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Health Exam Review

Fall Final

Health Triangle Points 1. physical 2. mental-emotional 3. family-social
Nonverbal Communication use of actions or body language to express emotions or thoughts
I-Message An effective communication skill that expresses your feelings and thoughts on a subject without blaming or shaming the other person.
Addiction A compelling desire to use a drug or to engage in a special behavior despite the negative consequences, and loss of control.
Healthy Stress Management Skills exercise, journaling, listening to music
What serious health issues can be caused by ongoing, long lasting stress? cardiovascular disease, obesity, skin and hair problems
Anxiety Disorders 1. OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) 2. PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) 3. GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) 4. SAD (social anxiety disorder) 5. Panic Disorder
Symptoms of Depression - deep sadness - fatigue - weight/appetite changes - irritability
Treatment for Serious Depression may include: - therapy - medications - physical exam
Bipolar Disorder When a person's mood can go from manic highs to depressive lows.
Causes of PTSD: - war - abuse - major car accident - natural disaster
Warning Signs of Suicide: - giving away possessions - talking about wanting to die - having a change in personality - withdrawing from friends and family
Symptoms of Anger: - rapid breathing - decreased sensitivity to pain - rise in blood pressure
Five Stages of Loss and Grief: 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance
What make up carbohydrates? sugars, starches, and fibers
The body can only store a limited amount of carbohydrates, excess carbohydrates are stored as ______. FAT!
What are some examples of monounsaturated fats and are considered good for you? olive, peanut, & canola oils peanut butter avocados
What are 3 health risks of obesity? - diabetes - cancer - cardiovascular disease
An eating disorder in which a person BINGES and PURGES is ____________. bulimia
Anorexia Nervosa obsessed with being thin and do not recognize when they are dangerously too thin
Binge Eating Disorder A serious eating disorder in a which a person consumes unusually large amounts of food and feels unable to stop eating.
Insulin A hormone that regulates blood sugar levels.
Hyperglycemia A condition in which there is not enough insulin so blood sugar is high.
Early signs of diabetes: - frequent urination - increased thirst and hunger - weakness/tiredness
If you see PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED OIL on the ingredients listing, it contains a ________ fat. trans
Tips to reduce the risk of cancer include: - eat several servings of fruit, vegetables, and fiber rich foods daily - avoid obesity - limit intake of processed meats
Components of Fitness include: 1. muscular strength 2. muscular endurance 3. cardio respiratory endurance 4. flexibility 5. healthy body composition
What exercises can be used to develop MUSCULAR STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE? - free weights - universal gym - body weight exercises
Benefits of exercise include: builds and maintains bones reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease reduces the risk of diabetes
Aerobic Exercises - jogging - swimming - cycling
Regular _________ ___________ helps control weight by shrinking fat cells, burning calories, and increasing metabolism physical activity
What does FITT stand for? Frequency Interval Time Type
What causes more premature death and disease than all other forms of drug dependence combined? Nicotine Dependence
Smoking causes: cancer, cardiovascular disease, and lung disease: emphysema & COPD
Smokeless tobacco, such as dip and chewing tobacco, can cause _________ of the cheek, gums, floor and roof of mouth, _________ __________, and stained teeth & bad breath. cancer; tooth decay
Children of smokers, who are exposed to secondhand smoke, have higher rates of what? SIDS bronchitis pneumonia ear infections
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome The presence of severe birth defects in babies born to mothers who drink alcohol in pregnancy.
Blood Alcohol Concentration The amount of alcohol in a person's blood.
Factors that affect BAC (blood alcohol concentration) gender, body weight, amount of food in stomach, rate of consumption
A person with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of _____ is considered legally intoxicated in Texas. .08
What risk do women who drink or use illicit drugs during pregnancy? - low birth weight babies - miscarriage - the baby suffering from withdrawals
Hallucinogens psychedelic drugs such as LSD, mushrooms, PCP; cause altered perception of reality; users may see and hear things that aren't there
Marijuana made from the dried leaves and stems of the cannabis plant; most commonly used illegal drug in the US
Anabolic Steriods synthetic drugs related to hormones; some athletes use to enhance their physical appearance and performance
Methamphetamine highly addictive, very potent stimulant known as ice, chalk, glass, tina; effects are long-lasting and users have been known to stay awake for days during binges
Cocaine a highly addictive stimulant known as coke, blow, snow. It is also used to make the crystal or "rock" form called crack.
Inhalents includes spray paint, furniture polish, markers, paint thinner, and glue; may cause euphoria, headaches, vomiting, permanent brain damage.
Opioids class of drugs that are highly addictive and include the illegal drug heroin, synthetics such as fentanyl, and prescription pain killers, such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, morphine, and many others
Ecstasy also called Molly, Adam, hug, beans, and 007; synthetic drug that acts a stimulant and hallucinogen
Prescription Depressants cause calmness, drowsiness or sleep; includes sedatives and tranquillizers; also called reds, barbs, bars, and downers.
Ways practicing abstinence promotes health include: - reducing the risk of becoming infected with HIV and developing AIDS - reducing the risk of becoming infected with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) - preventing teenage pregnancy
Signs that indicate pregnancy: - absence of menstraul period - fatigue - morning sickness - tenderness of breasts - change in appetite
Conception (aka Fertilization) occurs when sperm from a male unites with an ovum from a female
Herpes an incurable, viral STD that causes genital and/or mouth sores, outbreaks recur forever
The category of STDs that CANNOT be cured is: viral
What are the two most common ways HIV is spread through? 1. sexual contact 2. sharing drug needles
Fluids that cannot transmit HIV are: 1. saliva 2. tears
Testosterone the hormone responsible for causing the physical and emotional changes that occur in males during puberty
The ratio of compressions to venalations (breaths) in CPR is: 30:2
The rate of compressions you are trying to achieve while performing CPR is: 100-120 bpm
What is the first step in a situation where someone is unconscious? Call 911
To perform chest compressions on a small child over the age of 1, one should use the ___________________ in the center of the chest. heel of one hand
How would a person do chest compressions for an infant under the age of one year old? 2 fingers just below the nipple line
If an infant is conscious and choking, one should give how many back blows and chest thrusts until the object comes out or they become unconscious? 5
What are kids that are bullied more likely to experience? - depression and anxiety - health complaints - missing or skipping school
Consequences of sexting include: - ruining your reputation - getting in trouble with the law, school, and/or parents - damage future opportunities
Cyberbullying may include: - posting mean or embarrassing comments online about someone - threatening to hurt someone or telling them to kill themselves - sending or posting inappropriate photos or videos of someone
Biological Father the man whose sperm brings the baby into being
Legal Father the man whose man appears on the birth certificate and is the father in the eye's of the law
Presumed Father The husband of the baby's mother.
Benefits of Legal Fatherhood: - custody - right to know whereabouts - visitation rights
Acknowledgement of Paternity (AOP) a document that establishes legal fatherhood for a child who is born to unmarried parents
You must be _____ years old in the state of Texas to get married on your own. 18
Characteristics of a Healthy Dating Relationship: - communication - trust - respect
Warning signs that a relationship could become violent are: verbally abusive, jealousy, being controlling
Created by: jasinski.della
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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