Presbyopia Vision changes brought on by aging
Otitis externa Infection/inflammation of the external auditory canal; commonly known as "Swimmer's Ear"
Otitis media Infection/inflammation of the middle ear; a common malady for infants and toddlers
Olfaction The medical word for the sense of smell
Presbycusis Hearing loss brought on by aging.
Albinism A dermatologic disorder caused by lack of pigment in the skin, leading to white hair, fair skin, and pink eyes.
Vitiligo An acquired skin disease that results in irregular patches of skin lacking in any pigmentation
Fibrillation Rapid, uncontrolled contraction of individual myocardial cells, resullting in the heart's inability to pump blood effectively
Cramp Spastic and painful muscle contractions that occur because of an irritation within the muscle
Contracture A condition in which a muscle shortens in length in the resting state and remains that way.
Auricle The flexible, visible part of the external ear
Diabetes Mellitus A chronic endocrine disorder caused by a deficiency of insulin from the pancreas. Cardinal symptoms: polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia
Diabetes Insipidus A chronic endocrine disorder caused by a deficiency of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) from the posterior pituitary. Symptoms, polyuria and polydipsia
Prostate Gland The doughnut-shaped gland the surrounds the upper portion of the male urethra
Zygote The term used to describe a newly fertilized egg.
Embryo The term used to describe a fertilized egg from weeks 2-8
Fetus The term used to describe a developing offspring after approximately 9 weeks of development.
Frontal plane Also known as the Coronal or Crown plane; Aligns with the coronal suture and divides the body into anterior and posterior sections
Sagittal Plane Aligns with the sagittal suture and divides the body into left and right sections
Mid-sagittal Plane Aligns with the sagittal suture and divides the body into equal left and right sections.
Septicemia The medical term for blood poisoning
Hematopoiesis The process by which all blood cells are formed in the bone marrow.
Fibrinolysis The natural dissolution of a clot after a wound heals.
Plasma The liquid portion of blood
Hemophilia An inherited clotting disorder carried on the X chromosome
Embolism An abnormal condition in which a blood clot becomes lodged in a blood vessel
Serum The clear yellowish liquid that remains after a clot is formed; plasma minus the clotting factors
Thrombosis Condition of clot formation
Infarction Death to tissues resulting from interrupted blood flow to an area
Peritoneum The serous membrane that lines the entire abdominal cavity
Pleura The serous membrane that covers the lungs
Nerve A bundle of nerve cells or fibers
Encephalitis Inflammation of brain tissue
Meningitis Inflammation of the lining of the brain
Exophthalmos Bulging of the eyeballs due to hyperthyroidism
Cretinism Hypothyroidism present at birth, causing profound retardation and short stature.
Dwarfism A condition caused by too little growth hormone secretion before puberty.
Androgens Male sex hormones that stimulate development of male sexual characteristics
Estrogens Female sex hormones that stimulate development of female sexual characteristics and play a role in the female reproductive cycle.
Testosterone The hormone that controls the development, growth, and maintenance of the male sex organs and is responsible for male secondary sexual characteristics
Created by: AZCBIO
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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