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Bryan Public Health

What is Public Health? An examination of environmental, social, and economic determinants of health- not just those traditionally addressed by public health and clinical health care
The definition of public health includes interventions to address health issues, including the ______ and _______ of healthcare delivery systems. structure and function
What is meant by population health? this is a BROAD concept of public health that stresses collaboration among traditional public health professions and professionals
What type of approach does population health utilize? evidence-based approach
What are the four components of health? health issues, populations, society's shared health concerns, and society's vulnerable groups
The _____ component of health includes things like physical health, mental health, and medical interventions. Health issues
The _________ component of health includes the idea of a global community and is not confined by geography. Populations
The __________________ component of health includes communicable diseases, emerging infectious diseases, impacts of climate change, toxic exposures from the physical environment, transportation safety, and costs of health care Society's shared health concerns
__________________, a component of health, includes mothers and children, individuals in high-risk occupations, the disabled, the frail elderly, individuals without health insurance, HIV/AIDS patients, and those with genetic vulnerability. Society's vulnerable groups
The ______________________ approach focuses on those with the highest probability of developing disease and aims to bring their risk close to the levels experienced by the rest of the population high risk approach
The ____________ approach focuses on the entire population and aims to reduce the risk for everyone. improving-the-average approach
Health risks extend from ____________________ to _________________. prenatal to postmortem
____________ is the single most important factor influencing causes of death and disability. age
What are the factors that determine the occurrence of disease, disability, and death... Behavior, Infection, Genetics, Geography, Environment, Medical care, and Socioeconomic-cultural
What is the acronym for remembering the factors that determine the occurrence of disease, disability, and death..... BIG GEMS
_______________________ describes the impact of falling childhood death rates and extended life spans on the size and the age distribution of populations. Demographic transition
_____________________ implies that as social and economic development occurs, different types of diseases become prominent Epidemiological/ public health
What is the term used to imply that countries frequently move from poorly balanced diets often deficient in nutrients, proteins, and calories to a diet of highly processed food, including fats, sugars, and salt Nutritional transition
What is the burden of disease? the occurrence of disability and death due to a disease
What is the course of disease? how often the disease occurs, how likely it is to be present currently, and what happens once if occurs
What is the distribution of disease? who, when, and where the disease occurs of affects
How can understanding the distribution of disease help us generate hypothesis about disease causation? assists epidemiologists in finding group associations or patterns in the frequency of a disease
To gain a greater understanding, we examine __________, _________ and __________. person, place, and time
To gain a greater understanding, we examine the ___________ which includes demographic characteristics, behaviors, and exposures person
To gain a greater understanding, we examine the place which tells us the __________ and ____________ between people. geographic location and non-physical connections between people
What are the three basic reasons that changes in rates may be artifactual rather than real? differences in the INTEREST in identifying the disease, differences in the ABILITY to identify the disease, or difference in the DEFINITION of the disease
What is a group association? hypothesis about the cause of a disease without having information on specific individuals within the group
T or F- group associations can be misleading if they suggest relationships that do not exist at the individual level. True
What can we do if all three requirements don't definitively establish contributory cause?? examine supportive criteria (this includes the strength of the relationship, the consistency of the relationship, and the biological plausibility
What does the contributory cause imply? existence of a contributory cause implies that the "cause" increases the chances that the "effect" will develop
To examine the options for implementation, what type of approach should be used? When-Who-How
T or F- deciding when, who, and how to intervene depends in large part upon the available options, the evidence that they work, and our attitudes toward different types of interventions True
_____________________ is methods for collecting, compiling, and presenting health information. Health communications
___________________ addresses how we perceive, combine, and use information to make decisions. Health communications
T or F- data from public health surveillance are collected, published, and distributed while identifying specific individuals. FALSE- does not identify specific individuals
_________________________________ are measurements that summarize the health of populations. Infant mortality rate, life expectancy, under-5 mortality, and health adjusted life expectancy, and disability adjusted life year
What are the three types of effects can greatly influence our perceptions of potential of harms and benefits? dread effect, unfamiliarity effect, and uncontrollability effect
___________ are hazards that easily produce very visual and feared consequences Dread effect
______________ effect are hazards we lack experience with may elicit more fear Unfamiliarity effect
______________ effect is hazards out of our control perceived as more threatening Uncontrollability
What type of information needs to be combined to make health decisions? how likely, how important, how soon....
____________ attitudes favor taking actions or avoiding actions that differ from the recommendations given risk-taking attitudes
What are the three approaches to making informed make healthcare decisions? inform of decision, informed consent, and shared decision making
Created by: Mal.Fine
Popular Health & Social Care sets




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