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PPPM Mid-term

Which is criteria for establishing cause and effect in epidemiology? Biological feasibility, Consistent with other investigations, Dose-response relationship
Which of these studies might include a double-blind? a) Reportable b) Case-control c) Randomized control trial d) Cross-sectional c) Randomized control trial
Which disease is ranked highest for most years of potential life lost (YPLL)? Cancer
To what types of clues can the distribution of a disease lead? The where, The why, The who
Which measure is appropriate for describing how widespread a disease is? Prevalence
Why might a tuberculosis patient be ordered to stay home, or quarantined, for 2-4 weeks? Medication is slow to respond
What are Koch’s postulates? Set of rules that are used to prove a specific organism causes a specific disease
How many cases of canine rabies typically occurs in a year? Less than 100 cases
Why do people choose to not vaccinate? Most Americans have never lived among the debilitating infectious diseases that immunizations protect us from, so the perception of risk is low
Which of the following bodily fluids do NOT transmit HIV? a) Saliva b) Breastmilk c) Vaginal fluid d) Semen a) Saliva
Which of the following is true about new cases of HIV in the United States? a) Infection is 7x higher in black m than white men b) All c) Infection is 15x higher in black w than white women d) Infection is 3x higher Hispanic than white people b) All the above
Which disease has been successfully eradicated? a) Polio b) Measles c) Smallpox d) All of the other answers c) Smallpox
What is the name of the background level of disease in a population? Endemic
In which is e. col i commonly found? Ground beef
In the event of a bioterrorism event, who is likely to see the first signs of an attack? Emergency room physicians
The "systematic, preventable differences in the burden of disease that are experiences by socially disadvantaged groups" are known as what? Health disparities
Which is the name for the conditions in which we live, work, learn, and play? Social determinants
The difference between social groups that have the most and have the least is known as what? Social gradient
Which of the following is considered an "actual" (behavioral) cause of death? Smoking
Which attempt to use education as a method of controlling or improving behavior? DARE
An example of social norms is: Correcting college students' misperception that "everyone is doing it"
Which of the following is NOT a social determinant of health? Housing Transportation Income None of these None of these
In Unnatural Causes: In Sickness and in Wealth, what did the Macaque monkey research teach primatologist Carol Shively about the connections between power, subordination and health? Social stress leads to harmful health effects
Which of the following are NOT levels of the socioecological model? a) Organizational b) Technological advances c) Interpersonal d) Public policy b) Technological advances
What are the components of the Health Belief Model? Perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers
Which is more effective in influencing health: concentrating on controlling individual behavior, or concentration on changing the environment? Changing the environment
Which health behavior theory describes how humans move through stages of change? Transtheoretical model
True or false: Demographic factors (race, gender, marital status) are consistently found to influence health. True
Infectious diseases were largely conquered through. a) Proper disposal of sewage b) All c) Pasteurization of milk d) Purification of water b) All the above
Major epidemic diseases are caused by: a) Parasites b) All c) Bacteria d) Viruses b) All
Describe the chain of infection Pathogen → reservoir → place of exit → method of transmission → port of entry → susceptible host
American Cancer Society and Heart Association are examples of: Nongovernmental organizations
How has public health helped interrupt the chain of infection and "conquer" infectious disease? Kill pathogen, prevent transmission, increase resistance, eliminate reservoir that harbors pathogen
What was the major public health focus on the 19th/20th centuries? Controlling infectious disease
Define Policy Development Using scientific knowledge to create a strategic approach to the community
Screenings to detect cancer when it is still considered: secondary prevention
What was the main cause of death in the mid-19th century? Tuberculosis
Why do some subgroups of the population have poorer health care overall? Socioeconomic factors, Behavioral factors, Racism
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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